My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 190: The order of captivity

Lola said that the world was in chaos and there was really no exaggeration.

There are as many as two billion believers in the cross religion in the world. On this basis, the magicians of the cross religion account for at least 30% of the entire group of magicians.

Although it is difficult for many magicians to master the magical attainments of heaven, the fluctuations of Nagato's ascension to the throne spread throughout the plane.

As a result, in less than three days, the news of the birth of the Lord of Heaven has been clamored.

The chaos on the magic side is already inevitable.

But what Lola did not know is that this is just the beginning, the real chaos has not yet come!

School City, Headquarters at dawn.

When the news of the Lord of Heaven came, Retiri, who was sitting on the science side headquarters instead of the long door, was looking at a red button that was opening the shield at the base of the headquarters building.

In less than a moment, the shield had been fully opened, revealing buttons that looked ordinary.

Reaching the button, Retiri raised her right hand.

Putting her finger on the button, Retiri suddenly had a strange feeling of changing the world. The girl knew that her pressing would end the world situation for a long time.

Fortunately, the science side, the magic side will definitely usher in a horrible catastrophe.

She, Retiri, will become the public enemy of all magicians!

"But what about that!"

A red-haired boy flashed in his head, and Retiri suddenly pressed the button.


"The final plan-artificial heaven, open!"

The icy intelligent sound echoed in the underground base. At the same time, the virtual game helmets all over the world issued a mysterious force field similar to the ability of the aim diffuse force field.

In an instant, a huge and indescribable field of terror covered the entire planet.

Under the huge force field, the imaginary math zone slowly blooms

A universe vacuum hundreds of millions of miles away, an unknown asteroid belt.

The battle between Ortinus and Misaka has continued for a long time. Thunder flashes, arrows flew, countless asteroids, many planets, and even several stars were destroyed in the battle between the two.

Especially three days ago, when the Lord of Heaven was born, the battle between the two broke out to the extreme.

But even so, the battle did not give a result.

"Huh, you guys, that's not bad!"

Wandering in the vacuum universe, Ortinus absorbed the power of the Nordic heaven to restore his body.

Looking at Mizaka Misaka who was not well-dressed and repaired her body with mysterious power not far away, the demon girl said so, at the same time, a faint flash of recognition flashed across her face.

"Ha, that's what I said, right?"

In the battlefield, Misaka's victories have soared to the extreme.

Just as Ortinus secretly agreed with Meiqin, did the girls secretly agree with each other in the bottom of their hearts? The two celestial women gradually developed feelings of mutual sympathy in the enduring battle.

It's just that all this does not prevent Meiqin from intercepting each other's actions, and the demon appearing in the world has too much obstacle to Nagato's plan.

Thinking of this, Meiqin couldn't help but looked at the other party, and then just caught Otinus's eyes. The two girls face each other and understand each other ’s determination.

"Really, trouble!"

Sighing secretly in her head, Ortinus was ready to draw power from the Nordic Celestial Realm again. As a result, she clearly felt that her connection with the Nordic Celestial Realm was actually blocked.

Although the barrier is not large, as time goes by, the barrier becomes larger at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

"Damn, what happened !!"

With a shock on her face, Ortinus suddenly turned to the direction of the earth. With the power of the demon god, her eyes went through time and space, and then she saw the "sky" expanding on the earth.

Although it feels a little different, Ortinus is pretty sure that it is indeed expanding.

A heaven that is not much different from many mythical heavens in nature!

It is difficult for Ortinus to imagine how terrible the impact of a celestial meeting in the real world would be. The most intuitive effect is that the magicians will usher in a true end.

The heavens and the world will be completely isolated, and magic will lose its source.

"No, you can't look like this!"

The thought flashed in his mind that Ortinus would turn into a streamer and fly back to the earth, but before she could act, Misaka's figure appeared on her way forward.

"Step aside!"

"Do not!"

"You guys, do you know that something terrible is happening on Earth!"

Knowing that it was impossible to use force to pass the block of the person in front of her, Ortinus tried to persuade each other with words. Then she had just finished speaking, and heard Mizaka Misaka in front of her said:

"I know!"


"You are talking about artificial heavens!"

A faint smile appeared on his face, Misaka Misaka said, "That is the purpose of our academy city. The virtual mathematics area condensed by the aim diffusion force field of many abilities, opens up an artificial heaven that covers the entire earth.

"With this nirvana, we and the science side will win an absolute victory in this war."

"I'm here to intercept your real purpose is to prevent you, the demon of this world, from affecting the opening of the artificial heaven."

Hearing Meiqin's answer, Ortinus' face changed again and again. At the end, she couldn't help but shoot again. The devil girl's strongest weapon, known as a crossbow that could destroy the stars, shot again.

However, Misaka Miqin had long expected that the control of the force extended to the extreme, and the black hole reappeared.


The horrible explosion exploded again.

I didn't know how many stars were affected in a moment, but in the aftermath of the explosion, neither Meiqin nor Ortinus did not retreat. They continued to release various attacks and blasted.

Originally this was a stalemate, but as time passed slowly, the artificial heavens continued to expand.

Ortinus found that he gradually fell into a disadvantage

Although it has the authority of the Nordic Celestial Realm, its real power is far stronger than that of Meiqin, but as the artificial Celestial Realm cut off the connection between her and the authority, Ortinus' output is getting weaker and weaker.

Faced with such a disadvantage, Ortinus was extremely angry but was helpless.

Want to retreat temporarily, but can not get rid of the pursuit of Meiqin.

In this way, the battle continued for three days. Ortinus finally exhausted his power and was captured by Meiqin, becoming the first defeated demon god, thus also opened the prelude of the demolition of the demon god. ..

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