My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 191: Double-strike

Earth, academy city.

With the complete coverage of the artificial heaven realm evolved from the imaginary mathematics area, the chaos officially opened.

On the magic side, the existence of magic is extremely important. It is the sustenance and pride in the hearts of many magicians. When this sustenance and pride is lost, the resulting confusion should not be too exaggerated.

In just a few days, the breath of panic has spread throughout the world, and irrational guys everywhere create chaos.

Fortunately, the science side prepared early for this chaos, and then barely controlled the situation.

Of course, this is just reluctant.

Just as Lola, who has officially resigned to the long door, complained to Retiri through modern technology: "Although I have managed to control the situation on this side, but I cannot restore the spells one day, greater turmoil will burst sooner or later!"

"Relax, I will support you here."

Faced with Lola's complaint, Retiri's small face was full of calmness, "Nagato Jun's plan has been carried out to the most important place, but it will not be abandoned because of the world's chaos."

As soon as the words fell, Retiri turned off the call video, and then stepped forward to the floor-to-ceiling window.

Looking up at the sky, Retiri couldn't help but pray for the long door somehow.

"Come on, Nagato Jun!"

"This is, little Retiri's prayer!"

On the throne of heaven, Nagato sat here for seven days, seeming to hear Retiri's prayer. He finally got up from the throne and moved his body, making a sound between the bones.

Feeling the activity of the absolute kingship in the body and the vastness of heaven's authority, the red-haired boy knew that it was time to act.

Thinking so, the figure of Nagato disappeared in heaven and appeared in the artificial heaven.

The fully expanded artificial celestial realm does not seem to be much different from the former imaginary mathematics area, and the largest range extends from the academy city to the entire planet, and even spreads into the universe.

In the center of the artificial sky, there is a figure that is hard to ignore.

In terms of appearance, it was a nice girl with purple electricity all over her body, long blond hair flying, halo on her head, and dozens of "wings of angels" spreading behind her.

That's not anything else, it's an artificial angel—the wind cuts the ice!

In the original book, this is the advent of Aihuasi in this world, but here in the Nagato, she is no longer the advent of Aiwasi, but the strongest weapon in the artificial heaven, a super blade in the hands of Nagato.

Therefore, her character is not as soft and weak as the original, but is full of coldness and killing.

Nagato appeared in the artificial realm, and she just glanced lightly.

Regarding this point, if the state of mind is not perfect, Nagato may be a little pity, but now he does not care at all. After all, from the perspective of Nagato, the wind in the original book is really worthless.

A mess of thoughts flashed in my head, and the Nagato attracted the absolute kingship in his body, resonating with the artificial realm.


Under the guidance of Nagato, the powerful forces of the artificial celestial realm interweave with the coordinates of the Greek celestial realm that the red-haired boy had previously obtained from Retiri. Then, in a violent roar, a corner of the artificial celestial realm collapsed.

At the other end of the collapsed space, another vague appearance appears.

That's nothing else, it's exactly the Greek heavenly realm!

The artificial heaven and the Greek heaven formally collide.


Seeing this scene, Nagato nodded toward the wind, and then turned into a stream of light. The wind and the ice followed closely, and the two quickly shuttled from the collapsed space to the Greek heaven.

Just before it came to the Greek heaven, what appeared before the long gate was a heaven and earth full of ancient atmosphere.

Before he had time to watch anything, a beast-like roar rang in the ear of the long door.

Then came a slightly violent rage.

"Who is it! Dare to be brazen!"

Along with the sound of rage, a red light turned from the sky into a void, and fell heavily to the ground not far from the long gate, revealing a lion head, a sheep body, and a spitting monster with a snake tail.

In terms of appearance, this monster is undoubtedly a monster in Greek mythology, Chimera!

But Nagato knew that the opponent was not a monster, but a demon.

Greek Demon God-Chimera!

Chimera, who had just arrived, saw the collapsed space and the artificial heaven opposite the space for the first time. For such a situation, Chimera has never been strange, because he has always been here.

Because the Greek Celestial Zone and the Roman Celestial Zone are in the same area, and they are separated from each other, the two Celestial Societies have been in a similar state.

So Chimera was angry, and he never expected that in addition to the Roman Celestial Realm, there are other Celestial dares to come to provoke him!

Then Chimera saw the Nagato, and the wind that followed him fell on the ice.

What can I say in the future


Nagato was simply too lazy to talk to the demon **** in the state of monsters, and directly recorded the Supreme God's Word. The endless murderousness instantly turned into a real blade, and bombarded Chimera.


The demon **** who was caught off guard was immediately blown out by the endless murderous blade.

At this moment, Feng Shuibing's figure followed him.

Xianxiansu's hand pressed directly on the demon.


The vector manipulation that originated from one side spread out from the hands of the wind slashing ice, which caused all the blood in the devil's body to flow countercurrently. In a flash, Chimera's body shattered.

It's just that the Devil God is not an ordinary creature after all, and soon reunited with the help of the Greek Celestial Realm.

"Damn, let me die!"

After the rebirth, the devil burst into flames, which immediately aroused the power of the Greek Celestial Realm. He wanted to annihilate the two enemies in front of him, but he had not yet acted, and the violent shock reverberated throughout the Celestial Realm.

At this moment, the artificial celestial realm once again launched an impact towards the Greek celestial realm, which contained the power of the Greek celestial realm.

Faced with this situation, Chimera's complexion suddenly changed.

It was just that Chimera did not expect that his situation was worse than he thought. At this time, the Roman Celestial Realm actually took advantage of the fire and also launched an impact on the Greek Celestial Realm.

Under the impact of two sides, the Greek Celestial Realm set off an earthquake and tsunami everywhere, but it was actually shaking the foundation ..

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