My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 200: The original root!


The origin of things also.

Just as all beings have their own origins, Nagato once thought about the question, is the endless chaos that breeds hundreds of millions of planes, does it also have its own origin?

The answer is yes.

But Nagato could not observe the origin of chaos.

In fact, not only the Nagato, the other Dao ancestors in the chaos, but even the true will of the earth, could not observe that the chaos that had undergone eight transformations had completely covered up its own past.

Now, Nagato is surprised to find that he seems to be able to observe the origin of chaos.

The reason is simple, that is the factor of the origin of chaos in front of my eyes.

This is the moment when Nagato's previous life is about to fall. The realm has undergone a wonderful sublimation, breaking the realm of the Taoist ancestors, reaching an unprecedented level, directly ingested from the end of time.

Nagato named it-Alpha Factor.

"What a surprise!"

After a long silence, the long door spoke softly.

Since a long time ago, Nagato has been eager to see himself in the previous life, even if a large part of what he has achieved is due to the other party, but his thoughts remain the same.

Because the self in the previous life is a loser, everything of the loser is failure and wrong.

Red-haired teenagers hate failure and hate failure themselves even more.

But now, Nagato realizes in a trance that his previous life is not necessarily a loser. He did suffer from endless calculations and Taoism, but he also left a flame of defeat for the future.

As soon as such an idea came out, Nagato felt a roar in the depths of his soul.

A strong will runs through the three lives, bringing the two minds of Nagato to perfection.

"It's time to complete the final practice!"

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, and Nagato first completely imprisoned the unconscious Aiwas, and threw it directly to Bai Yujing across the endless time and space, and gave it to Saya to deal with.

Then the whole oven shattered and turned into endless energy, converging on the will projection of the long door.


Carrying endless power and Alpha factor, the projection of the will of Nagato broke through the air and returned to the ontology.


The return of will made Nagato's body burst forth with endless power, and the integration of Shura Dao and Jingxue avatar made the white jade Xiaoding above the head of the red-haired boy go further toward consummation.

And the final alpha factor has an unspeakable resonance with the soul of Nagato.

In resonance, the soul of Nagato made a miraculous jump.

The long time of chaos appeared in front of the long gate.

This is a long river of terror filled with endless power of time. Compared with the long river of time on a single plane, the terror of chaotic time has increased countless times. Even the strong ancestors of the Dao ancestors dare not fiddle easily.

However, under the influence of the alpha factor, the red-haired boy could continue to go against the current with his own ideas.

Although it is impossible to change history, it will not be affected by the chaotic time.

Everything in the past slowly unfolded in the eyes of Nagato. Although the history of the strong men who reached the level of Daozu was covered up, the red-haired boy still had a full understanding of the entire history of endless chaos.

As the so-called fear originates from the unknown, and truly understands the current state of chaos, Nagato's grasp of the future is greater.

In less than a moment, Nagato came to a breakpoint in the river of time.

It seems that the nihilism and darkness that can be devoured will cut off the river of time. The chaotic time river before the ninth epoch has been blocked from the opposite of nothingness and darkness.

"This is the breakpoint created by the Chaos Tribulation."

Without other people's explanation, Nagato understood the reason for the breakpoint. Immediately, the red-haired boy couldn't help but stunned. The Chaos Tribulation was really horrible. Even the chaotic time had broken down.

Blocked by the miraculous power of the breakpoint, all creatures cannot go back to a farther past. "But this can't stop me!"

When the idea moved, the Alpha Factor "carried" the long gate across the darkness and entered a new period of time.

The chaotic world, which is very different from that familiar to Nagato, appeared in front of him.

This is-the endless chaos of the eighth era!

Nagato's heart is full of surprises. He can't wait to know everything about the past, and then find out the weaknesses of his enemies from the past information, and complete the great cause of chaotic supremacy.

But before it was too late to put his thoughts into action, Nagato felt that the alpha factor had been greatly weakened.

Obviously, crossing the breakpoint on the long river of chaos is not without cost.


There was something unwilling in Nagato's heart, but he also knew the priority.

I don't stay on this long river of chaotic time now, and continue to flow upstream, and within a short time, Nagato has reached a new breakpoint, so the crossing begins again.

Seventh era, sixth era, fifth era

In the chaotic time of different epochs, the river reversed. Although I was busy rushing to the road, but a quick glance still let Nagato know a lot. Among them, there are two situations, but Nagato is most concerned about.

First, just as chaos continued to develop after the chaos of chaos, the powerful in the endless chaos continued to develop. The existence of Dao Zu only appeared in the eighth era.

There is no Dao ancestor in the seventh era, the strongest is the king of Dao Sheng Realm.

The Fourth Age even did not exist

Second, endless chaos is in a sense the spiritual world of the creatures of the earth, but this creature is not only a human being, but also includes the ultra-ancient civilizations before the human civilization, such as the Atlantis civilization, the Three Eyes civilization, etc. .

Civilization is not even required, as long as it is a creature, the opportunity to diffuse spiritual power is absorbed by chaos.

In addition, Nagato has many other discoveries.

Keeping these findings in mind, Nagato continued to accelerate, and finally when the alpha factor was only consumed by a trace, the red-haired boy came to the first era.

As the first era of the birth of chaos, the chaos of this era is special and weak.

At the same time, the earth was still just a wild, most of the creatures lived in the sea, and even civilization did not exist. As the river of chaos continued to flow countercurrently, Nagato finally came to the true end of the river of chaos.

Here, the red-haired boy saw that at the moment when the first earth creature was born.

At the same time, this is also the moment when earth consciousness was really born.

"This is the root of everything!"

Through the long river of time, Nagato watched the earth consciousness that was conceived by the emergence of the first soul because the foundation was too weak and split, and a small part of the earth consciousness diffused into the void.

After the initial evolution, this part of the earth consciousness turned into the initial chaos.

The alpha factor is part of this initial chaos.

With the continuous evolution of living things, the condensed spiritual power on the earth is getting stronger, but most of them are absorbed by chaos, and only a small part is absorbed by the consciousness of the earth.

"Therefore, the consciousness of the earth will form a personality so late!"

Having reached such a conclusion, Nagato knew that the earth consciousness would instinctively promote the chaos of chaos. Its real purpose is to retrieve the part she lost, but unfortunately, she underestimated chaos.

In the chaos of chaos again and again, chaos is constantly transforming. When she forms herself, it is already too late.

Under the will of many Dao ancestors in chaos, chaos turned into reality is inevitable


Witnessing the beginning of everything, the background of Nagato instantly expanded several times. Between thoughts, countless enlightenments shone in the heart, and the spark of wisdom naturally evolved into a Taoism.

"The three are true and interesting!"

Receiving this God-given Taoism, an unidentified smile appeared in the corner of the long door, and then it did not last. The sword of wisdom condensed in the heart for a moment, and it was a cut towards himself.

"Let me, now!"

Along with words, an illusory long door figure appeared on the river of time.

At the next moment, the illusory long gate directly merged into the final alpha factor, and then turned into a streamer, penetrated through the river of time, and fell into the past years, directly merged with the original chaos. ..

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