My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 201: The ultimate state!


Endless chaos suddenly set off waves of turmoil.

In an instant, I don't know how many planes were subverted, and how many planes were born. Under the influence of the terror chain that swept the Chaos wave, all the strongmen at the Taoist level and above were completely alarmed.

Just let these powerful people explore, but there is no result.

The turmoil quickly subsided and disappeared without a trace

As if it didn't appear at all.

But the real strongmen all put the mutation in the heart, and prepared for the existence of Daosheng in this endless chaos by their own means. None of them are IQ-defective guys.

As the so-called windless waves and turbulence appear, it must be something important happened in the chaos.

In this ninth era of chaos that is destined to innumerable amounts of chaos and the fall of hundreds of millions of souls, any wind and grass is worthy of the attention of the powerful chaos, not to mention an important event that can cause the entire chaotic reaction.

The entire chaotic situation has become more dignified because of this opportunity

And at this time, the void inside the gate on the other side.


Suddenly sitting in the long door of the void, his face suddenly turned pale.

But the pale face of the red-haired boy showed ecstasy.

"I succeeded!"

He couldn't help whispering to himself, but the excitement in Nagato's heart was indescribable. Just now, he even engraved his will on the origin of chaos, and he truly became invincible in chaos.

Even if defeated in the future catastrophe, Nagato can regenerate again with the power of chaos.

Want to really kill the long door, unless the entire chaos is completely destroyed.

The current Nagato is like a saint in the legend of Honghuang, but compared to the Hongtian Tiandao saint who is immortal and will never die, Nagato is a saint who is a chaotic avenue who will never die if chaos is indestructible.

"However, it's really dangerous!"

After the excitement, even Nagato couldn't help but feel a trace of fear.

There are many reasons why Nagato can successfully imprint his will on the origin of chaos. First of all, he got the alpha factor left over from his previous life, which can be used to reach the beginning of the long river of chaos that no one can reach.

Secondly, in the course of a long river against time, Nagato's realization of the power of time reached an unprecedented level.

Also, the essence of time is logic!

The time in the plane is the logic of the world, and the time of the chaotic long river is the logic of endless chaos, but the eight breakpoints on the long river of chaotic time make the chaotic logic have a trace of loopholes.

If there weren't such a loophole, how could Nagato make such an act of tampering with chaotic history.

Of course, the most important thing is the method of "three-self-verification" that Naruto realized.

This is the endless foundation and unique life experience of the red-haired boy, combined with supreme wisdom and epiphany. It is naturally born, and it is the final method of Nagato's practice in chaos.

The main body of this method refers to the method of cutting off the three corpses and the principle of time, which is consistent with the reincarnation of Longmen III, and evolves into me, the Tao and the true self.

Every living being has a past, present, and future, corresponding to the passing me, the true me, and the Tao. The combination of three me is life!

According to Longmen ’s calculations, as long as he completes the evolution of the three-self and reintegrates it, he can completely grasp his life and condense the truth beyond chaos, thus detaching from this chaos.

In a sense, this is Nagato's own alternative chopping three corpses. Although there have been three corpses, it is essentially the three corpses of the previous life.

Of course, it is not easy to truly complete the three-self verification.

At least to me, Nagato is completely clueless.

It is probably the easiest to accomplish the dead me that has been cut out. After all, the so-called dead me is the past cohesion of the long door. After acknowledging the past life, the past of the long door has been completely penetrated, only one step away from the cohesion.

So the red-haired boy was just a thought, and he cut me out with the sword of wisdom.

The past is real, but for the present and the future, it is also illusory, so the existence of dying me is both real and illusory. It is precisely because of this characteristic that decaying me can come to the chaos of the first era and merge into chaos. the origin.

But even with all kinds of superior conditions, Nagato's action almost failed.

The resistance of the chaotic instincts made me almost disappear directly.

If I had to do it again, the red-haired boy would not dare to guarantee success. After all, he calculated chaos-even the real-world consciousness has some helpless chaos, which is definitely much stronger than Nagato.

"But from now on, the entire chaos is my home field!"

Thinking so in his mind, the excitement of Nagato began to dissipate. To be honest, as time went by, he was more and more tired of this illusory chaos, and he longed for a larger stage.

and so--

"It's time to go further!"

Slowly rising from the void, the injury on the long door has already been healed in this short period of time, and as the chaotic truth passed from my place, the breath of the red-haired boy became more and more obscure.

Nagato wants to get rid of chaos, either through the chaos of chaos, or achieve the three-self, detached chaos.

Compared to passive waiting, red-haired teenagers prefer to take the initiative to attack!

The true self symbolizes the present, which is different from the deceased self. In the view of the long door, it does not need to be cut out, or that standing in the chaotic extreme, the long door of the perfect Taoist ancestor is his true self.

Thinking this way, Baiyu Xiaoding over the head of the long door fell, and a white jade sword flew out of the body of the long door.

"Boom !!!"

The mysterious resonance resonates between Ding Li, Sword of Slash and Nagato.

With the passage of time, two super weapons that were enough to smash the world and destroy thousands of them appeared to disintegrate in resonance, and countless mysteriously slowly integrated into the body and even the soul of Nagato.

"Sure enough, the most powerful weapon I believe in is myself!"

Realizing the mystery that flows from the weapon into the body and mind, and recalling the many weapons forged on the path of one's life, one can't help but sigh softly.

For the entire seven days, Li Zhiding and Sword of Sword were fully integrated into the body and mind of Nagato. The horror accumulation contained in the two weapons allowed Nagato's two minds to directly cross the threshold and enter the realm of Taoism.

Heart, god, body, and qi have all achieved Taoist ancestors. The essence of the Nagato has undergone earth-shaking changes in an instant.

It's just showing up, but it's just that the red-haired boy's cloud is breezy and natural.

The yin and yang jade that used to seal the power in the body naturally flew out and fell into the hands of the long door.

"Finally reached, the ultimate state of chaos practice!"

Withdrawing Baoyu, Nagato sighed softly, and finally reached the realm that he had been struggling to pursue, but Nagato's mood was unsurpassed. He stepped out and his figure disappeared in place. ..

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