My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 1: New beginning!

Time rushed, and in a flash it was hundreds of years.

After reaching the ultimate state of chaotic practice, Nagato returned to Bai Yujing and entrusted the gate of the other shore and the world of forbiddenness to Saya to deal with. The red-haired boy immersed himself in the gentle township all day long, looking like he was unhappy Swallow.

Just that Nagato does nothing does not mean that nothing will happen.

On the contrary, huge changes have occurred!

The long gate and the chaotic star space are complementary to each other, and the ultimate long gate has made a great impact on Bai Yujing and the entire chaotic star sky.

Generally speaking, as long as one of the two strengthens, the other will also become stronger.

The ultimate impact of Nagato's promotion is that in just a few hundred years, the background of the entire chaotic star sky has exploded at a rate visible to the naked eye, the rules have become deeper, the crystal walls have become firmer, and the system has grown. Perfect.

The strength of the three consciousnesses of the heaven, earth, and the people who are in charge of the operation of the chaotic star sky has also surged to an unimaginable level.

Even ordinary Taoist ancestors are difficult to resist any of the three Dao consciousnesses.

The three forces together can suppress the Taoist strong.

The defense of the chaotic starry sky has been upgraded to an extreme point, and it has truly become a strong fortress of Nagato and Bai Yujing. Apart from the leaders of the eight civilizations and the real earth consciousness, Nagato is confident that there is no existence to break this fortress.

Nagato has been immersed in the gentle township for hundreds of years, and the enhancement of the chaotic starry sky has continued for hundreds of years.

Hundreds of years of immersion did not kill Nagato's ambition, but erased the last exhaustion deep in his heart. After the exhaustion disappeared, the red-haired boy was finally ready to start Bai Yujing's operation.

"Sir, these are the documents that Lord Saya prepared for you."

When Nagato made a decision, a silver-haired maid brought him information that had happened over hundreds of years.

Although Nagato can always know what has happened in the past hundreds of years as long as he wants, Nagato will not do this unless necessary. To him, he is too omniscient, but will make his life boring.

After receiving the information, Nagato put the silver-haired maid into her arms with one hand, unbuttoned her shirt, and began to explore the secret.

The silver-haired maid's pretty face was suddenly flushed, and there was a kind of indescribable cuteness.

Nagato couldn't help but bowed his head and kissed the girl's face: "I find that I like you more and more, Sakuya!"

"Big, adult"

He whispered in a low voice, the maid named Saki Ye couldn't say the whole thing.

Sixteen nights and nights, this is the full name of the silver-haired maid.

When he did n’t meet each other in the fantasy town, Nagato was still a pity, but who knew when he returned hundreds of years ago, Nagato found that his daughter, Remilia, did n’t know where to perfect this The chic maid was found.

The ultimate promotion of Nagato is not only an influence on the chaotic starry sky, but also a great influence on his bloodline.

Sakura, Rin, Eliya and Shelly are just daughters with certain strength of Nagato. Fortunately, as the true bloodline heirs of Nagato, the two girls Remilia and Fran Toro met with Nagato. After that, I got the most comprehensive sublimation directly.

In other words, it is not a sublimation, but a nirvana.

Until now, the two of them have been sleeping in the original space of the chaotic starry sky.

Under such circumstances, Sixteen Nights Miyake became the close-fitting maid of the Nagato, in various senses. teasing the beautiful maid in her arms, Nagato began to browse the information.

According to the description on the data, the war between Bai Yujing and the Space-Time Administration has come to an end at this time, and the decisive combat effectiveness of the Nagato is lacking. The war between Bai Yujing and the Space-Time Administration did not present an overwhelming advantage from the beginning.

Even the Space and Time Administration occupies a certain advantage.

However, with the support of the chaotic starry sky, Bai Yujing became more and more courageous in war, and the terror's details were continuously transformed into combat power.

Especially since hundreds of years ago.

The enhancement of the chaotic starry sky has also led to the evolution of many high-ranking people in Bai Yujing, such as Luo Hao, Zhu Yuebrunn Stadt, Ying Qishi, Yakumo Zi, Feng Jian You Xiang, etc. Holy level.

At this point, Bai Yujing began to enter the stage of saint blowout!

But to be honest, all those who can become Bai Yujing's top executives are the arrogant daughters of the many lovers of Nagato. The qualities and perseverance are top-notch, coupled with Bai Yujing's support and the opportunity for chaotic starry sky enhancement. It is also normal.

Under such circumstances, Bai Yujing has more and more advantages, and the subordinate planes of the Space and Time Administration have fallen one by one.

Even the Ultraman behind the Space and Time Administration will be useless.

About seventy years ago, many female concubines of Bai Yujing directly penetrated into the core plane of the headquarters of the Space and Time Administration and directly attacked the home stars of the Ultramans, the legendary Ultra star.

At that time, not only the Ultraman who lived on the Ultra Star, but also other Ultraman planes, such as Dijia, came to help.

The battle between Bai Yujing and Ultraman lasted a full three years.

The flames of war spread to more than a dozen universes, destroying unknown stars, and even the most powerful mysterious four Olympics in Altman, Noah Altman, Saiga Altman, and Reggio Altman. The King of Otto was involved.

The war almost ended in a draw directly, but the victory was finally inclined to Bai Yujing.

Noah Altman, who is known as the incarnation of light in the mysterious Four Olympics, was directly hit by the Yeye and the daughters in a peerless battle. The Saiga Altman and the king of Alter were girls such as Broly and Luo Hao. Fell under siege.

Seeing that he was doomed to death, in order to preserve the last kind of fire, Regedo Altman, known as the **** of the universe, directly merged with the consciousness of the universe.

Regarding the entire universe as a body, Regedo blocked Bai Yujing's offensive and shielded other Altman and space-time authority executives from leaving, but he eventually died with the collapse of his fusion universe.

It stands to reason that after this battle, the main force of the Space-Time Administration was beaten, and Bai Yujing could absolutely wipe it out like a wind and a cloud.

But the result was somewhat beyond the expectations of Bai Yujing's senior officials.

It is clear that Sun Shan ’s time and space administration has resurrected. They not only avoided Bai Yujing ’s investigation, but also contacted many powerful people in the entire chaotic area who did not want to submit to Bai Yujing under heavy pursuit.

Gradually, the Space-Time Administration transformed into a new alliance, an alliance specifically against Bai Yujing.


Seeing this information, the corner of the long door mouth slightly ticked.

It was indeed unexpected that the situation developed into this. After all, Saya was in control of the other side of the door, and all the information in the chaotic area could not hide her-in such a case, the ending of the Space and Time Administration and the Giant of Light had already been doomed.

But the fact is that even Saya's investigation was concealed by the Space and Time Administration.

It is said that there is no greasiness, and Nagato will never believe it.

"Who secretly moves?"

A lot of possibilities flashed in my head. The long-door mind of Nagato, who was a little tired after being immersed in the gentle township for hundreds of years, gradually became active. Quietly moving, the red-haired boy felt that the long-sleeping dragon , It's time to open fangs. ..

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