My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 2: Tianjiao Competition

Although Jing Ji thought, but Nagato was not in a hurry.

Continuing to browse the information that Saya organized for him, Nagato gradually gradually understood Bai Yujing now, the more he understood, the more obvious the curvature of his mouth was.

Now Bai Yujing has really developed, and he can definitely be called the hegemony of the endless chaos.

In addition to the eight chaotic civilizations, Bai Yujing is enough to fight against everything.

Especially as Nagato ascended to the realm of Taoist ancestors, his rationality was gradually etched into all aspects of the chaotic starry sky, and many different spiritual systems in Bai Yujing seemed to have found the backbone.

Taking the principle of reason as the core, various systems of practice have taken a leap, deducing their own splendor.

"Perhaps it's almost time to build civilization!"

Looking at Bai Yujing's current situation, such thoughts emerged in Nagato's heart.

In the current chaos, it is not only the mainstream to turn one's own power into a civilization. This is not only because civilization is more energetic and cohesive than simple forces, but also because civilization can become a boost for Taoist progress.

Generally speaking, after the birth of the Taoist ancestors, in order to take it one step further, they will spread out their spiritual practice to form a unique civilization.

And once the practice in civilization is successful, it will give back some strength to the Taoist ancestors.

Civilization and Taoism are complementary to each other.

It's just that for Nagato, he is a bit different from other Taoist ancestors. It's not that he is the perfect ancestor, but that Nagato's death is at the beginning of the long river, blending with the root of chaos.

Through this connection, Nagato observed almost every moment and realized the true meaning of chaotic evolution.

Without civilization, Nagato can continue to grow. In fact, during the hundreds of years of drunken life, Nagato's background and combat power have been improved by nearly 50%. This has been the result of tens of millions of years of other Dao ancestors.

Although the speed at which Nagato becomes stronger will slow down with the passage of time, that is also enough for the red-haired boy to reach the top.

Therefore, Nagato does not require so-called civilization.

Just that he does n’t need it does n’t mean that Bai Yujing does n’t need others. In Nagato ’s view, without the blessing of civilization, the other girls of Bai Yujing might have difficulty reaching the realm of Taoist ancestors.

"It just seems that the establishment of civilization requires the preparation of a civilization artifact."

In the mind flashed the reason that had been merged by himself, and the long door couldn't help but feel helpless.


At this time, under the amusement of Nagato, Sakuya finally couldn't help but whisper.

Looking at the calm silver-haired maid on weekdays with a pink face and spring water, the long door finally couldn't help but put down the information in his hand and hugged the maid into the bedroom.

It took three days and three nights for the long door to walk out of the room with a fresh face.

Behind him, the silver-haired maid followed as always.


"Sakuya, you can take a break!"

After a glance at the maid behind him, the long door pondered, and said, although it was not the first time, the "fighting" for three consecutive days and nights still had some influence.

"Please rest assured, I have rested."

Facing Nagato's proposal, Sakuya Sakuya said lightly and took out a pocket watch.

Seeing this, Nagato rolled his eyes.

The pocket watch is called the month timepiece, and it was a gift from Nagato to Misaki. It was originally a magical tool obtained by Nagato when he killed the horse, that is, the brother of the super primitive **** Koronos. An artifact with the ability to stop time.

In view of Sakuya's way in time and space, especially the way of time has a very strong talent, Nagato handed her the month timepiece to her.

Obviously, the silver-haired maid had just rested on the monthly time when he didn't know. "Well, it ’s up to you!"

Knowing the maid ’s stubbornness, Nagato did not insist on his own opinions. Of course, the most important thing is that he has been accustomed to Misaki ’s service over the years. He has to say that a maid with the ability to stop time is really capable.

So far, Nagato has had many maids, but the sixteen nights Miyaki definitely belongs to the top.


With his maid, Nagato walked out of her private villa residence.

Outside the villa is a city made of white jade.

Heavenly Bai Yujing, the 12th floor of the Five Cities.

This is the original layout of Bai Yujing, but with the continuous expansion of the chaotic starry sky, the center of the chaotic starry sky in the sky is also expanding, and Baiyujing also rises with the water, and its layout naturally changes.

At this time, Bai Yujing is not only a city of five, but there are as many as three thousand cities.

The distribution of these cities is corrugated, mainly divided into a main city, forty-nine large cities and more than 2,000 satellite cities, of which the main city and large cities are the residences of high-rise Baiyujing.

Among them are the top executives of Bai Yujing and the saints of Nagato.

By the way, women live in these places.

And it is an outstanding woman.

The satellite city is Bai Yujing's office location and the interface to the outside world. Its main residents are Bai Yujing's researchers, middle-level cadres and family members, and of course there are some geniuses absorbed by exceptions.

The city where Nagato is now is a satellite city.

Actually, Nagato originally lived in the main city, but how to say, he has too many believers in the main city.

Facing believers every day is too monotonous.

So decades ago, Nagato moved to this satellite city with his maid.

As soon as I went out, the long door felt that the atmosphere of the city was a bit wrong.

The atmosphere of similar celebrations is in the air.

A large number of residents are gathering together in twos and threes towards the center of the city.

Nagato could also hear the residents ’discussions clearly, what fairy queen is the most likely, what demon is not weak, what Kurosaki Ichigo is not bad, what emperor is so beautiful and so on.

In addition to this, even without active exploration, Nagato can perceive that a large number of creatures are gathering towards this city.

Immediately, the red-haired teenager couldn't help but wonder: What happened in this city?

"It is the first Chaos Starry Sky Competition!"

Seeming to understand what Nagato was thinking, Sakuya Sakuya said at once, "Not long ago, Bai Yujing planned to conduct a Tianjiao competition every 100 years, which will summon the Tianjiao who are under a hundred years old from various planes and celestial realms of the chaotic sky game."

"The Tianjiao rising in the competition will receive amazing rewards and the tilt of Bai Yujing resources."

"The sea elections and knockouts of the first Tianjiao Competition have ended."

"It will be the final soon, and the place is right here."

"Just right? Not necessarily!"

Hearing Miyuki ’s statement, Nagato chuckled and said, thinking about Nagato with his toes, it was definitely the group of girls who deliberately arranged the finals here to make themselves look relieved.

After all, the city where Nagato is located is just a rather unremarkable one of the 2,000 satellite cities.

Under normal circumstances, such a contest will not be held here.

"Now that's the case, go check it out!"

After all, it's a little bit of his love for people. Nagato will never fail. Immediately, the red-haired boy took his maid to the final place of the so-called Tianjiao competition. ..

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