My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 5: Compete at the top of the list!

Black God Eye Taki!

For this name, Nagato is no stranger.

The heroine of the darkest god, the strongest president of anime, the 98th generation apprentice president of Ha Ting Academy, has been hailed as the "protagonist" of this world, a perfect person rarely seen for thousands of years.

Nagato still cares about her because of her skills.

One of the animals tends to avoid, in essence, it is frightening, the domineering animals will avoid.

With this skill, she is definitely a natural overlord!

And what Nagato cared about was the second skill of the black **** Meguro, completed.

The so-called completion is to be able to acquire the strength of the people fighting and grow to 100% full play, so it is said to be qualified as a "complete human".

If you complete the King Earth that can be controlled by your physical abilities, you can increase your physical abilities to 120% or higher.

The concept of the foundation of this skill is "I can do it when others can do it. Simply put, I want to be as strong as I want".

To be honest, I can see the black **** eyes tumble here, and Nagato is also surprised. After all, such terrible talent, Bai Yujing ’s high-level celestial women are rarely able to, Nagato will definitely want to take it Put it under your command.

Immediately, the red-haired boy turned his eyes to the live screen of the black god.

The first time, he saw a blue-haired girl holding a fan.

The girl wore a college uniform somewhere, but it seemed that the uniform and her own improperness made the school uniform full, which added a unique charm.

The girl was surrounded by dense weirdness, completely surrounding it, or more correctly, she was in a weird lair.

Facing the weirdness surrounding them, the girl just turned the fan in her hand and gave it a gentle blow.

In the understatement, a large amount of weirdness dissipated into dust.

The awe-inspiring domineering even diffused from the screen.

"not bad!"

Seeing this scene, Nagato could not help but softly applaud.

Not to mention, this temperament alone is impressive, but somehow, Nagato feels a trace of familiarity from this domineering, as if it is felt somewhere.

Subconsciously, Nagato read the data of the black god's eyes directly from Akashia's records.

Although Nagato decided not to read the Akashia records easily in order to ensure more fun in the future, the value of the black **** Mitaki is worthy of Nagato breaking his own rules and testing it well.

Then Nagato discovered an interesting thing, that is, the black **** Mitaki turned out to be one of the representatives of Tianjiao dispatched by Bai Yujing headquarters.

And her master is no one else, it is Luo Hao.

Obviously, the domineering that made Nagato feel familiar was Luo Hao's true biography!

The Akashia record records that the plane where the black **** Maki was born was a plane planet that became chaotic starry sky eighteen years ago. At that time, the leader of the conquest sent by Bai Yujing was Luo Hao. Hao noticed the newly born black **** Megaki.

After seeing the talent of the black god's eyes, Luo Hao almost did not hesitate to accept it as his closed disciple.

"well done!"

Naomen almost clapped and applauded Luo Hao's move.

Originally in Nagato's idea, if the Black God Eye Taki was the Black God Eye Taki in his memory, then he would have to do some tricks. After all, the Black God Eye Taki in the original book had a huge flaw. In the original destiny, the Black God would lose his mother at birth, and then grow abnormally to six months after birth, the body will grow to be like a 5-year-old child, and can quickly learn through combat To gain the abnormal ability of others.

Afterwards, the problem arises. Due to the rapid growth, the Black God will feel like a sinful existence, unable to understand exactly why it exists.

Immediately at the age of 2 years old, the young Black God Megaki met the hero of the original book while escaping from the hospital, and it became the meaning of her survival because of his sentence "it must exist for the happiness of others".

"Fortunately, Luo Hao took a step faster!"

Thinking of this, Nagato couldn't help but feel lucky.

Although Nagato doesn't hate the kind of guy who is obsessed with the happiness of others, he doesn't like it either.

Because of this existence, even the best talents are not suitable for practicing. The practitioners are not without perseverance, but the practice is ultimately a selfish behavior. This kind of personality full of selfless qualities is simply not suitable.

Fortunately, the existence of Luo Hao, the black **** Mu Taki will not repeat the fate of the original.

Part of the child's personality is born, but it also depends to a large extent on the people he contacts with after birth. The black **** Megaki who has been in contact with Luo Hao all year round, let alone say, the most important thing is that she must be overbearing Of the heirs.

Distracted and versatile For Nagato, it is as simple as eating and drinking.

Therefore, the red-haired boy who was still reading Akashia's records quickly discovered that in addition to the black god's eyes, several other names suddenly airborne to the standings, and launched a shock toward the top of the list.

Their names are Ewen Jielin, Boya Han Cook, Ed Wise, Aliang Liangmu Yuehuo and Aichuan Run.

"All girls, don't you?"

Seeing these names, Nagato thought of a certain possibility, and then immediately read the Akashia record, his heart moved freely, countless messages flashed through, and Nagato quickly proved his guess.

The origins of these girls are similar to the black **** Meguro. They are all from Bai Yujing headquarters and are apprentices of Nagato who loves people.

Among them, the young vampire true ancestor Yi Wenjie from the anime and magic teacher is undoubtedly a disciple of Zhu Yue, and even Heiji Erteluqi and Baiji Erkuite have publicly admitted that Yi Wenjielin is her sister .

"I don't know what it would be like when Remi and Fulan woke up and knew they had an aunt who was younger than themselves."

Looking at what appeared on the screen, the nine-year-old vampire Zhenzu manipulated countless dolls to kill the enemy. This thought flashed in the head of the long door, and then his eyes turned to the competition for several other tops. Those.

Emperor Boyahan Cook, who was born in the One Piece plane, is special. She has no master.

When conquering the One Piece plane, Bai Yujing's girls found the legendary devil fruit tree and made an ultimate devil fruit, but no one wanted to eat it.

In the end, after thinking, Boyahan Cook was very lucky to become a fruit consumer.


Looking at the empress embodying thousands of elements in the picture, Nagato chuckled.

Next, Ed Wyeth, who came from the hero of the Cavaliers Tan, is similar to the Empress to some extent, but unlike the Emperor who was lucky to become the ultimate devil fruit ability, she is only a member of Bai Yujing.

However, Ed Wise, who was born with outstanding Kendo talent, grew up quickly with his own talents and Bai Yujing's generosity of many Kendo girls.

In the arrogance of this competition, Ed Wyeth has long gained fame and even has the title of Valkyrie.

The last Aichuan Run and Aliang Liangmu Yuehuo are a little strange.

Although the former is a protagonist in the memory of Nagato's previous life, and is known as the strongest human being, and even almost destroyed the world, it is only a human being at best, and it is not conspicuous in the endless world.

But the wonderful thing is that she has become a disciple of Feng Jian You Xiang, and carried You Xiang's fighting style to the extreme.

As for the final Aliangliangmu Yuehuo is even more subtle, she is not even the protagonist, but a supporting role, and the special ability she possesses is just the weirdness of the Phoenix, which is an immortal ability.

It seems to be a fool of fate. It happened that Qi Shi saw Luo Hao and Zhu Yue both having disciples. When she wanted to take her off, she appeared.

Then, under the guidance of Qi Shi, or torture, the new martial **** named Moonblade-Moonfire, was born! ..

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