My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 6: Alaya's discovery!

"Sword, Moonfire!"

He whispered softly, and Nagato gazed at the petite girl who appeared on the screen.

The luxurious kimono imprinted with the phoenix's wings spread on the collocation has some young and pretty face, but it is unexpectedly suitable.

The indifferent gesture is revealed most vividly in manners, unlike human beings.

Obviously, Qishi forged a knife similar to his own.

"Fate is really wonderful!"

For a moment of silence, Nagato could only express such emotions.

The original Moonfire was only the sister of the hero of the anime story series, the girl who was immortalized by the monstrous phoenix imitation, smart, hysterical, and quite neurotic.

The seemingly introverted appearance, the inner personality is more aggressive than his sister Huo Ping, and irritable.

But the Moonfire in front of him no longer has those characteristics.

Intertwined with weakness and indifference, she is a newborn sword!

For such changes, Nagato did not feel anything bad. The only thing that made him more curious was how Qi Shi had tuned the moon fire to his current attitude.

Thinking of this problem, he immediately read the relevant Akashia records.

Then, the red-haired boy couldn't help being silent.

Qishi's teaching is actually very simple, that is, she temporarily wiped out the memory of Yuehuo, so that she can accept the guidance in the initial state of mind. It is more correct to say that she accepted the actual combat training of Qishi.

Nearly 20,000 deaths, one-on-one faith teaching, nearly five hundred years of spiritual training

"Really, there are seven real styles!"

With admiration, Nagato seemed to be able to see the girl who was always so weak in kimono smiling at him.

At this moment, the changes on the battlefield of the finals are reborn!


The horrible explosion exploded on the plane full of weirdness, nearly one tenth of the virtual screen was filled with the light, sparks and smoke of the explosion, and the three names suddenly jumped to the top three in the standings.

——Nana Takamachi, Pite Tester Rosa and Iori Blast!

Seeing these three names, Nagato couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Subconsciously, the eyes of the red-haired boy penetrated all the obstacles and descended into the world of the battlefield within the enchantment. Through the endless smoke set off by the spreading explosion, he saw three girls suspended in midair.

The three girls seem to be the same group, all very young, about 13 years old.

Among them is a chestnut single ponytail girl holding a white wand like a trident, and the left side of the double ponytail girl is a golden double ponytail girl holding a tomahawk wand, and the right side is a hand holding a book of magic Dao A girl with short brown hair wearing a beret.

"It's really them, the Magic Cannon Trio!"

With a soft sigh, Nagato expressed some surprise.

For the very deep existence of these three first-person memories, Nagato always thought that he would be hostile to them. After all, what he is now confronting with Bai Yujing is the alliance with the Space-Time Administration as the core.

The organization served by the Magic Cannon Trio is the so-called Space-Time Administration.

Therefore, Nagato always thought they would be their enemies.

But now it seems that he is different.

After a moment of thought, he was connected to Akashia's memory again. The long door couldn't help but smile bitterly. Not long ago, he decided not to be too omniscient, and now he has frequently broken his own restrictions.

"Forget it, this kind of thing is just fine!"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and Nagato began to browse the information.

Soon, the red-haired boy got the answer: Bai Yujing's enemy, the Space-Time Administration and the Space-Time Administration where Naye is located are two different things. The former is a peace organization developed with Altman as the core.

The latter is just a trans-temporal organization in a more remote place of chaos.

Not long ago, this space-time authority disintegrated into Bai Yujing, and the daughters of destiny in the original works of Naye became a member of Bai Yujing, and received a lot of high-level guidance from Bai Yujing to practice the magic system.

"That's it!"

After getting the desired answer, Nagato disconnected the connection between consciousness and Akashia's record, and watched the almost cannon-like highlights of the three young girls from Naha Takamachi.

To be honest, in terms of absolute strength, the level of the three girls in Naye is actually only moderate in many days.

Of course, this may also be related to the fact that they are too young now.

But even so, their points quickly got rid of the other contestants and soared at a crazy speed. There is no way this kind of almost map-cannon attack is really appropriate to score.

And it seems to feel the map cannon of the magic cannon trio, and other Tianjiao have also revealed their tricks.

All of a sudden, the whole Tianjiao Contest was full of visions, so wonderful!


At one moment, Nagato suddenly frowned.

At the same time, the desperate young lady in the arms of the red-haired boy and the silver-haired maid behind him felt that a vast expanse of will appeared in the space of the VIP room.

Soon, the vitality in the void condensed and turned into a dark-haired girl in a red Gothic costume.

The petite and lovely girl's face was indifferent, as if endless wisdom was brewing in her eyes.

The humane control consciousness of the chaotic starry sky-Alaya.

Here, appears!

"the host!"

After appearing, the girl bowed slightly towards the long door for the first time.

"what's up?"

Seeing the appearance of Alaya, the long door immediately asked, the red-haired boy knew, as the chaotic starry sky continued to expand, the control consciousness of the three worlds of heaven, earth and people was in a very busy period.

Under such circumstances, the three consciousnesses would not come to see him specially unless they encountered special things.

"I just found a special individual."

Facing the inquiry from the long gate, Alaya didn't hesitate and immediately replied, "Although this individual is weak, there is a gap between the body and the soul, and it can be concluded that the other party is a traverser."

"And more importantly, the other party has a nature that is far superior to other creatures, and even no less than the level of Taoist ancestors."

"Therefore, after preliminary judgment, this is a traverser from real earth."


It is said that after the initial stun, Nagato could not help but chuckled softly: "Haha, it is really interesting, it seems that there is no way to continue to appreciate this Tianjiao contest."

"Forget it, go tell Saya, and then take me to see, my fellow man!" ..

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