My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 7: Outside the game

The traverser is actually not uncommon.

There are so many traversers with memo files in Bai Yujing alone that they do n’t know where to go, and even in the first Tianjiao competition, there are nearly three-digit traversals.

But traversers born in real earth are too rare.

The reason for this is very simple. The barrier between reality and chaos is too strong. Except for chance coincidences, few real-earth creatures can cross this barrier.

And once a creature can cross the barriers of truth and chaos and come to chaos, then it will have great luck.

This is a clear rule determined by the origin of chaos in the real earth.

Then, under the intertwining of luck, the place where the traversal came will automatically avoid the sight of the chaotic strongmen, so it is a rare thing to find a traverser from the real earth.

Immediately, the red-haired boy no longer paid attention to the Tianjiao competition, and walked into the void under the leadership of Alaya.

Enoshima Shield and Sixteen Nights Miyake followed him.

In the blink of an eye, Nagato and others crossed the endless time and space and landed on a plane planet on the edge of the chaotic starry sky. For the first time, everyone felt endless maliciousness.

The pupils reflected the whole world, and only the decay and chaos were seen by Nagato.

Although it is still a world of human beings, the hearts of people in this world have already been distorted. The good people are not allowed to end their lives, and their souls will also be eroded by demons.

Everything on this plane is in a rather delicate state.

All the laws are gradually distorted, and the entire plane seems to be faintly transformed into another existence.

"Actually the prototype of the abyss plane!"

After a moment of pondering, a trace of surprise flashed across the face of Nagato.

Among the eight Chaos civilizations, there is an abyss civilization. This civilization is very unique, and some are not even civilizations, because his essence is a twisted chaotic will, the abyss will.

The origin of the abyssal will is the negative factor born in the development of the plane, such as the evil of this world, the origin of sin and the like.

The abyss will derived from many negative factors as the core released its original force towards the entire chaos, distorted more souls, and even the plane, and finally evolved into the abyss civilization.

And the plane in front of me is only eroded by the force of the abyss to become such a gesture.

After being surprised, Nagato thought about it.

The Abyssal Will is definitely a very painful existence in the Taoist ancestor. He does not even have reason, and no outsiders can communicate with it at all. When fighting with it, he still has to worry about whether he will explode with interest.

In the information known to the red-haired boy, the Abyssal Will had six Taoist-level battles.

One of them was forced to explode, and three times when he was excited, he exploded, with a probability of more than 60% of self-detonation, which made all Daozu respect him.

But there is no doubt that He is the Taoist ancestor, and his Tao has been inscribed with chaos, and has become an existence similar to the law of chaos.

Therefore, in theory, any plane, any creature may draw the force of the abyss.

But the theory is the theory. The chaos where the long gate is located was suppressed by the gate on the other side, and was approved by the entire chaos. The force of the abyss is logically impossible to erode here.

Because of this, it is possible that demons full of peace, such as Lias and Sazax, appear.

It ’s just the fact that, in this way, Nagato can only draw one conclusion:

"The door to the other bank has gradually lost control of this chaotic piece."

Speaking is that I do n’t know when Saya appeared next to Nagato. I saw the girl in white hugged Nagato ’s right hand directly. "Brother Nagato, the battle is getting shorter and shorter."

"I haven't seen you in some time, Saya!" Regarding what the girl in white said, Nagato was undeniable, but just mentioned another topic, "How about the research on Aiwasi, what have you gained?"

After returning from the forbidden plane, Edwards was handed over to Saya by the long gate.

In other words, Saya took the initiative to find the long door to ask for Ewas.

"Achieve a lot!"

Hearing the inquiry from Nagato, a look of excitement appeared on Saya's face. "The presence of Edwards has greatly inspired me, and the path to promotion to Daozu is vaguely visible."

"That's good."

After hearing this, Nagato was also very happy.

As Bai Yujing's core high-level and the person in charge of the other side of the gate, Saya is definitely the strongest among Bai Yujing's many Daoshengs, and is the closest to the realm of Daozu.

But even so, Shaye's promotion to Taoist ancestors is also indefinite, and I don't know where to start.

Now, she can vaguely see the way of promotion. With the qualifications, chances, and luck of Saya, Nagato has no doubt that, over time, Saya will become Bai Yujing's second Taoist ancestor.

"It's worthy of Saya!"

Although it was not the first time, Nagato could not help feeling the evil spirit of Saya.

Since his birth, Saya has always been behind him. Obviously more character is occupied by Nagato, and Miya's heart is more pinned on Nagato, but she still will not fall behind him much.

Nagato absolutely does not doubt that if there is no self, Saya's future will definitely make anyone frightened.

"Since Saya is here, then Alaya!"

After emotion, Nagato's eyes turned to Alaya in red not far from his side.

"Yes, please follow me."

Bowing slightly towards the long door, Alaya raised her slender right hand and tapped into the void.

In an instant, a mirror reflecting the plane appeared in the sky, the picture in the mirror continued to expand, and soon a new baby in a very old-looking castle was locked.

At the same time, Alaya's voice whispered in the ears of everyone: "In fact, this plane was originally prepared to give up, after all, Gaia and Fate are very afraid of the power of the abyss."

"I'm just going to look for it before giving up. Is there a creature such as the protagonist, and I accidentally discovered the baby in front of me who has the soul of the passerby."

"Because it comes from the real earth, I did not take the liberty to deal with it, but just kept paying attention."

"Very good, well done!"

Nagato was very satisfied with Alaya ’s treatment, and then he looked at the baby in the mirror, flashing for a while, before speaking to Saye who was next to him:

"Saya, what do you think is the most important thing in the next game?"

"Of course you are outside the game, eh?"

Shaye's answer is clean and tidy. After all, a game of chess can only be won by looking at the overall situation, and if you want to look at the overall situation, you are naturally only outside the game.

As the so-called I do n’t know the true face of Lushan, I am only in this mountain!

In the game, there will naturally be lapses.

It was just that the girl ’s face changed slightly, and she looked a little surprised at Nagato. Rao Shiye did not expect that Nagato would make such a decision.

"Yeah, outside the game!"

To Saye's surprise, Nagato didn't respond, just muttered to himself.

The juvenile purple eyes are extremely deep and full of blur. It seems that at this moment, his eyes penetrated the endless time and chaos and saw his original hometown. ..

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