My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 8: Cross the sky!

Long ago, Nagato planned to return to the real earth once.

This is not based on the so-called homesickness. The long door of orphans does not have much affection for the original world, and it is much more exciting in the chaotic days than in the past.

The starting point of the Nagato Project is to obtain more information and increase its own advantages.

Looking at the beginning of Naruto's rebirth in the world of Naruto, it was almost unfavorable and unfavorable, as if there was nothing to stop him from progressing, infinite creatures and thousands of worlds are just his stepping stones.

There are many reasons why the red-haired boy can do all this.

The advantage of intelligence cannot be ignored!

It is precisely because it occupies intelligence that no one else knows, the journey of Nagato and Bai Yujing will be so smooth, and once the advantage in intelligence is lost, even Nagato will be somewhat passive.

Therefore, Nagato has been planning to return to the real earth, and truly understand everything from outside the chess game.

It's just obvious that this idea is not easy to realize.

Although I have practiced to the ultimate level, only one line away from the real earth, and can vaguely understand the dimensions and coordinates of the real earth, but Nagato cannot start.

According to Nagato's estimate, there should have been a way to return to the real earth.

No matter how bad he can come!

After all, Nagato is from the real earth, and his soul is inherently connected to the real earth, but it is a pity that after the fall and rebirth of the previous life, Nagato lost that touch with the real earth.

So when he heard that Alaya found a fellow who had just crossed from real earth, Nagato was very excited.

"Since I have lost this connection, I will use the other passerby's copy!"

With such thoughts, Nagato smiled and said his thoughts to Saya. At the end, the red-haired boy asked, "What do you think of my thoughts?"

"It must be admitted that this is a good idea."

Listening to Nagato's thoughts, Saya was silent for a moment, and then asked a very sharp question, "But how to ensure safety, after all, it is already the home of the lord."

Saya refers to no one else but the consciousness of the real earth.

Although Nagato has reached a covenant with the consciousness of the real earth, Saya will never regard it as his own. Who knows what the other party holds in his heart.

The covenant is only a covenant, and there are no major restrictions at all.

"So, I need the help of enthusiastic people!"

A strange smile appeared on his face, and the long door lifted his right hand to gently hold it in the void, and instantly, a twist and decay of breath gathered in his palm.

"Fucking world!"

Listening to the screams in his ear, Zhang Xu did not know how many times he wailed in the bottom of his heart.

Less than a week after the birth of the baby, Zhang Xu ’s three views have been broken to the fullest. The joy of the first rebirth was not known where he was thrown.

Through observation, Zhang Xu was quite sure that there was absolutely something wrong with the world he was reborn in.

There seems to be a terrifying force that is distorting everyone's mind!

In the past few days of rebirth, Zhang Xu saw that his servants with more than double digits were killed by his parents for various minor problems, and he was still tortured to death in front of him.

What makes Zhang Xu even more terrified is that his parents' eyes in this life are becoming more and more wrong.

The extremely dangerous look made Zhang Xu feel insecure.

"Your sister, such a world might as well be destroyed!"

It seemed to hear Zhang Xu's emotion, and the unimaginable collapse suddenly came.

At the same time, the sky, the earth, all living beings, including Zhang Xu's unwilling parents, completely disintegrated. Within a moment, everything around Zhang Xu turned into black particles.

Faced with such changes, Zhang Xu was completely stunned, and his mind was blank.

At the next moment, he seemed to feel his presence, and the surrounding black particles poured towards Zhang Xu, through Zhang Xu's baby body, into his soul, and completely twisted his consciousness.

Black, swell!

In an instant, the traverser Zhang Xu turned into a black giant baby.

The indescribable breath permeated


At this moment, a girl in a white dress fluttering suddenly appeared, exclaiming words that made the world horror, "He is already a qualified carrier of abyss consciousness under the erosion of the abyss power extracted from the collapse of the entire plane. "

"But can't the Abyssal consciousness notice now, the door to the other side, blockade!"

Between words, Saya raised her white and slender left hand, pulling a mysterious force from the void to block the breath of the giant baby.

"Then, I also started!"

I don't know when to appear beside Saya. The long door sat directly in the void. The sword of wisdom condensed in the sea of ​​consciousness, and after wielding it, he cut off his own will.

Attaching heavy camouflage to it, the long door manipulated this ray of will to cling to the giant baby.


"Eternal Exile! Come back!"

I saw Nagato's hands folded, and inexplicable power broke out, bombarding Juying's body fiercely.

"Boom !!!"

Endless time and space are completely twisted at this moment.

The will of the long door attached to the giant baby can clearly feel that the giant baby suddenly entered an inexplicable state, as if encountering an indestructible barrier.

The power of the exile is pushing the giant baby through the barrier, but it seems that some of the stamina is insufficient.

"it's time!"

The thought flashed through my heart. The will of Nagato directly absorbed the blockade on Juying and completely wrapped himself up. At the next moment, a horrible and twisted will came from a distant time and space.

The horrible will infused the giant baby's body, adding a strong impetus to the giant baby's state.


A horrible roar sounded in the twisted time and space.

The long-door will of the self-blocking state can vaguely feel through the blockade that he and the giant baby infused with the abyssal consciousness have crossed the inexplicable barrier and come to a world where the laws are strong and unreasonable.

"Are you on real earth?"

Such speculation flashed in my heart, but Nagato did not rush to contact the blockade.

as predicted--

"Abyss, wanton !!!"

With the familiar familiar sound of Nagato, the immense mighty force appeared in the air and bombarded the giant abyss in the abyss, and the Nagato attached to the giant baby flew off the battlefield under the impact of the bombardment. ..

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