My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 22: Games and Inquiries

The dream world is collapsing and reorganizing!

When Nagato decided to start the simulation of chaos on the basis of the dream world and the plane group, the whole dream world ushered in a new era, and the grand will began to erode the core of the dream world.

The core of the world's instinct can resist the erosion of the long door.

However, before Lei Lin extracted most of the origins of the dream world, the power of the world itself was too weak. Secondly, the will of the level of Changmen Taoist ancestors was too grand, even the normal world consciousness could not resist, let alone the district Dream world.

However, the small collision between the two caused a turbulent wave within the scope of the entire dream world.

The dream creatures asleep due to the passage of the world's origins have awakened in the waves.

The forms of these dream creatures are strange and strange, and all over them are filled with a strange twist, just as unreal as dreams, but they all have powerful or strange powers, and they are very human.

It's just that the red-haired boy doesn't care about these dream creatures at all, his attention is focused on the dream world.

In his view, the dream world wanted to be used to simulate the chaotic catastrophe experiment is not enough, except that its original owner Lei Lin when training this dream world too focused on the power of negative dreams, that is, the power of nightmares This makes the attributes of this dream world appear to be biased, but also because Lei Lin has extracted too many sources of the dream world and made it too weak.

Such a weak dream world is not enough for Nagato to push it to the state of simulated chaos.

"There are still many adjustments to be made!"

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, and Nagasaki has been concentrating on eroding and adjusting the foundation of the dream world.



The dark flame ball suddenly hit the ground beside the long door, the ground suddenly shook, the picked stones flew past the red-haired boy, and the subsequent shock waves and smoke drowned him all.

Although Nagato is unwilling to ignore those dream creatures, it does not mean that dream creatures will ignore him.

Even under the guidance of the remaining instincts in the dream world, these dream creatures, after experiencing a small period of consciousness at the time of the initial awakening, even turned their eyes to the place where the long gate was, and inexplicable anger appeared in their eyes.


The indifferent and extremely clear cold hum reverberated from the smoke.

At the next moment, the eyes of those awakened dream creatures appeared amber crimson, and then these creatures ignored the long door, hostility, confrontation, and even began to fight.

"Really, somehow something!"

The indifferent voice echoed, but did not attract the slightest attention of the surrounding dream creatures.

The figure of the long door came out of the smoke and was spotless.

It is still so transcendent!

What has just happened is nothing but a secret technique created by Nagato in an instant, combined with a system of small cosmic practice, mirror-like water-moon-like illusion, and all the senses of all living creatures in the perception with the Taoist-level spiritual realm.

No matter whether it is the specific five senses or the sixth sense, the seventh sense, the eighth sense, or even the ninth sense, it is impossible to surpass the control of the long door. Such a powerful secret method was only created in the moment of the Nagato, but its purpose is only to wipe out all the stupid people who disturb yourself in front of you, which shows that Nagato is already powerful. To what amazing extent.

And just as Nagato was about to let these dream creatures commit suicide collectively, the sudden sound caught his attention.

With his eyes deflected, the long gate saw tens of thousands of kilometers away. The contact point of the dream world and the accelerated world is similar to the dark twisted space. A head with a v-shaped backward tilt, a black armor package, and sword-like limbs , Flower-like protective humanoids appear in the sky.

After the appearance of the lacquered black figure, the colors are different, but the existence of human figures in general has appeared one after another.

They are nothing else. It is the imaginary body of the accelerator who accelerates the world.


At the height of the long gate now, it is just a glance, and I have understood all the causes and consequences without any inquiry. "Just before I was ready to start, it seems that some of these accelerators have a fate with me."

Having said that, Nagato's eyes are always focused on the earliest black imaginary body.

For the heroine who originally accelerated the world, Nagato was still very fond of it.

Even if he became a ancestor, Nagato is still the original Nagato. The pursuit of these beautiful girls has not diminished at all. Although he did not deliberately look for it, Nagato would never give up since he met him.

It's just that Nagato is not busy putting the girl into the room. In his view, Hei Xueji still needs some sculpting to shine.

"Then give you a trial!"

Thinking this way, Nagato manipulated the center of the dream world and conveyed a message to the consciousness of all accelerators, that is, accelerators can improve themselves by killing dream creatures, not only imaginary bodies, but also realistic ones. Ontology.

"But the benefits are not so good!"

"Once started, the dream creatures can never leave without dying. Similarly, there is only one chance. Once the imaginary body is killed, it can't come again. The real body will also be hit hard, and the lifespan will be greatly reduced!"

"When the dream creatures are all dead, the remaining accelerators can qualify to see me!"

"Let me see, who can come to me!"

After setting up a small game, Nagato's attention once again focused on the origin of the dream world.

To supplement the source of the dream world, Nagato has many methods, but it is thought that the birth of chaos stems from part of the earth consciousness. Nagato feels that if he wants to succeed in this simulation, he must obtain some kind of plane group. The source is added.

"Remove all the plane consciousness of the plane group?"

The most orthodox answer flashed in my head, but Nagato shook his head to deny it. In addition to being too troublesome, Nagato felt that it was not perfect.

After all, if the dream world corresponds to the entire endless chaos, then the real world is not only the plane group, but also the chaos between the plane groups-in other words, Nagato needs a more primitive existence as a dream world Supplement.

Thoughts turned back and forth, and a silver hairless girl suddenly jumped in the head of the long door.


A faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. After the stabilization of the reorganized dream world and leaving a trace of consciousness to pay attention to the battle of Black Snow Ji, Nagato returned to the body directly.

Then the red-haired boy found Nayako who had just got rid of Sakuya.

"Niako, I need your help, the core of Crusu, where is Athathos?!" ..

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