My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 23: Battle of the Evil God 【上】


The absolute core of Cthulhu.

In the description of mythology, Asatos is a **** who runs completely by instinct. His image is a dark, chaotic huge amorphous mass, placed in a palace in the center of the universe, and frantically pounding the invisible giant drum. Playing a flute that only sounds disgusting and monotonous.

From the perspective of Nagato, Asatos is more of a chaos than a god.

Therefore, when the red-haired boy prepares to make up for the shortcomings of the dream world through some kind of chaotic essence, the existence of Asatos comes into his mind. If he reverses the chaotic phenomenon of Asatos, he may get the essence of chaos.

But before that, the long gate needs to know where Azatos is.

Chaos is too vast, and the chaotic forbidden zone where Asatos is located seems to have a wonderful cover. Even if the long gate of the chaotic origin of fusion is difficult to find, it is difficult to find it directly by some means.

Therefore, asking Naiako is the best option for Nagato.

In the face of Nagato's inquiry, Naiyazi's complexion changed slightly, and his face, who had always been extremely unreasonable, became very serious every day. "Nagato, what are you doing with Asatos?"

"Some use!"

Regarding the evil spirit girl, Nagato did not conceal his purpose, and said frankly, "I have an experiment that requires Assatos as the material. Of course, after all, that stuff is the source of your strength, if you do n’t want to."

"I will!"

Not waiting for Nagato's words to finish, the evil spirit girl interrupted excitedly.

At the same time, in a chaotic void far away from Nagato and the Evil God Girl, a huge and ancient will began to awaken from the endless darkness, and violent anger began to wreak havoc.

"Rebel! Kill kill kill !!"

"Betrayal, **** it!"


Despite the endless time and space, Nagato was aware of the movement for the first time.

After all, in this chaotic void suppressed by the gate on the other side, Nagato still has great authority, coupled with the powerful essence of the ultimate realm, originally required Naiako to lead the way, but now it seems that it does not need to Too.

It's just that the red-haired boy didn't act for the first time, but looked at Naiyazi with interest, and the meaning of the inquiry on his face was self-evident.

"Uh, that group of old guys reacted so fast!"

Naiyazi also sensed the vague anger and murderous intentions from distant time and space, shrugged slightly, and said with a wry smile, "Well, you know, Nagasaki, I am not the original evil god, but the original Nayarato The successor of Tip. "

"It's just that things like Evil God aren't good stuff after all, their inheritance will naturally have some bad things."

"As time goes by, I will subtly move towards the original Naiaratopip."

Speaking of which, Naiyako shuddered, and his hands crossed a big cross in front of him, "The other is okay, after all, our personality is similar, but only the body gradually becomes an indescribable monster. No. "

"Niazi, I'm a genius and beautiful girl, so I don't want to be that kind of monster! Never!"

"that's it?"

Hearing Niako's reason, Nagasaki had to admit that it was very powerful. It ’s just that Niyako did n’t know that even though she was willing to become a monster, Nagato did n’t agree. Although she did n’t recognize each other face to face, a beautiful girl who confessed herself to her for the first time , Nagato will never let go.

"Well, there is another reason!"

After pondering for a moment, Naiyako's face rarely showed a hint of shyness that was unique to the girl. Don't open your face and say, "After all, this is the first time Nagato Jun asked me. People don't want to refuse. "

"alright, I got it!"

Nagato admitted that he was a little touched. His right hand was raised, and his index finger instantly created a space channel in the air. "Come on, let's go to meet the angry ancient evil gods and Assatos together."


Responding full of vitality, Naiyazi hugged the left hand of Nagato directly.

Seeing that the red-haired teenager did not object, the smile on the face of the evil spirit girl became brighter and happier.

The two stepped into the space channel, and the surrounding time and space began to twist and shorten. The distance of less than ten steps came out of the channel and came to a hidden chaotic void. The first time, the oncoming tentacles .


The tentacles encountered invisible obstacles about ten meters in front of the two, and exploded into flesh fragments.

"Oh, Nayaratotip, die !!"

Despite being hindered, the owner of the tentacles apparently did not retreat. More tentacles suddenly appeared in the void, in addition to the tentacles, there was endless darkness, and endless monsters hidden in the darkness.

Earth-drilling worm, star color, macrophage worm, flying hydra, great race of Is, Tindalos hound

Many monsters in the Cthulhu myth have emerged in the darkness, the number is innumerable.

Thousands have been difficult to describe the number of monsters!

"It's disgusting!"

Seeing this scene in front of him, an unpleasant expression appeared on the face of Nagato.

It was just that the red-haired boy hadn't done it yet, and Naiyazi turned into a silver afterimage and rushed straight up, "Damn, you guys dare to dare to take action against my long-door prince, and let me die!"

In between words, Naiyazi unexpectedly took out a crowbar from under her skirt.

The next even more incredible situation appeared, apparently it was simply a hack, and Naiyazi even hacked out the chaotic sword spirit that made countless sword heroes rush to tears with extremely novice moves.

The endless monster in front, the shot and even the darkness, immediately became much thinner in the chaotic sword gas attack.

The evil **** hidden in the dark also revealed his true body.

It was a huge dark cloud-like piece of meat with many tentacles and a big mouth dripping with slime. Countless monsters burrowed out of its piece of meat, and unspeakable distortion and anger spread from it.

Mori's black goat, who has bred thousands of children, one of the three great gods of Cthulhu, who is side by side with Naia, is Shabnicolas!

"What a troublesome guy!"

Carrying the crowbar on his shoulders, Naiyazi's face was a little dignified. "But besides you, there should be other guys. If you want to stop me and Nagato-kun, come out. There is no sneak attack in front of me. significance."

As soon as Naiyako's words fell, a crack appeared in the surrounding void.

A deity exudes an endless evil spirit slowly appearing. ..

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