My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 24: Battle of the Evil God 【Next】

Giant blue amoeba, shimmering humanoid silhouette, humanoid ghost spider

The Cthulhu gods appeared in all kinds of horror gestures that exceeded the limits of human imagination. The terrifying maliciousness almost pervaded, almost freezing the chaotic air flowing around.

At the forefront of the malicious shock, Naiyazi's face could not help but show a dignified expression.

Although as a new generation of Naiaratotip, Naizi possesses powerful power over most of Cthulhu, but she also only has power, and she can't even control it perfectly.

As for the fighting experience, the evil spirit girl is even lacking.

The most important thing is that these evil gods are essentially different from Naiako in front of them.

What I felt from them alone was the spirit of evil spirits rendered from extremely long years. Even without explanation, Naiyazi knew that most of them had not experienced a fall, but the original ones of Cthulhu. Evil God.

There is a **** of evil that has survived from the beginning of birth, and there is no doubt about Naiako.

In fact, the fact that Cruçu Evil God will still fall is very troublesome to young girls. After all, compared to other gods, Cruçu Evil God is really too powerful. In theory, as long as you are careful, they can even live to the end of chaos. A moment.

But the problem is that these ancient evil gods all stood in front of her!

Not to mention that these evil gods have the experience that Naia Zi lacks, it is said that the huge power accumulated by these evil gods in the endless years allows them to slightly contend with Naia Zi in terms of pure power.

Coupled with Shabnicolas at the same level as Niazi, Niazi has little chance of defeating alone.

"At this time, naturally heroes are needed to save the scene!"

Facing the situation in front of him, Naiyako did not choose to fight alone, and immediately turned to look behind him. However, to the surprise of the girl, the red-haired boy who was supposed to be standing behind him had disappeared.

Naiyazi was so shocked that he was completely blank.

Just that Naiyako froze did not mean that the evil spirits were too.

"—— !!!"

The indescribable piercing roar came from the countless large mouths of the Cthulhu goddess, Sabunikolas, enough to trigger the general irrational cry of ordinary creatures and became the horn of action of the evil gods.

At the same time, many evil spirits launched a terrifying siege toward Naiako with their own means and with the endless monsters.

The sense of crisis deep in the soul completely awakened the evil spirit girl who was sluggish because of the disappearance of her boyfriend.

Without looking into the reasons for the disappearance of his boyfriend, Naiyako instinctively activated his essence, chaos, and the entire person instantly united with the surrounding chaotic void, wonderfully avoiding the horrifying siege.

After avoiding the attack, Naiyazi almost without thinking, leaned his left hand into the bottom of the skirt.

"Look at my infinite blasphemy grenade!"

With the cry of the girl, her skirt almost turned into an arsenal, and endless grenades poured out of the skirt. Every so-called grenade burst out with thousands of times more terrifying power than nuclear bombs.

Countless monsters and a very small number of weak evil spirits completely disappeared into the void in Naiazi's horrible firepower.

Naiyako's counterattack completely angered many evil gods!

Immediately, various attacks came again.

However, Naiyazi seemed to have become conscious. The whole person became more and more harmonious with the chaotic void. No matter how tricky and terrifying the attacks of the evil gods were, Naiyazi could always sneak in the chaos in a wonderful way and avoid all.

The wrath of the evil gods reached the extreme point at this moment.

Originally, in the eyes of many evil gods, Naiyazi was just a awakened evil god, even if he inherited the power of one of the three strongest external gods under the main god, but they also had the same level of foreign **** companions.

Under such circumstances, the killing of Naiako is completely logical for the evil gods.

However, it turned out that Naiyazi was much more difficult than expected!

The extreme anger caused the evil gods to explode their unprecedented fighting power, especially the supreme mother god, the strongest foreign **** born from the darkness, completely exuded his essence, tens of thousands of miles around The void is dyed with a dark color.

Without a trace of light, even Naiyazi was swept out of darkness in a gesture of harmony with chaos.


Out of the special state, a panic flashed across Naiako's face.

Seeing the girl is going to be gathered by many evil spirits, a dazzling to the ultimate fire light blooms in the darkness, and a fireball like a star comes down in the sky, breaking through part of the darkness with an unexpected surprise.

"Niyazi is mine, and you are not allowed to hurt Naiyazi!"

Along with the shock reverberating, a double ponytail girl with flames burning all over her body slowly walked out of the fireball, and behind the flame girl, dozens of girls with different shapes walked out slowly.

These girls are filled with temperaments that are almost similar to Naia Zi. Obviously, they are not others, and they are also awakening evil gods!

"It seems that they will be playing for a long time!"

Standing in a mysterious space where infinite time and space overlap, Nagato's gaze slowly withdrew from the battlefield where the evil gods confronted each other. "Do you think Naiako and these new evil gods can win?"

What the red-haired boy talks about is a subtle existence.

Its appearance looks like a polymer of billions of light spheres, but in essence, it has reached a perfect unity with space and time. Its own existence extends to the past and the future, and the existing space and time has completed an infinite superposition.

In fact, the mysterious space where Nagato is located was born because of this weird existence in front of us.


This is the name of the weird existence, whose true form is to be tied with Naiako, the supreme mother **** as the three great gods of Krusu, the governor of time and space, alias "the key to the door" or "all things in one life, all things are one By".

In Crusoe ’s mythology, Juge is often regarded as the supreme being second only to Assatos.

Although I do n’t know if it ’s true, but in the eyes of Nagato, Yuge is indeed much stronger than other gods of the same level, Naiako and Sabnicolas, at least at this stage.

"Excuse me for making a judgment!"

Facing the inquiry from Nagato, Yuge, the strongest of the Cthulhu deity, did not dare to neglect, and the cold voice echoed in the space, "There is a great existence like you here, any speculation is meaningless. "

"Your will will determine the direction of all destiny!" ..

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