My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 27: Just a clown!


Evil gods flying to earth from alien planets.

One of the old dominators, the **** of water in the old dominators of the four major factions of "Fire, Earth and Water".

In the entire Cthulhu lineage, Cthulhu ’s status is not the most honorable, but it is the most well-known, and it is also the image representative of the Cthulhu myth. The whole lineage is named after the other party.

In the upper realm of chaos, the power of the name is absolutely not to be underestimated.

Theoretically, Cthulhu will be blessed by the divine luck of the gods because of his name. If it is not stopped, one day, Cthulhu will probably grow enough to replace Asatos and become the center of the gods. .

It's just that the selfish and selfish evil gods would be willing to let other evil gods stand on their heads.

So long ago, Cthulhu was calculated by the evil spirits and sealed up.

That was the supreme seal jointly put on by the evil spirits. Except for Assatos, no creatures or even evil spirits could unravel it-at least that was the opinion of the Cthulhu evil spirits.

Since immeasurable years, if the gods were not capable of complete memory, I am afraid they have completely forgotten the existence of each other.

"Just unexpectedly, you have long been out of the seal."

Looking at the behemoth in front of him with a complex face, Juge said calmly, "It seems that the fall of Nayaratotip should have your hand in it, Cthulhu!"


A louder voice than Thunder echoed, and Cthulhu's indifferent voice was also filled with pride, "You ignorant guys never know how powerful the name gives me."

"I was born with the authority to extract the power of Assatos!"

"Seal or something is a guise."

"Originally I wanted to secretly steal the power of Asatos until the power was enough to ascend to the Lord God in one fell swoop."

"But Nayaratotip is worthy of being the Evil God who has the closest relationship with Asatos in the Three Pillars. I just secretly extracted a trace of Asatos' power, and she was aware of it."

"So much so that I had to attack her secretly, and although Assatos' force then killed him, I was also hit hard."

"I didn't wake up until recently!"

"If not, I'm already the main **** of the Cthulhu sect, but it's not too late. Although I don't know why the evil gods had a civil war, but now that I'm awake, let me regain everything I am destined to have! "

With such words, Cthulhu protruded a giant claw and grabbed towards Juge and the long door.

"Kaka Kaka !!"

The defensive arrays scattered all around Yuge and Nagato made clear sounds, all broken apart, and in front of Cthulhu's mighty power, her array seemed like a piece of thin paper.

Faced with this situation, the pupil of the evil spirit girl shrank slightly, and the strongest time and space forces bloomed unreservedly.

The huge Krusu body was directly trapped in an independent space and time.



It was still a crisp sound, and a spider-web crack appeared on the edge of the independent space-time. With the claws of Krusu, the wings, and many tentacles stirring, the independent space-time began to collapse.

Stepping out of independent time and space, Cthulhu immediately returned to the void space.

The whole process is clean and tidy, without any stagnation.

Obviously, in front of today's Cthulhu, the so-called space-time prison has no effect at all, and the evil **** who swallowed Assatos and the Temple of Origin into the body is equivalent to directly possessing the power of the Lord of the evil god.

How unreasonable that power is, even a simple melee combat can achieve the effect of breaking through all means. At the next moment, the giant evil spirit stepped out and trampled on Juge.


The screaming came from the mouth of the evil spirit girl.

Even before it was too late to restore his original form, the Evil God Girl directly became a ball of meat sauce, but even so, Juggle was still not dead, and Cthulhu Evil God almost possessed an unreasonable and unreasonable immortality.

But these immortality have no meaning in front of Cthulhu.

Directly drawn from the body of the temple, the power of Asatos burst out from his own heels, and still possessed a trace of vitality, Jurge directly lost his vitality and scattered his soul.

"Hahaha !!!"

Cthulhu couldn't help laughing when he saw Yogg being trampled to death by himself.

Countless years ago, when he killed Naiaratotip, he not only had to sneak attack, but also caused serious injuries. Now, in the face of Yuge, one of the three major gods of the same level, he even easily killed him Too.

Such a result made Cthulhu feel extremely happy.

"So next"

In addition to being happy, Cthulhu still remembers that Juge has a companion, and she seems to respect him very much. She just looked around, but Cthulhu found that she could not find the other party.

After looking around again and again, Cthulhu can only think that the other party secretly left.

"It is worthy of Yuge's companion, forget it, anyway, not my opponent!"

Thinking about it this way, Cthulhu was ready to take advantage of the fact that the evil gods outside the civil war had not ended, first of all refining the Assatos in his body, and then, just after feeling the body for a while, he was shocked to find that the Temple of Origin was gone.

"How can it be!"

The mind floats violently, and Cthulhu's perception constantly glances in the body.

But the result is still unable to find the Temple of Origin.

Not only that, but Krusu soon discovered that he could not leave this void space!

A series of accidents made Cthulhu completely ignorant, and in great surprise, the huge evil **** attacked frantically towards the surroundings.

"It seems, it's just a clown!"

It is still a void space, the temple still stands in the center of the void space, and Nagato and Yuge still stay in front of the gate of the temple. At this time, the red-haired boy is holding a transparent sphere with one hand.

Looking at the sphere, Nagato and Juge could clearly see a Crusoe, who was many times smaller, venting frantically.

"Master, this is"

For a moment, deep doubts appeared on Juge's face.

To be honest, the girl of Evil God really didn't know what happened. She was obviously fighting against Cthulhu before, and she was simply broken away by her formation and independent time and space, and it was about to fall.

As a result, she appeared here at the next moment, and the Temple of Origin also returned to its place.

Cthulhu was trapped in that transparent sphere!

"Well, fantasy ball!"

Facing the inquiry of his own servant, Nagato did not conceal, and said indifferently, "I not long ago developed an illusion to control the nine senses, and just now, I sublimated the illusion to the world of illusion and illusion.

"Under the influence of my illusion, Cthulhu will regard the illusion ball as the real world, the more recognized, the more unable to escape."

Speaking of which, Nagato's will moved, and the time in Illusory Beads advanced at a speed of one second from the outside world, ten thousand years inside, and soon Cthulhu gradually lost weight, and completely turned into dust after half a minute.

After absorbing a evil spirit, Illusionary Orb immediately showed a trace of real signs.

But obviously it is just a trace, and it is too far from the truth. ..

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