My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 28: Assatos!

Suddenly, Nagato's mood was subtle.

Originally, he developed the fantasy world only casually, and did not think about it carefully, but after the fantasy world beads showed a trace of reality, the red-haired boy realized what.

You know, although the endless chaos contains thousands of mysteries, but the core is nothing but refining the truth.

The original chaos is nothing more than an illusory world that contains part of the origin of earth consciousness.

But in the long years of baptism, the sacrifice of endless sentient beings, and as many as eight times of Nirvana, the endless chaos has reached the threshold of truth. The distance is completely true, but the difference is only a little.

Even in terms of pure power comparison, the endless chaos from the real earth is already better than blue.

If not, how could the real earth consciousness be so afraid of endless chaos!

But now, Nagato has inadvertently developed a technique that contains the mystery of the core of endless chaos-such a result, how can you not make the mood of the red-haired boy feel subtle.

"No, maybe not unintentionally!"

It was only soon that the subtle mentality of Nagato was relieved.

In his view, the reason why he inadvertently developed the magic world magic technique is probably the guide of chaos instincts. After all, a part of Nagato merged with the origin of chaos a long time ago.

Although Nagato did not control chaos for this reason, he also gained a lot of authority and received the instinctive recognition of endless chaos.

All his actions have inadvertently added the trend of chaos at this time.

Cross the false realm and achieve absolute truth!

It is for this reason that Nagato can develop such a magic technique of fantasy world so smoothly, otherwise, even if Nagato understands the core meaning of chaos, I am afraid it can only stop at the ninth sense of illusion.

"It seems that I am really destined!"

I couldn't help flashing such thoughts in my mind. The long door left light phantom beads on his left hand, stepped forward, his right hand lifted, and pressed on the gate of the Temple of Origin in front of him.

For the first time, Nagato felt that endless maliciousness emerged from the contact between his right hand and the door.

The terrible and unspeakable horror and maliciousness are not only aimed at the soul, but also to the world, and even chaos. In the face of this maliciousness, the so-called all evil in this world is simply a compliant lamb.

Feeling such exaggerated maliciousness, Nagato frowned, and his consciousness moved slightly.

The illusion bead on his left hand blew out an invisible attraction directly, and directly absorbed all the malicious influx into the long door body or spread into the void.

From the door, or the viciousness of the gushing out of the temple, the absorption of Illusory Beads also has no end.

With the malicious assimilation, the Illusionary Realm is advancing toward the reality at a slow to invisible speed.


In a chuckle, Nagato's right hand pressed slightly.


The gate of the temple slowly opened.

And this opening seemed to alarm the monsters in the temple, beyond the understanding of the world, roaring from the depths of the temple full of endlessly distorted roars, just like the actual bombardment towards the long gate and Jugg.

This time, there is no need to move hands, and the evil spirit girl standing next to him looks slightly.

The light ball floating around the evil spirit girl spread out, forming a wonderful array with invisible connections, shaking the time and space. Before the roaring shock wave hit the two people, they were distorted by the time and space distortion.

In response, the corner of the mouth of the long door was slightly ticked, and he stepped into the temple, followed by Juge.

Inside the Temple of Origin there is only one passageway that I don't know where to go.

The reliefs of the evil gods are inscribed around the passage.

Still malicious!

As the two progressed, the monster located deep in the temple seemed to feel the crisis and began to run wild, containing endless malicious roars and sonic attacks.

It's just that no matter what attack the monster makes, it can't stop Nagato and Juge from advancing.

Maliciousness in the temple has become a resource for the growth of Illusory Beads!

However, in just three minutes, the two of Nagato walked out of the passage and reached the deepest part of the Temple of Origin.

This is an empty, empty void.

There are countless stone pillars standing around it!

The stone pillar is carved with an evil **** with different forms.

With the perception of Nagato, it can be clearly felt that these stone pillars are inscribed with the marks and powers of different evil gods, obviously the seals left by the Cthulhu gods.

At the center of the seal, however, is a mass of dark and chaotic indefinite clumps that cannot be described in any words.

There are countless mouths, eyes and tentacles on the clumps, as if all the ugly collections in the world!

The core of Cthulhu, the leader of the old rulers and the gods.

The core of the original chaos-Assatos!

"It's a real insight."

Looking at Asatos, who was constantly running away, but could not get rid of the seal of the evil god, the long door couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "Endless chaos is really strange, there is a prototype of a Dao ancestor without self."

Yes, the Taoist prototype!

As a true Taoist ancestor, Nagato immediately noticed the essence of Asatos.

In the past, Nagato once encountered the selfless Taoist saint called Decadent Wind in the Box Court. Its existence is a phenomenon of the origin of the multiverse world, which is similar to Assatos.

However, Assatos is not a phenomenon of the origin of the world, but a phenomenon of the origin of chaos.

This phenomenon may have no shape at first, and then inadvertently received Cthulhu mythical information from real earth, and then evolved into the origin of Cthulhu myth, Asatos.

Of course, although it was the prototype of Taoist ancestors, Assatos was still too far away from the real Taoist ancestors.

The nature of existence between the two is somewhat similar.

If he has consciousness, I am afraid there will be a great opportunity to promote Taoist ancestors in the fastest time, but perhaps because the starting point is too high, Assatos' self-consciousness cannot be condensed.

Or condensed, but destroyed by too strong force.

It is precisely because of lack of self-awareness that it simply cannot exert its true strength in case.

Otherwise, neither the Seal of the Evil God nor the power extraction of the previous Cthulhu could do nothing about Asatos.

"But it's just cheaper for me!"

The thought flashed through his head. The left hand of Nagato flicked gently, and the illusion beads flew directly, suspended above Asatos, and his suction suddenly increased greatly, drawing from Madatos crazy. Malicious.

Before using Assatos, Nagato needs to devour the malicious condensed by the Cthulhu mythology on the opponent.

After all, Nagato needs chaos, not Cthulhu myth.


Feeling his own malicious loss, Asatos roared wildly.

A more violent riot started!

Assatos madly slammed the seal, slammed the Nagato and Juge, and shattered everything in the temple.

At first, the madness of Assatos caused the shaking of the temple at most, but it was the prototype of the Daozu after all. After being crazy to a certain degree, it was originally buried deep inside the devil's head, and the power that could not be mobilized was finally loosened.


Suddenly, there was a spider-like crack in the seal around the evil god. ..

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