My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 29: New Lord of Evil God


Assatos' rebellion was not unexpected by Nagato.

Although he does not possess self-consciousness, Assatos is still a living body, and any life has a great potential to break out of the potential that is hard to reach before the crisis of life and death.

It's just that the red-haired boy who understood this very early would never be unprepared.

Lengmen snorted at the moment, and the will of the Nagato was so great that the ultimate will suddenly burst out.

It bombarded Assatos like a mountain.

Suppress the instinct of the Lord of Evil God!


Facing the repression of Nagato, Assatos' instinctive resistance.

However, its will, which does not even exist in the self, can hardly compete with the perfect supremacy of the Nagato, and it is directly destroyed by the Nagato, suppressing its instinct, and cutting off its wanton energy.

At the same time, the attraction of Illusion Realm suddenly increased, absorbing the viciousness of Asatos, the power of evil spirits, and even the will!

Except for the potential contained in Assatos, everything about the Lord of Evil Gods is the hunting target of Illusory Beads.

In this way, the Lord of Evil God wailed constantly, and then gradually lost his voice.

The whole process lasted a full three days.

At this point, after absorbing the power of Cthulhu and Asatos, the Illusionary Orb has become the supreme authority of the Cthulhu lineage. As long as any Evil God merges it, it can become the new Cthulhu Evil God the Lord.

Few gods can resist such temptations.

No, Juge, who was standing behind the long door, looked at Illusionary Beads, and the expression he wanted to wear was vividly displayed.

In fact, if the holder of the Illusionary Beads is a long door, Yuge promises that he will not help.

Nagato didn't pay attention to Juge and Illusion Beads, but his eyes looked at the presence of the power of the evil spirit of Asatos, which was an egg-like object that seemed to condense in chaos.

At first glance it looks ordinary, but after a long look, I can feel the mysterious fluctuations contained in the egg-shaped objects.

This object is the prototype of Asatos, the manifestation of chaos.

"Call it Chaos Dao tire!"

After pondering for a while, Nagato defined the name for it, then waved it away and stored it, and at this moment, the Temple of Origin, which had lost the Lord of Evil God, suddenly collapsed.

Not only is the Temple of Origin, but the entire void space used to bind Asatos begins to dissipate because it has no meaning.


Seeing this, Nagato waved away the Illusionary Orb, and Juge disappeared directly in place.

"what's the situation?"

When Nagato took Yuge back to the chaotic void and saw a scene in front of him, he was a little bit stunned.

The battle of the evil gods that had originally been in the memory of the red-haired boy no longer exists. I do n’t know when a huge courtyard full of Cthulhu ’s twisted style appeared in the chaotic void.

In the courtyard, many girls of different shapes are carnival.

Among the carnival girls, Naiako is chasing with a red-haired girl with double ponytails-more correctly, Naiako is running away, and the girl with double ponytails is chasing.

The appearance of Nagato and Yoge immediately calmed the girls who were reveling in the courtyard.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Appearing in the middle of the courtyard, the long gate looked at Naiako and asked.

With his eyesight, he naturally knows that these girls around him are evil spirits, some have transformed themselves like Juge, and there are awakeners similar to Naiyazi.

Obviously, when Nagato didn't know, the civil war between the evil spirits had quietly subsided.

"Longmen Jun!"

Hearing the inquiry from Nagato, Niazi hesitated for a moment, then rushed over, hugged Nagato's arm, and said, "This is how it is."

Along with Naiako's talk, Nagato knew how to form the situation in front of him.

Indeed, when Nagato left, the evil spirits were indeed fighting desperately.

It's just that whether Cthulhu manipulates the Temple of Origin, or the long gate to extract the power of Azatos, the movements are too great, and all are related to the foundation and future of the Cthulhu system.

Therefore, the evil gods in the state of war couldn't help but stop and began to check the status of the temple of origin through their own means.

——After all, the Temple of Origin was built by the evil spirits, and some of their backs are kept.

And this look, except for Naiako, almost all evil spirits are ignorant!

Whether it is the Cthulhu who did not know when he broke free of the seal and is so powerful, or the mysterious boy who can subdue the strongest external god, Juggle, neither Cthulhu can resist.

Aware of this, the evil gods understand that no matter what the result of the war between them is, they cannot control the situation.

In this case, the evil gods naturally gave up their plans to continue the war.

It's just that the situation is unclear and they maintain a confrontation.

After the Nagato defeated Cthulhu, many ancient evil gods who had originally stood opposite the red-haired boy gave up their rituals, surrendered directly to Naiyazi, and even handed over many treasures to please the evil **** girl.

Faced with the enemy's sincerity and even bribery, Naiyazi was unkindly satisfied and agreed.

In the following three days, while waiting for the return of Nagato, Naiyazi was bored, and under thought he mobilized all the evil spirits to condense a huge space-time courtyard for hosting banquets.

In order to please Nia Zi, the surrendering evil spirits also turned into cute humanoid girls and took part in it.

"Oh, that's how it is!"

After listening to Naiyazi's emotions, besides lamenting that the evil gods' morality was really insufficient, he didn't have many accidents. He pondered, and when he was about to explain some things about Naiyazi, the teenager felt two sharp eyes.

Looking up slightly, Nagato saw a girl with red double ponytails staring at herself.

"Youth, duel!"

Seeing Nagato ’s eyes, the girl issued a declaration of duel—

"Niyazi is mine!"

"Not at all!"

Not waiting for Nagato to answer, a silver light flashed, and Naiyako appeared in front of the girls with double ponytails, and a turbulent rising dragon fist directly flew it into chaos.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Nagato thought a little, and knew the identity of the girl who was shot away.

Kezi, or a new generation of Ketuya!

Naiako once spoke to Nagato about some awakeners of evil gods like her.

Among them, the most detailed information about the awakeners of Ketuya is the most detailed. The reason is that in addition to the uncommon enemy of the first generation Ketuya and the first Naiya Latopip, it is also because this generation of Ketuya seems to Yazi has an extraordinary desire.


The corner of the mouth showed a slightly untraceable arc, the long door lifted up with his right hand, and the illusion beads appeared directly in his palm. In an instant, all the evil spirits' eyes did not consciously look at the illusion beads.

There are even some evil spirits with poor concentration who can't help but turn into prototypes and rush towards the magical world beads.

Just after taking action, these evil spirits were inexplicably attacked and disappeared directly in place, and the evil spirits with sharp eyes could clearly see that the unlucky ghosts were reflecting on the fantasy world beads in a narrowed posture.

In less than a moment, these unlucky ghosts have weathered and become the nourishment of Illusory Beads.

"Niazi, this will be yours!"

Manipulating the illusion bead, reshaping it into a ring, the long door walked in front of Naia Zi, put it on Naia Zi's left middle finger, and said-

"From today, you are the new Lord of Evil God!" ..

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