My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 41: Black Snow Ji vs Sailo!

Hei Xueji always thought her life experience was wonderful.

Obviously just a girl born on the ordinary material plane. There is no extraordinary power around her. She can only imagine in the game. She can stand on such a battlefield.

Although it seems to be a villain, Hei Xueji really doesn't think that will happen.

Anyway, the girl was never a messenger of justice.

From a long time ago, Black Snow Ji has been wondering what he wants.

When the girl was young, she once spent thousands of years in the acceleration world. In those years, she has fully understood the convenience of accelerating the world.

It is very polite to say that with the help of accelerating the world, being a winner in life is a matter of course.

Perhaps it is for this reason that other kings in the acceleration world will make a peace agreement. I do n’t want anyone to break the balance of this game and cause the game to end.

But the girl at that time was always stubborn and wanted to break the rules.

In the following two years of hiding, although some of them were the culprits of their sisters, the girls actually understood that even if there was no help from their sisters, they would do so sooner or later.

Just why in the end did this, the girl at the time did not really understand.

Until now, Hei Xueji thought, she might understand

The reason is simple, she wants to surpass!

Becoming a winner in life in an ordinary world cannot satisfy girls.

A different world she desires.

In her view, the acceleration of the world may lead her to a different world. Although it is unlikely, but even so, she still breaks all the rules, just to explore that possibility.

Facts have proved that the accelerated world did lead her to a different world.

Although there have been some subtle changes in the process.

But Hei Xueji didn't mind.

Transcend yourself, transcend life, transcend the whole world-the girl named Hei Xueji, inscribed in the depths of her soul, is an unwillingness to lose and a desire to transcend everything.

Feeling the imaginary body he changed-the power flowing in the black water lily, Hei Xueji smiled.

He looked up at Ultraman in front of his eyes, and Heixueji's fighting spirit flourished.

The girl knows that this Ultraman is the strongest of the enemies, but she does not have any fears. This is not only because the girl has the hole card given by Nagato, but also because the enemy in front is strong enough!

"It is precisely because the enemy is strong enough that it is worth surpassing me!"

The full fighting intent was turned into power. The huge black water lily showed the ultimate speed. The sharp blades of his hands and feet bloomed enough to cut everything.

"Sword Dance Ending Sword !!!"

This guy is a strong enemy!

After the war started, Sailo faced the guy in front of him for the first time. After a brief confrontation, Sailo realized that he might not be easy to defeat the enemy in front of him.

In the face of the end sword dance of the enemies in front of him, Cerro was naturally unwilling to show his weakness.

"Inquiry level Luo Luo sword!"

The silver sword condensed on the right wrist, and Sero chose to use the sword against the sword.

Sairo's swordsmanship is derived from a martial arts plane that had passed through the plane tour. In that unknown plane, he learned a lot of unique swordsmanship.

In the end, in a long period of time, these swordsmanships have been blended together, and they have achieved the title of Sword Saint of the Kingdom of Sailuoguang.

And now, he used his own swordsmanship!


The white sword flashed, and the silver sword cut into the black water lily's sword dance with an extremely mysterious trajectory, avoiding the edge of the ending sword, and slashed **** the black water lily.


Between the electric flints, the black water lily popped out.

Siro naturally will not let go of the opportunity to hit the water dog, and immediately followed, the silver sword on his wrist burst out a blade of terror light enough to cut the asteroid, and swept out.

"Death Barrage!"

Facing the enemies that followed, a stream of dark streamers shot out.

Unexpectedly, Sero was flicked out of the barrage, but the blade of huge light from his right hand still brushed past the black water lily and swept it down to the ground.

At the next moment, the two soldiers on the ground rose into the air at the same time and attacked each other.

"Death Shockwave!"

"Ultimate Sailo Flash!"

Two forces, black and white, with colors and diametrically opposed, collided in the air, and a violent explosion rang across the sky, exploding the battlefield into a huge tiankeng.

On both sides of the tiankeng, the black water lily and Sailo looked at each other, and the atmosphere was dignified.


Halfway, an angry female voice came from the black water lily.

Hearing this, Silo was a little silent, and he knew exactly what the enemies were asking.

After all, he got the existence of the four legendary Ultraman power inheritance. Although the wind did not fall in the confrontation with the black water lily, it did not show the legendary style at all.

Unfortunately, Siro cannot answer this question.

And his silence was immediately provoked by Hei Xueji, and the angry girl immediately used the cards delivered by the long gate before the expedition. In an instant, constant power poured into the body of the black water lily.


A strong blaze erupted from the black water lily.

The terrible coercion almost covered hundreds of miles of space, and there was no accident that the nearby imaginary bodies and Altmans were suppressed by this coercion.

As the main target of coercion, Sero's feet fell directly into the ground.

"Actually so arrogant, I will make you pay!"

Along with such words, the speed of the black water lily increased by several levels. The right hand lifted up, and the sword of termination turned into a black streamer, which approached the heart of Sero.

"Keng !!"

At a critical moment, Sailo finally reacted, blocking the blow with an ice axe.

But under the power of attack, he still took a few steps back.

At the next moment, the black water lily almost turned into an afterimage, and the blades of both hands seemed to turn into meteors. Sixteen consecutive piercing attacks hit the Sero severely.

"Starlight Combo !!"

Although the Ote Warrior with the ice axe blocked the deadly attack, he was not badly hurt.

Both hands and feet were almost pierced directly!

Seeing the effect of his attack, even Hei Xueji was a little ignorant. Originally, the girl thought that her attack would be used in exchange for Cyrus to use her real power, but who knows it was such a result.

The girl couldn't understand the situation, but after a moment of silence, she raised the sword of termination again.

Although I don't know what happened, the other party is the enemy!

Since it is an enemy, it should be annihilated!

With this idea, the black water lily is about to attack, and at this moment, a fatal sense of crisis emerges. Almost instinctively, the black water lily retreats tens of meters.

Then she saw that several terrible light skills swept past her position.

At the next moment, a dozen Orte warriors descended, guarding Sailor.

Not only these Alter Warriors, but almost all Altmans of Alter Star come together. Their purpose is obviously only one, that is to protect Sailor.

With the gathering of Ultraman, the accelerators also gathered beside the black water lily.

Seeing the situation change like this, Hei Xueji said only one word:


Suddenly, a fierce war broke out.

Surprisingly, the situation on the battlefield also seemed to lean to one side to accelerate the imaginary bodies, but the Ultramans who had the title of immortal Xiaoqiang in the entire universe seemed to be vulnerable.

"something wrong!"

Seeing such a situation, even a fool can perceive the problem, not to mention Hei Xueji is never a fool.

But after watching it carefully for a moment, she still couldn't notice any problem. ..

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