My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 42: The light has long gone out!

Shoot the horse first, and the thief first!

When he was unable to gain insight into the problem, Hei Xueji immediately turned her attention to Sailo. From the perspective of the girl, if there was any problem, the focus must be Sailo.

As long as you defeat and kill Siro, you can kill the danger in the cradle.

Thinking of this, the black water lily burst into flames, like a black lightning, and the black water lily launched a charge directly to the position of Sero, riding a dust.

The black blaze evolved electric current constantly, deducing her charge to the extreme.

Go forward, go forward, go forward again!

And after seeing the black water lilies of the charge, Ultraman appeared one after another, blocking, various light skills, Ultra breath turned into countless weapons to intercept, and even physically resisted!

Ultraman did not hesitate to stop the charge of the black water lily.

But obviously, they all failed.

The determined Black Snow Ji blessed all his strength on this charge, with continuous support from the dream world, allowing the girl's charge to block the murder, and the Buddha to block the Buddha!

Any obstacles that stand in front of you, the black water lily will inevitably penetrate it directly.

But these can't stop the crazy block of Ultraman.

On the one hand, it was a crazy charge, and on the other hand, it was a crazy block. The tragic atmosphere diffused, so that other accelerators unconsciously retreated from the battlefield.

At this moment, the accelerators finally understand why the Lord of Reason treats the Black King differently.

"It's not just the courage that we can match!"

I do n’t know which accelerator whispered, and then all the accelerators were silent, but their hearts were obviously not as silent as their appearance.

A moment later, another accelerator said softly with emotion:

"In other words, what's wrong with those Ultramans, so crazy, it feels like begging for death."

As the so-called speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart, at first time, many accelerators were horrified!

The situation of the accelerators, Hei Xueji did not know at all.

In the crazy and hearty charge, the girl's state of mind also galloped to a very high level. This kind of free and free, beyond all charges, completely activated her soul.

Seeing that Ultraman's block could not work at all, she was about to arrive at the location of Cerro.

At the next moment, the change appears—

All the remaining Altman glanced at each other, and then they were all blocked on the road of the black water lily charge. When the black water lily approached, these Ultramans blew themselves directly.


The horrific big bang enough to wipe out the planet broke out completely.

The ecological environment of Ote Star was completely destroyed in an instant, and even the entire planet experienced violent shocks. Earthquakes and tsunamis broke out everywhere.

But in the center of the explosion, the black water lily was not seriously hit.

Spider web-like cracks spread through its surface

"Great idea!"

Immediately leading the power of the dream world to repair his imaginary body, Hei Xueji felt a little annoyed, and even Rao could not imagine that Ultraman would be so crazy.

Or this has gone beyond the realm of madness, and is completely begging for death!

"Wait, die?"

Like other accelerators, Hei Xueji also thought of some terrible possibility, and the next moment, a sky-high light also confirmed her just guess.

In the colorful beam of light, Hei Xueji felt a completely different will.

Obviously, that is the will of the dead Ultraman. And below the beam of light, the girl unexpectedly saw her previous goal-Sailo, and the breath of Sailo Ultraman was now multiplying at an extremely alarming rate With.

Twice, four times, eight times, sixteen times, thirty-two times, sixty-four times

In a short moment, his breath multiplied exponentially!


Seemingly aware of Hei Xueji's gaze, Sairo raised his hand and greeted, "I didn't expect you to be alive in such an explosion. It's really a woman from Bai Yujing."

Generally speaking, in the vast majority of planes, female powerhouses are too rare.

In some organizations across the plane, there are not many women strong.

But in Bai Yujing, what is really powerful is a beautiful and moving girl. This point, in the past confrontation with Bai Yujing, Sailo definitely has a deep experience.

Disregarding Seluo's almost ridiculous words, Hei Xueji asked indifferently: "Those guys, those Ultraman who blocked me, deliberately died."


I don't know if it was the reason for the success of the plan. Sero did not hesitate to answer the question of Hei Xueji. "It's not just them. All Altman who died in this war deliberately died."


"You actually asked me why, of course, because Bai Yujing!"

Hei Xueji's inquiry seemed to sting Serro's heart, only to see him get out of control and said, "In the past war, Bai Yujing deeply taught me and my people that it must be strong the power of."

"Otherwise, whether it is my ideal or the future of the Ultramans, it will be false."

"For this reason, we have developed a plasma spark as the core. It is said that the power of the Four Olympics is the most suppressive, bringing all the lives and souls of the Ultramans into a body and creating the most powerful Ultraman."

"The most powerful Ultraman, is that you?"

Hearing this, Hei Xueji's tone suddenly turned cold, "No wonder in the previous battle, you did not show the legendary style at all, the original legendary strength is used there!"

"Yes, that's right!"

He didn't hear the change in Kurosuki's tone. At this time, Siro was a little energetic. During the dialogue between the two, his power had risen thousands of times.

After completing the completion plan, he seems to have unlimited possibilities to become stronger.

"Bai Yujing destroyed my ideals with great power, then I will use more powerful power to completely destroy this dark organization, restart my own ideals, and create a time and space administration that can bring peace to chaos."

"How, join me, unknown enemy, I can feel that your heart is not dark."

"But I am afraid it is not bright!"

Facing the invitation of Siro, Hei Xueji said coldly, "And what complementing plan is not to devour one's own race? It is disgusting to use other words to modify it."


Hei Xueji's words were like a sharp edge, directly tearing Sero's heart.

Yes, the essence of the completion plan is actually engulfing. Regarding this point, whether it is Siro or other Ultramans, actually understand this.

But they all skipped it on purpose.

Bai Yujing's power is too strong, and that share is so powerful that they can't even breathe. If he can't produce a sufficient Ultraman, there will be no hope for the future.

Therefore, after research, Ultraman chose this path that would never be chosen before.

God knows how determined Silo was to achieve this level, but also, he tried his best to forget this, and when Hei Xueji opened the scar without mercy, Silo's anger can be imagined know.


The horror reached its zenith. The pressure burst from Sero, covering the whole Ote Star, and as time went on, he almost overwhelmed Heixue Ji.

"The real light has long gone out!"

In the face of such coercion, Hei Xueji whispered to herself, and the black water lily hummed into powder to dissipate, revealing Hei Xueji's petite and lovely figure.

There was a sigh in the girl's expression at the moment, and there was also a trace of intolerance. ..

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