My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 48: Seal, escape and death!

When the chaotic time long river came to be summoned by the sacrifice of the Mercury Serpent, the moment before the destruction of the battlefield space, Aaron, Emperor Abandoned, and the Golden Nightmare King were separated from the magic circle for the first time.

The three people who returned to the turbulent space did not speak, but just waited quietly.

The great power of the long river of chaotic time is so great, all the existence that is blocked in front of the long river will inevitably be turned into decay, even if only a slight leak reveals the three powerful men standing at the apex of all beings.

At the same time they also truly realized the horror of the Mercury Snake.

Obviously, in the previous war, the performance of the Mercury Snake was quite satisfactory. Even the decimated Tyrant looked more prominent than him at first glance. As a result, no one expected that he would show such a terrible killing trick at the end.

Whether it is the Emperor Abandoned, Aaron, or even the King of the Golden Nightmare, they have to admit that if they are faced with the mercury snake's big move, their final result may only die in vain.

But it was also this horrible trick that caused them to see the dawn of defeating Nagato.



In less than ten minutes, the river of chaos shattered.

And coincidentally, the aftermath of the long river of broken chaotic time turned out to spread straight towards the direction of the three people, and the three people could only use their own means to separate each other.

After getting rid of the aftermath of chaotic time, the King of Golden Nightmares had to complain in the future, and he saw four familiar gems.

Time gems, space gems, power gems and reality gems. Four infinite gems don't know when they will appear. Time, space, power and reality are intertwined, and they are turned into a net.

The King of Golden Nightmares is like a golden butterfly throwing himself in the net and is bound by endless constraints.


Faced with such a situation, the instinct of the golden nightmare will rebel.

As the mother of all things in chaos, the blonde girl's power is absolutely infinite. Not to mention the net formed by four infinite gems, it is a cage transformed from the entire universe plane, she can break through.

"But now, you still have a good night's sleep!"

The indifferent voice rang in the ear of the golden nightmare king, only to see the figure of Nagato appeared before her eyes somehow.

Among the five enemies fighting with him, only the golden nightmare king in front of him, Nagato did not intend to wipe it out. Except that the other party still reached the apex of the saint and had the potential to win the ancestor level, because she was a pretty girl.

Nagato never denied his desires, and when he saw pure, beautiful and powerful girls, he couldn't help but want to possess them!

Under his will, orange soul gems and golden soul gems interweave from behind him.

Soul gem is an infinite gem that can steal, manipulate or modify the soul. It can not only control the soul of life, but even the undead can also be commanded. It can be called the manifestation of the soul's origin.

The soul gem can let the user enter the thinking of other people, and also allows all dreams, thoughts and ideas to enter the user's brain. At the same time, it can enhance the spiritual power and increase the mental ability.

Even under the condition that other gemstones enhance their power, this gemstone can enter the mind of everything that exists at the same time.

Two infinite gems acting on the spiritual level broke out in the hands of the new owner far beyond the power possessed by previous masters. The power from the spiritual level instantly bombarded the consciousness of the Golden Nightmare King.

Through this attack, the supreme will of Nagato directly acts on the consciousness of the Golden Nightmare King, forcing it into a deep sleep.

Then the six infinite gems resonated into an extremely beautiful crystal cage, sealing the golden nightmare king.

Waving gently, the long door closed the crystal cage.

The whole process runs through the clouds, even less than a second.

Although the aftermath of the chaotic time and the long river breaks up, the turbulence in the whole space is even more chaotic.

But these cannot stop the eyes of Emperor Tian and Aaron.

The brief confrontation between Nagato and the Golden Nightmare King, the two are not failing to see, but the confrontation ended too fast, both of them have not had time to shoot, the Golden Nightmare King just lost.

Faced with such a situation, Aaron's hands were sealed for the first time!

"The Art of Escape!"

The strongest escape technique derived from his practice system suddenly opened up, and his figure disappeared directly in place. Aaron's purpose was not to save the golden nightmare king from the long door, but to escape.

Yes, escape!

Realizing that even the terrible chaotic time, the power of the river cannot destroy the enemies in front of him.

Aaron knew that he would not be able to beat each other in a head-to-head battle.

In this case, Aaron chose to stay away from the edge!

It was just that he escaped, and the Emperor Abandoned Heaven was stunned. The Emperor Abandoned Heaven, who was born with unparalleled power, could not understand. He was obviously an existence similar to himself, and he would make such a shameful act of escape.

And when the God of Destruction came back to God, it just happened to meet the gaze that Nagato was casting.

It was an interesting look and scrutiny.


The arrogant black deity burst into a terrifying momentum and shocked the turbulent flow of space around his body. "I am the founding emperor of Alien Demon Realm, the first martial **** of heaven, the **** of destruction and regeneration, and the **** of heaven!"

In words, the abandonment of the Emperor God is increasing, and all the energy around him is absorbed by it.

The domineering unparalleled will burst out and announced the decision to abandon the emperor!

He is ready to fight


Seeing the posture of Emperor Qitian, a hint of anticipation appeared in the corner of Nagato ’s mouth, "I am the Lord of Reason, the founder of Bai Yujing, come on, the little **** of other worlds, let me see what kind of surprise you can give me Right. "

"The Mercury Snake has given me a big surprise, don't you fall behind"

As soon as the voice fell, the right hand of Nagato suddenly lifted up and shot with a palm.


The violent shock reverberated in the turbulent flow of space, and the giant palm that covered the sky appeared in the sky, covering towards the Emperor Abandoned Heaven, as if to slap the **** of destruction directly.

In the face of the overwhelming giant palm, the momentum of the abandoned Emperor suddenly exploded.

"Appear, Infinite Warrior !!!"

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