My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 49: All avatars!

Infinite God of War!

This is the mystery of the emperor's painstaking efforts.

Unlike the Mercury Snake, there is no great hatred between Emperor Abandoned Heaven and Bai Yujing. The reason why he became a member of the Alliance is only because the Space-Time Administration freed him from the shackles of the original plane.

The plane where Qi Tiandi was originally was located in a special chaotic area, and there were almost no other planes around.

Because of this, even if he could leave the plane early, the Emperor Qitian was always limited to the plane of his birth.

The advent of Sailor and the Space and Time Administration guided the way to leave. This relationship between humanity and Bai Yujing's pressure and chaos really prevented him from carrying out his will and road, and abandoned Heavenly Emperor before joining the alliance.

The existence of the alliance has also given Qitiandi a lot of help, opening his eyes and greatly improving his strength.

Even if he hated humans anymore, he would have to admit that the talents of humans are indeed amazing.

Let's not talk about science for the time being, all kinds of magical techniques created by mankind have great merits, and many of them even make the **** of destruction feel wonderful.

The God of Hell God of War from the Sea Tiger Plane is one of them!

This method not only needs to separate the self-awareness of the sea and simulate an independent consciousness, but also has enough realm and strength to promote and construct the form. It can be said that the sea tiger is the strongest and the most difficult to develop.

But abandoning the heavenly emperor is inherently sacred, not only born with infinite power, but also possessing talents beyond human reach.

Hell God of War practiced in the hands of the abandoned emperor to the extreme, and also promoted Chen Xinxin to another dimension.

No longer limited to hell, but sublimated to infinity!

And now, he exhibited this mystery.


As the arrogance of Emperor Abandoned Heaven burst out, the figure of the Destroying God instantly blurred, and then a monk with a body of buddhist body appeared in the sky, and he suddenly greeted the crushing giant palm that covered the sky.

That's not the other. It's the incarnation of God of War, which was formed by abandoning the Heaven Emperor!

"Eight Dragon Fire!"

The violent energy burst out of the monk's body, and evolved into eight fierce fire dragons.

During the roar that shook the void, the fire dragon and the giant palm collided fiercely!

"Boom !!!"

An unprecedented roar sounded through the void.

One is covered with Divine Fire all over the body, and the extremely fierce-looking Fire Dragon keeps on impacting, biting the giant palm. The terrifying collision has set off endless waves, but the trend of giant palm coverage has slowed, but it has not stopped.

Slowly and firmly overturned, the horrifying power of crushing seemed to smash all eight fire dragons together with the monk.

At this moment, the location of the abandoned Emperor once again differentiated himself.

It ’s not just one, but thousands!

As the name of the practice method-infinite.

Arrogant and cold-hearted swordsman, dressed in gorgeous Confucian, indifferent Taoist, overbearing overbearing tyrant, like king incarnate in sea tiger, thinly dressed monk, like a warrior like ghost

The Emperor Qi Tian has seen and admired in countless years, and all the powerful people who have admired appeared here in the form of incarnations.

Immediately after their appearance, the God of War avatars launched a joint attack.

"Shi Potian shocked Yuanyuan!" "Magic Sword Wind Scar!"

"Dao Yuan is one!"

"Sea Tiger Blast Fist!"


The martial arts laws that have been named in the history of the years have been shown one after another, and amazing attacks have burst out of the hands of these gods of war, and they have greeted the giant palm of the sky.

Perhaps these attacks are not a single existence, but the convergence is enough to destroy the world.


The sky-sharp giant palm could not bear so many attacks, and shattered.

After breaking down the overwhelming giant palm, the God of War avatars looked at the Nagato without saying a word, and at the next moment, they were still all kinds of moves, bursting from the hands of the God of War avatars and blasting into the Nagato.

The wrath of destruction took shape in an instant, as if devouring all the monsters, it is necessary to devour all the long gate and the space where it is located.

Facing such an attack, a trace of surprise appeared on Nagato's face.

To be honest, Nagato really did not expect that the Emperor Qitian would develop such a mystery. After all, in his memory of the first life, the God of Destruction Qitian Tian is a congenital sacred who absolutely looks down on humanity.

It was only soon that the Nagato was relieved that the **** might be proud, but the Emperor Abandoned Heaven is a ruthless god.

Because of ruthlessness, we will not be biased against human existence.

Therefore, such a mysterious move can be developed.


"Does it make sense?"

There was a hint of ridicule and laughter in the corner of the mouth, and the right palm of the long door turned into a blade, which was cut out!

There is an old saying that the ant bites the elephant. It describes the principle of how many people are powerful. It is indeed amazing to differentiate the innumerable incarnations of God of War. The strength of these Gods of War is indeed enough to destroy the world.

You know, even the king of the golden nightmare, you must be careful to deal with such attacks.

But for Nagato, the quantity is meaningless!

The position where Nagato stood was too high and too high. The body of the shield restricted only the output of Nagato, but it did not limit his vision. The vision and insight from the top allowed him to penetrate all the attacks before him.

"Tear !!"

It seemed that the entire void was torn apart with the wave of a hand knife.

Endless sword qi burst out in the chaos of time and space.

Just like the setting, the colorful and messy knife qi contains an amazing order. Every knife qi has crossed the extremely beautiful traces in the chaotic flow of time and space, and it has ushered in a wave of destruction. Strike attack.

Then the combined attacks are like a piece of thin paper, and the knife will break with a poke.

Yes, it will break with a poke!

The Taoist level of insight is terrifying. If it is a powerful attack that is all in one, it is better to say, but this joint attack, which is composed of countless weak attacks, is too easy to be caught and flawed.

Nagato seized these flaws, and each knife blast hit exactly the flaws of the attack.

But in a flash of time, the terror of destruction was abruptly stopped.

Disappeared without a trace

In the original place, there was only endless sword gas, against the direction of the raging tide, converging into a knife gang that seemed to split the space turbulently, and went straight to the place where the emperor was abandoned. ..

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