My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 53: Intelligence restraint

Nagato's shot was completely beyond the expectation of Destruction.

The rebirth of the devil is very clear about the great strength of the Daozu level. Generally speaking, unless the two Daozus meet for the first time, there is no irreconcilable conflict, otherwise it is impossible to go to war.

After all, the existence of the Taoist ancestry level is really difficult to kill, and there is no benefit at all in addition to the enmity of war.

But the red-haired boy in front of him did not play cards according to common sense!

Without any warning, it is extremely abrupt. Some kind of ‘information’ bursts like an explosion of the universe, infinite, immeasurable, and intangible. Something increases at the limit of the geometric power.

The chaotic void collapsed in an instant, and then turned into a vast world that seemed to breed an infinite dimension.

This is the world battlefield, Naomen specially prepared Taoist level battlefield.

After gaining a better understanding of the powerful ancestors of the Taoist ancestor, in view of the fact that there will be wars of this level in the future, in order to protect his territory from excessive damage, Nagato specifically created this battlefield.

The Infinite Plains where the red-haired boy battled with several powerful men such as the Mercury Snake was the tester's work before making this battlefield.


Huanyu oscillated slightly, and immense strength fell suddenly.

Suppressed fiercely.

The World Extinguishing Big Wheel automatically rotates, twisting the surrounding time and space, blooming a deep magic light, guarding the whole body of the World of Extinction, and competing with the powerful forces suppressing the entire world.

Under the guardian of Moguang, Mozhi's face could not help being ugly.

It ’s not because of the sudden action of the red-haired boy. Although the action of the long gate really did not meet his expectations, Demon Destruction is ultimately a Taoist ancestor. No fear of fighting.

What really displeased Devil Extermination was that the battlefield in front of him had severed the connection between his own World Extinction and external plane group.

Losing this connection, the attempt to destroy the world through the world is completely destroyed.

This is definitely not a good thing for Destruction.

My family knows their own affairs, and since their birth, they have known that they do n’t have much time. If they ca n’t restore their strength in the heyday before the immortal master finds them, the consequences may be serious.

Thinking of this, the Demon King suddenly rose from the World Destruction Millstone, and his cold eyes shot directly at the long door.

Now that the opponent has already shot, the Devastator will not say much. Many times in the heavens and the world, many things can be solved by communication, but the problems between the Dao and the ancestors, the communication is meaningless.

There is only one way to reverse the will of Daozu!

That is--


Accompanied by the determination, the atmosphere of the Devil Extinction and the World Extinguishing Da Mo Pan blended, and an infinite amount of black light burst out suddenly.

In an instant, the vast world began to show signs of depravity.

The mysterious black light began to erode the world's void at an alarming rate. Whether it is matter or energy, space or time, together with the power of the suppressed world, black light erodes everything!

With the expansion of black light, the great realm belonging to the ancestors of the Devil Dao suddenly expanded

In an instant in this field, countless universes were born and destroyed!

"Boom !!!"

The World Destruction Millstone made a joyful sound, and the endless power of the world brewing in the field was attracted by it, which turned into tens of millions of dark dragons roaring and strangling towards the location of the long gate. And go.

Faced with the attack of Demon Destruction, Nagato's face did not change, but he gently raised his right hand.

The palm is aimed at the attacking dragon, and Nagato rolls it out.


The violent roar rang through the world.

With the seemingly unskilled palm at first glance, the whole world immediately responded, as if it were alive, and the invisible power fell, and the tens of millions of dark dragons disappeared in an instant.

Not only the dark dragon, but even the diffused black light was destroyed by inexplicable power, and all the eroded parts collapsed.

In the vast world suddenly appeared a sea of ​​chaos in which everything blended with each other, and everything rejected each other.

The aftermath of the collision spread directly to distant places in time and space.

"how come?!"

Seeing this scene, Demon's face suddenly changed wildly.

The black light released by Destroyer is not a strongest secret technique, so it is no surprise that the Nagato can stop him, but as a strong man, Destroyer's vision and fighting consciousness are top-notch.

Therefore, he found a very serious problem from the first meeting.

That is the shot of Nagato is really just right,

As if he knew how he would attack!

Daozu is a very strange level, there is no division of elementary, intermediate and advanced.

In theory, all Taoist ancestors are at the same level.

Just like in the non-existent material world, all human beings are human beings.

The difference between Taoist ancestors and Taoist ancestors is like the division of human beings with disabilities, ordinary people and sports athletes.

This leads to a situation. Generally speaking, athletes are indeed stronger than disabled people. The two fight, and the victory is usually the former, but if the disabled person is blind, the outcome of the fight is uncertain.

Similarly, the result of the battle between Taoist ancestors and Taoist ancestors, in addition to the pure strength contest, mutual restraint is also very important.

If you want to restrain the existence of a Taoist ancestor, you need to know the other party's information.

As for knowing all the intelligence of the other party in the hands of the opponent, it is indeed possible to appear in the battle below the level of Daozu, but in the battle of the level of Daozu, it is information that is impossible to appear.

After all, any Taoist ancestor is a source of life, and the power it possesses is endless, and it is not simply insightful.

And the situation of the Demon Destruction encounter is-

"My information is known!"

Although there is no evidence, Mojie clearly realized this, and his face became more and more gloomy, and there was an unshakable and resolute color flashing in his eyes.

"If this is the case, let's wake up completely!"

The thoughts in the brain went back and forth, and the Devil Extinguishment driven the World Extinguisher that had not yet recovered.


The supreme treasure rotates slowly in the violent roar, and a dazzling black radiance blooms on it.

And the huge world is trembling constantly in the rotation of the grinding disc! ! ! ..

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