My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 54: Cardinals

Looking at the situation in front of him, Nagato could not help raising his eyebrows slightly.

As the Demon realized, the red-haired boy did know everything about him, not just him. In addition to the surviving Taoist ancestors and real earth consciousness, Nagato was almost omniscient in chaos.

The long door of the origin of the fusion of chaos, you can read all the information you want from the source of chaos.

Precisely because of this, Nagato was very clear about the meaning of the symbol of destructive actions.

The World Destroyer is the treasure of the Taoist ancestry level, symbolizing the path of endless chaos and the highest destruction. The crushing of the World Destroyer in the heyday is a blink of an eye, and it is terrifying to make people tremble.

But few people know that, even in the heyday, the World Extinguisher can't exert its full power.

Because the ultimate destruction is self-destruction.

The way of destruction contained in the World Destroyer is too domineering. Once the power is truly exerted from the domineering to the Great Destroyer, while destroying the enemy, the Treasure itself will also be greatly injured by the way of destruction.

Since its inception, the World Extinction Great Grinding Disc has only been fully exerted once, and that is when the former demon master and the immortal master battled.

It was that one time that it was fully exerted, coupled with the power of the Immortal Lord, the World Destruction Grinding Disk would be broken.

And now, the annihilation of the new demon lord is driving the eradication of the world for the second time!

"It's really decisive!"

Even the Nagato could not help but secretly exclaimed that the sofa was decisively decisive. In the case where the World Extinguisher has not been completely restored, there is only one result of the full drive, that is, the complete destruction of the World Exterminator.

It is impossible for anyone to make a decision to destroy a supreme treasure by hand.

But Destruction can make such a decision in such a short time!

"It can only be said that it is a ancestor!"

With a soft sigh, Nagato's eyes narrowed slightly, and the red-haired boy had to deal with it with all his strength in the face of the world's annihilating big grinding disc, even if it was just a broken one.

The spirit that was surging enough to break through the void burst out, and the long gate directly manipulated the entire world battlefield.

In an instant, his consciousness was intertwined with the origin of the world, evolving into a terrible condemnation.

Hundreds of millions of counties of God's condemnation thundered down instantly!

"Every condemnation, what's the matter?"

Facing the endless condemnation, a radiant arc emerged from the corners of Demon's mouth, and the eyes looking towards the World Destruction Wheel were full of complacency. After all, this was the treasure of destruction that was carefully forged in the previous life of Destruction.

It was only a moment of complacency that turned into a heartache, and he would eventually lose the world wreck.

"However, it is worth it!"

In addition to the heartache, the will of the Devil does not shake at all. The ordinary strongman still has the ability to whim, and as the existence of chaos to the highest level, Devil of Destruction naturally has a similar intuition.

And it was this ancestor-level intuition that made him decide to leave the battlefield even if the Great Grinding Disk is destroyed.

The reason for this is not entirely because the red-haired boy in front of him sees all his intelligence and makes Destroyer feel unsuccessful. It is because Destroyer also realizes in a vague way that there is a mysterious big net covering his own Body.

Although there is no basis for it, Devil Extinction vaguely understands that if he stays in place, there will be great danger.

Right now he has just been reborn, and it is when he is most vulnerable that safety must be guaranteed!

"So, let's bloom the last glory, the World Destruction Millstone !!"

Accompanied by the will of extermination and extinction, the World Destruction Millstone exhilarated amazing terrifying power, and the ultimate way of destruction appeared in the void, turning into a black beam of light that penetrated the world's battlefield.

The vast void of the universe collapsed into nothingness in an instant, and the billions of gods thundered by the bombing were directly crushed.

Not only that, the pillar of destruction even smashed the Huanglong directly, and shattered the origin of the condemnation of heaven.

"Amazing!" Seeing this scene, the face of the long door couldn't help but be surprised.

What marveled was the power driven by the annihilation of the world, even if it was an incomplete state of annihilation, the power was enough to hurt the long door, and besides marveling, his will was highly concentrated. .

There is no extra movement, the red-haired boy just said softly, "Town!"


Endless power emerged from the unknown void and blessed the entire world battlefield. In an instant, the world battlefield that was already on the verge of collapse under the impact of the pillar of destruction immediately stopped the trend of collapse.

Then the whole universe seemed to be alive, shrinking at a rate visible to the naked eye.

As the world battlefield shrinks, more and more powerful forces are suppressed on the pillar of destruction!

The pillars of destruction under repression buzzed and tried to break free.

But he struggled several times without success.


Under the envelope of the Destruction Pillar, Destroyer's face flashed unpleasantly, "If it weren't for the incomplete World Destruction, there would be nothing in the world of repression, but even then, you can't stop my departure.


With the determination of the Destruction, a shocking sound of dragon chant sounded inside the pillar of destruction.

Then I saw that the pillar of destruction that almost penetrated the whole void was twisted and turned into a terrible twelve-claw supreme black dragon. The infinite magic energy diffused from the dragon body, as if engulfing all darkness.

The black dragon twisted his body, shaking the whole world, and the mouth that swallowed hundreds of galaxies suddenly opened.

The breath of the dragon, which could not be described by words, burst out and directly emptied the void.

The next moment, the huge body of the Black Dragon rushed towards the gap at an alarming speed.


"Can you run away?"

Faced with this situation, Nagato directly manipulated the consciousness of the world's battlefield, and blew out.


The entire world battlefield exploded in an instant, and the unimaginable horror shock reverberated in the chaotic void. The extreme killing force caused by the explosion hindered the black dragon's action, and even penetrated into the black dragon's demon.

In the center of the Big Bang, Nagato appeared in a gesture that perfectly matched chaos, and the shocking explosion could not touch him at all.

Then the red-haired boy faced the wound on the black dragon, and a sword light was released from the palm of his hand.

"Whoosh !!"

The sword light that could not be described by words cut through chaos, penetrated the explosion, and the wound from the black dragon directly hit the eyebrow of the Destruction, penetrated the boundary of material and spirit, and bombarded the sea of ​​consciousness.


Even the Daozu-level devastation, such an attack can not help but scream.

If he has just been reborn, if he has any weaknesses, it is the immature level of consciousness. Although he has all the experience memories of the previous generation of the devil, the soul consciousness of the extinction is finally a new life, lacking sufficient discipline and years of baptism.

Under such circumstances, the sword light of the Nagato is almost a seven-inch blow from the snake, which directly shocks the soul of the demon.

And just at this moment, things got worse

"Boom !!"

Demon Destruction seized from Aaron's body suddenly burst out a bright and dazzling fairy light.

"Has it finally appeared, Siskin!"

Seeing this scene, the face of Nagato flashed clearly. ..

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