My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 56: appear! Truth

"Slap! Slap!"

Seeing the overbearing Taoist, Nagato applauded gently.

Even Nagato has to admit that Immortal Lord ’s calculations are really unpredictable. Although it took a long time, he completely killed his old enemy and took all the other ’s own.

In just a short moment, the power of the Immortal Dao civilization has risen significantly.

"excuse me!"

Hearing the applause of the Nagato, the Taoist immediately recovered, and the domineering power of his body dissipated instantly, turning into endless dust, politely speaking, "I have seen the Lord of Reason, my name is Immortal, you can call it I am a fairy, or a fairy. "

"Immortal Lord, Taoist ancestor with the strongest sequence of chaos, has long been famous."

Compared with the politeness of the fairy lord, the red-haired boy appeared to be more casual, even frivolous.

"The strongest sequence, don't dare to be!"

Faced with the slow attitude of Nagato, Immortal Lord ’s face remained unchanged, and he said leisurely, "The Taoist ancestors are all supreme miracles, and no one can guarantee that they can really defeat another Taoist ancestor, even if the other party ’s overall strength is not comparable Myself. "

"Compared to other people, I just lived some more years and had a relatively deep accumulation."

"If you say this, I should really listen."

Hearing the words, Nagato couldn't help but secretly whispered, but what the Immortal Lord said was not unreasonable, but the problem was that he lived a few years longer than other Taoist ancestors, obviously the one who lived the longest.

Even the master of the crystal-walled civilization, known as "the beginning of the Tao, God is the same as the Dao", the Lord of the Gods, has accumulated a lot less than the other.

After living for so long, even a pig can achieve the avenue, not to mention the existence of Daozu.

The accumulation is so strong that even Nagato has to marvel.

Of course, it is just a marvel. If you really want to fight head-to-head, the red-haired boy is absolutely nothing. He has already passed the time when he needs to hide his temper and fear no enemies.

"Okay, I don't talk much nonsense."

Converging his frivolousness, the eyes of the long door were full of indifference, and slowly seemingly indifferently said, "As you wish, I have not shot to interrupt your plan, so now, give me an explanation. "

"I have calculated this first, and I should give Ru an explanation!"

Seeing the reaction of Nagato, the gentleness on the face of Immortal Master also slightly converged. He also understood that if he could not give an explanation to the other party, he must face the anger of a Taoist ancestor next.

That is definitely not a happy thing!

Although Immortal Lord is not afraid of any existence, but he is not the body at present, he is really not an opponent of the person in front of him.

After all, he has achieved what he has not yet arrived, the perfect state of Taoism!

The details may be shallow, but the real combat strength should not be underestimated.

Immediately, the Immortal Lord groaned slightly and officially said, "The current chaotic situation is extremely complex, and the future big disaster is vaguely visible. Many Daozu ancestors are in a situation of competition. I do n’t need to explain it. I should understand it."

"so what?"

"Make an alliance!"

Eyes staring closely at the Nagato, the immortal master said one by one, "It is not a kind of empty covenant, but an alliance of vows against each other ’s spiritual will and even the road. We will join hands to take the lead in excluding other ones in the future enemy."

"I hereby promise, my levy, I only need 40% of the harvest, and the remaining 60% go to Ru!"

"So, is it possible?"

Hearing the fairy's answer, Nagato could not help being silent.

I have to admit that the explanation given by the immortal master is very sincere. If there is an immortal master, the oldest ancestor, as an ally, the two can join forces and indeed sweep the entire endless chaos in the shortest time.

Even if it is true earth consciousness, the two can't fight against each other.

As far as reason is concerned, red-haired teenagers should agree to the League of Immortals.


"I do not want!"

Less than a moment later, the long door opened its mouth and denied it.


For the first time, the fairy's face showed a slight consternation.

Obviously, the celestial lord did not anticipate that Nagato would oppose the alliance. In his view, he has voluntarily given up a lot of benefits, coupled with his own strength, the other party really has no reason to be unwilling.

"No why!"

A slight arc appeared in the corner of the mouth, and the long door said leisurely, "If you really want to say it, it is that I am very upset, either you, the true earth consciousness, or the Buddha, one by one is self-righteous."

"The so-called alliance means that two entities with the same status enter into an alliance with each other."

"But the problem is, I never like someone equal to me!"

"So, let me die !!"

As soon as the words fell, the Nagato shot out. The crazy power burst out of the red-haired boy, and thousands of visions evolved. The whole void was instantly filled, suppressing the fairy master.

The decisiveness of Nagato's shot completely exceeded the expectations of Immortal Lord, and a bitter smile appeared on his face.

Although every Taoist ancestor is extremely overbearing, the Immortal Master really did not expect that Nagato would be overbearing to such an extent that it was completely different from his past life.

Apart from the bitter smile, the Immortal Lord would naturally not sit still and die.

"Cultivated jade dish!"

Along with the call of the Immortal Master, an illusory jade dish appeared on the top of his head. That was nothing else. It was the Immortal Master's life and treasure, which was said to contain the Three Thousand Avenue's forged jade dish.

Of course, that is not the body of the jade dish, but a projection from the endless space and time.


The moment the jade dish projection appeared, the entire void shook.

The illusory jade dish on the head of the dusty Daoist, as if the incarnation of Dao, stepped out in one step, as if the void fell over, and endless power poured out, crushing all the visions, and then crushing towards the long door.

"It's worthy to be a fairy lord, and ordinary means can't help you!"

Feeling the crushing infinite power, Nagato was a little surprised in his heart, but his face did not change. "Since that is the case, then let you see it. I will kill it after the achievement of Taoist ancestors."

"Appear, the truth flows!"

Along with the words and spirits, the red-haired boy shook slightly, and the whole person instantly turned into a roll of Tianhe.

In an instant, Tianhe directly crushed the endless power of the jade dish blooming.

Then swept out and destroyed everything arbitrarily! ..

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