My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 57: Sacrifice and adjustment!


It is the ultimate chaos practice.

After achieving this ultimate goal, Nagato finds that everything he has learned in the past has become extremely shallow, and no matter how subtle moves and mysterious techniques, it is not as good as his fist.

But that does not mean that the red-haired boy can dominate the entire endless chaos with a simple fist.

Therefore, in order to better exert his power, Nagato spent a lot of time and energy to develop new technologies and moves, and the long river of truth is the result of the deduction of the red-haired boy.

Its essence is nothing else, but it is the manifestation of Nagato's own path.

The water flowing in the long river of truth is not pure water, but the manifestation of avenues and laws. The nearly endless long river symbolizes the endless avenues and laws known to red-haired teenagers.

In the eyes of Tao Zu, the single law is just something that can be changed at will, but the endless rules are converged and it is different.

Chaos, the void, the world, the long river of truth engulfed everything like gluttonous!

I saw that the surging Tianhe swept through the void, swallowing the power released by the projection of the jade dish, and then rushing up, directly breaking the protection of the jade dish projection, devouring the immortal master.

In the whole process, the Immortal Lord did not resist, or when the long river of truth appeared, he gave up his current body.

Although this will lose a highly potential avatar, the celestial lord is not the one who ca n’t afford to lose. It ’s him who made the calculation. It is also him who expected the wrong character of Nagato. Since that is the case, he naturally loses.


"Ru's ambition is really big!"

From the long river of truth that consumed and engulfed himself, the Immortal Lord sensed something, his face slightly changed, "I lost this time, and look forward to my next meeting, Lord of Reason."

With this discourse, the main consciousness of the fairy master disappeared out of thin air.

Only a body that has been changed many times has been left in place, but the long river of truth has not swallowed it, but it is fixed in the void. At the next moment, Tianhe gathers and becomes a red-haired boy again, standing in chaos. Void.

"Okay, the battle is over!"

Slightly stretched, the long door looked around.

After a series of cross-plane wars, especially the last Daozu-level battle, the plane group is now in a state of disintegration, a large number of planes are broken, and they are falling into the abyss of destruction.

Even the dream world has suffered a lot, and its origin seems to be a bit languishing.

In this regard, the red-haired boy had long expected, or that is, the result of his deliberate indulgence. If not, with the advantage of home court alone, the demon lord, the immortal lord, and the Nagato can be solved instantly.

"let's start!"

Speaking softly, the long door snapped a finger.

An altar condensed into the void instantly.

Aaron's flesh fell on it.

Before and after going through the seizure of the demon master and the immortal master respectively, it contains the origin of the two ways of the demon and demon. Although Aaron's body can't be regarded as the body of the Taoist level, its potential is incalculable.

If spiritual wisdom can be born, it is also possible to achieve Taoist ancestors.

Immortal Lord and Nagato talked about what they want to form an alliance. There is a great reason for wanting to keep this flesh. Whether it is refining into a body, or used to become a helper, the benefits are great.

In fact, if Nagato already had an incarnation of the witch, maybe he would really want to refine it.

"But now, I have other options!"

Walking to the altar, the consciousness of Nagato directly communicated with the death of the origin. In an instant, the surrounding chaotic void was slightly turbulent, as if some horrible presence came, and the repressed atmosphere spread.

The red-haired boy knew that it was nothing else. It was the original consciousness of chaos.

"I sacrificed with this body!"

Without saying much, Nagato directly activated the altar and sacrificed Aaron's flesh to the origin of chaos. "Origin of chaos, please give me the authority to reinvent the world!"


After being silent for a moment, a cold answer came from the void.


The tremendous beam of light rose from the altar directly into the depths of the endless void, Aaron's flesh disappeared in the beam of light, and the Long Gate felt at the same time that the power of chaos came.

Inexplicable information came to mind, which is the reward of Chaos Origin for the sacrifice of the Long Gate.

The right to use Chaos Authority for a hundred years!

Feeling the authority that came to him suddenly, Nagato soon became familiar with its application. Speaking of it, the so-called chaos authority is actually no different from the world authority, only that the former has a larger scope of action.

The reason why Nagato obtained the right to use chaos authority through sacrifice is just to make the experiment better!

Yes, experiment!

No matter the initial full-scale war, or later the battle with many powerful people, or the demon master and the immortal master, all that Nagato does is for his own chaos simulation experiment.

Obtaining the authority of chaos can facilitate Nagato to experiment with the power of endless chaos to ensure that there are not too many errors.

"Now, everything is ready, first of all, isolation!"

Along with the will of the Nagato, the power of the chaos was running. In a short time, the men of the Nagato, including many evil spirits, accelerators and their relatives, as well as the sixteen nights and nights were directly sent back to Bai Yujing.

The entire plane group and the dream world are isolated from the great chaos under the power of the origin of chaos.

"Second, let's integrate plane groups!"

The authority is running again, and the broken and even broken planes are directly merged under the might of the origin of chaos, and evolved into a super giant universe, and the center of the universe is a terrestrial planet.

All surviving creatures are gathered on the planet, they have forgotten the previous disaster, and lost all their extraordinary abilities.

And the dream world is also integrated into the super giant universe, covering the central planet!


Seeing that his laboratory was successfully completed, Nagato nodded with satisfaction, stepped out, and appeared in the universe over the central planet. His will was extended, and the Acacia record invading the universe began to tamper. Write it up.

To ensure the smooth progress of the experiment, Nagato is prepared to adjust history according to his knowledge in the long river of chaotic time. ..

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