My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 58: Experimental results!

The adjustment of history took a long half of the time.

It's not really difficult work. It's mainly too tedious and requires too many calculations and deductions. After all, a little surprise in history will cause a difference of 18,000 miles.

And after making adjustments, while Nagato was relieved, the first thing he thought of was-

"It would be nice if Saya was there!"

Even though Nagato is already at the level of Taoist ancestors, if she simply compares the calculation power, Saya's calculation power still surpasses him. The girl is, to some extent, terrifying.

It's just a pity that Saya is now in a state of being closed.

In order to catch up with the long door again, the girl is nirvana

"Well, why would suddenly think of Saya."

His eyes narrowed slightly, and the red-haired young man seemed to understand something vaguely. Just like the whim of the martial arts strongman, any idea that suddenly emerged from the strongman of the Daozu level might contain some kind of future.

Thinking of this, Nagato's consciousness took the initiative to perceive Saya somewhere, and then a soft smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Half-walking ancestor's breath deserves to be Saya, is he going to catch up so soon?"

Talking softly, Nagato temporarily put Shaye's affairs aside, and his attention was refocused on the experiment. The figure of the red-haired boy disappeared instantly and appeared outside the super giant universe.

As Nagato left, the entire universe began to function on its own.

Universe, central planet, dream world

The three interacted.

The experiment is officially launched, and the environment simulation has been completed. The next step is to take a long time to see if the dream world moves from unreal to real step by step, and then use the data to deduce the situation of chaos.


"I don't have so much time to wait here."

Complaining softly, Nagato immediately activated his chaotic authority.

As the so-called right not to expire is expired, and the red-haired teenager is really reluctant to wait for too long for no reason, he directly activated the authority and accelerated the time of the isolation zone where the giant universe is located by hundreds of millions of times.

In an instant, the long evolution within the giant universe slowly emerged in the eyes of Nagato.

In the first second, the central planet will completely fit into the dream world. In the first minute, the dream world is born with the first souls. In the first hour, the dream world completes the first Nirvana, and the dream spirits are destroyed.

In the second hour, the dream world completed its second evolution, and the spirits of the dream were still destroyed.

In the fourth hour, the dream world completed its third evolution and finally survived the catastrophe.

At the sixth hour, the fourth evolution, the survivors gradually increased

In the ninth hour, the fifth evolution, the emergence of Xeon level dream creatures.

At the thirteenth hour, the sixth evolution, multiple levels of Xeon level dream creatures appeared.

At the sixteenth hour, the seventh evolution, the birth of trans-epoch civilization.

At the 20th hour, the eighth evolution and the emergence of plural inter-era civilizations.

"Huh, how similar!"

Seeing the dream world that has completed eight evolutions, Nagato was stunned because he discovered that the dream creature had already sensed the universe outside the dream world and attempted to truly detach. And the detachment method prepared by those dream creatures is even more strange, which makes Nagato open his eyes and is also alert.

Of course, it is not the dream creatures but the other Taoist ancestors that Nagato is on alert.

A lot of dream creatures born under their own experiments can think of so many methods. For other Dao ancestors, in the face of the chaos of the chaos, they ca n’t wait to die, so what actions will they make?

Slightly pondering, Nagato pressed this problem down and focused wholeheartedly on the evolution of the dream world.

The ninth evolution gradually approached, and the plot of the dream world became more and more exciting.

Various protagonists appeared in the sky, various opportunities appeared, the Xeons no longer kept their hands, civilizations began to collide, and infinite battles spawned countless sparks of wisdom.

"Collect those sparks of wisdom!"

Seeing this, Nagato's thoughts moved, the power of chaos worked, and the 'harvest' had endless wisdom.

In an instant, the mind of the red-haired boy received endless wisdom.

The whole person is more dusty and charming.

"Good harvest."

There was a happy smile on the corner of his mouth, and Nagato continued to pay attention to the evolution of the dream world. With the passage of time, the ninth evolution of the dream world finally arrived.



There was a violent roar in the giant universe.

The dream world that emerged from the illusion actually merged directly with the giant universe. The fusion of illusion and reality promoted the advancement of the universe. At the same time, it also swelled up with wonderful waves of realm and strangled lives.

The central planet, and even the creatures on several colonial stars around it, were killed in the fluctuation of the realm.

Not only these creatures, but also the result of the complete destruction of microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses.


Seeing this scene, Nagato suddenly opened his eyes.

Nagato envisioned the results of many dream worlds after evolution, but he really did not expect that the completion of the dream world evolution would cause such a terrible catastrophe-the complete destruction of all creatures!

"Since the dream world is like this, what about endless chaos?"

After being silent for a moment, the thoughts in the head of the long door went back and forth, and then suddenly thought of a problem, that is, there is no other civilization in the giant universe except the central planet and the surrounding colonial stars.

But if there are other civilizations, what will happen to the evolution of the dream world?

Various ideas are intertwined in the mind of the long door, deducing a large number of possibilities.

The spark of wisdom is jumping

The red-haired boy's eyes gradually got confused.

And at this moment-

"Boom !!!"

Wonderful fluctuations burst out from the center of the giant universe, penetrated the crystal wall of the universe, swept through the long door, woke it up from contemplation, and then the red-haired boy saw that the center of the universe was suspended by a bright Road tires.

Above the road tires, the imprint of Metatron's cube is blooming endlessly.

The whole universe seems to be cheering and cheering for the dowry ..

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