My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 61: Saya, step into the abyss!

Chaotic starry sky, native space.

Saya didn't know how long she had been closed here. The closure of her thoughts allowed the girl's will to reach the deepest point of her soul, continually tracing back to her original origin, and she gradually transformed.

Many individuals who once split into races gradually returned during the transformation of girls.

Inadvertently, Saya crossed the line between individual and race.

She is no longer an individual, nor a race.

She is one and ten thousand!


A wonderful momentum rose into the sky, and the girl in white gauze suddenly hurried out. She crossed the endless time and space at the first time, appeared outside the chaotic starry sky, and instantly caused countless eyes.

There is concern from Bai Yujing, as well as maliciousness and attention from outside the door.

In a trance, the girl seems to be the center of endless chaos.

"come back!"

A faint chuckle appeared at the corner of the mouth, and the seemingly young girl showed a stunning and magnificent demeanor. With the girl's call, the door on the other shore standing above the chaos rang loudly.


The terrible shock spreads in all directions, centering on the door on the other side.

At the next moment, the door of the other bank turned into a streamer, directly immersed in Shaye's body, and merged with it without any stagnation. The girl's body turned upside down in an instant, and began to move towards the threshold of Daozu class.

At the same time, after losing the repression of the other side of the gate, the chaos that has been partly divided since the ninth era is finally complete.

"Boom !!!"

The complete endless chaos soon began its own evolution.

In addition to the area occupied by Bai Yujing and the eight super civilizations of Chaos, the remaining chaotic forces converge towards the center of endless chaos, and evolve the plane worlds at a speed visible to the naked eye.

For a time, the fluctuations of the creation echoed throughout the chaos, and countless creatures fell into epiphany and gained benefits.

But at this moment, no matter whether Bai Yujing's high-level leaders or the heads of super civilizations, their attention is not on this so-called creational fluctuation, but on Saya, who has just merged with the other side of the gate.

The girl in white gauze walks step by step in the chaotic void, slowly and firmly, but without the slightest hesitation.

Just looking at her destination, most of her eyes are stupefied and dull.

Because at the end of her way forward, she is exactly--

abyss! !

Before leaving the customs, Shaye had thought about how he should be promoted countless times.

With the promotion experience of Nagato as a guide, if you are willing to follow the steps, in terms of removing the strongest background of Nagato in Baiyujing, the chance of promotion is really not small.

After all, as the second generation of spirits on the other side of the door, the girl ’s predecessor was an extremely powerful Taoist ancestor.

However, she was reluctant to do so.

Since its birth, Saya has been complementary to Nagato.

If she was really promoted to an ordinary Taoist ancestor, then Saya would have a feeling that she was really thrown away by the long door-that kind of ending, she would rather die than accept it.

Therefore, in the process of retreat, the girl thought about countless ways of promotion.

The so-called four realms of the ultimate state, the spirit and spirit body, in her view, are only a kind of transformation of the soul, energy, soul and flesh to the extreme. Her mind is undoubtedly already fulfilled by the obsession with the long door.

She will not be afraid, will not be afraid, will not flinch, all negative emotions will not affect Shaye's spiritual will.

No, not only negative emotions, but also positive emotions, which also cannot affect girls.

In fact, what really affects Shaye's spiritual perfection is her attachment to the Nagato. In many spiritual systems, excessive attachment is even referred to as enchantment. Many spiritual systems advocate letting go of obsession. But Shaye ’s talents have already surpassed the barriers of her predecessors. Not only did she not let go of her attachment, but she was fulfilled by her attachment.

While Saye's flesh gradually moved to the extreme in the process of merging the gates of the other shore, suppressing an entire chaotic area, let alone the power of the gate of the other shore, the material alone has already reached the extreme under the endless chaos.

The fusion of the other side's gate as an instrumental spirit makes Saya's physical achievements obvious.

Compared with the flesh and mind, Shaye's soul and energy are inadequate. Shaye's path is the way of the true spirit. Her original accomplishments in soul and energy are not shallow, but she still lacks enough knowledge. .

If there is enough time to accumulate enough information, Saya can even logically reach the achievement of the second perfect Taoist ancestor.

But right now, she, or Bai Yujing's most lacking, is time.

Compared with other civilizations, Bai Yujing's background is very shallow. If he can't rise at the fastest speed, he will definitely suffer a great loss in the future battle, so Saya can only give up the most complete method.

In the end, after many choices, she outrageously chose the craziest one!

That is a decision that anyone will feel crazy when they know!


In a low voice, the girl had come to the edge of the abyss plane, looking at the endless deep vortex of darkness, she could feel it, and the abyss' twisted will was also watching her.

If it is an ordinary Taoist, under the watch of the abyss, I am afraid that it will soon fall directly.

But Saya was not affected at all, his eyes full of greed.

Yes, greed!

It's as if the predator is watching the prey. In Sayya's eyes, the endless abyss is a huge prey, and what she has to do is nothing else, just devour it and turn it into her own heritage.


Although the will of the abyss is chaotic and crazy, he is still the most powerful existence of the entire endless chaos. In the face of the girl's gaze that regards it as a prey, the abyss is completely rioted.

The endless power of destruction bursts out of the abyss, destroying everything around, even chaos itself.


Facing the roaring roar of the abyss, Saya didn't care.

In her body, a terror power of the Taoist level burst out directly, that is the power of the previous generation of spirits remaining in the other side gate-the original other side gate can continue to suppress chaos for thousands of years.

But Shaye forcibly terminated the task of the other side of the gate, and took this remaining power for his own use.

And now, this power is turned into a sword, and it has burst into the abyss


The violent roar spread around the abyss in all directions. The power remaining at the other side of the gate was amazing. Even the strength of the abyss was slightly weakened by this blow.

Of course, there will be such a situation, also because the abyss will was originally collided by the long-door calculation and the real earth will.

Although it is only a part of the abyss will, how does the real earth consciousness exist, if it is not suppressed by the chaos, that guy can even hang all the Taoist ancestors, in the real earth, her power cannot be justified.

Because of the disruption of the abyssal will, the real earth has undergone major changes, which has completely affected the plan of real earth consciousness.

Under great hatred, that guy directly attacked his ontological will through part of the abyssal will.

In other words, the current abyssal will is actually in a state of being badly hit.

In fact, if this is not the case, Saya will not be really arrogant enough to think that he can really swallow the abyss, but now, after confirming his speculation, the girl's confidence suddenly became full.

Of course, her probability of success is still very low.

Thinking so, Saya was about to take a step, and at this moment, the voice of the long door rang in the girl's ear.

"I wait for you to come back!"

There is no doubt that Nagato can only bless the girl ’s determination.

"I will return!"

With firm words, Saya, stepping into the abyss ..

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