My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 62: The soul is long and chaotic!

When Saya stepped into the abyss, the whole chaos suddenly broke out.

In the central wilderness continent of the Immortal Dao civilization, in the Zixiao Palace beyond the 33rd heaven, the Immortal Master sitting above the Tuan can't help but be silent. For a long time, the Taoist can only feel admiration and regret.

What amazed him was Shaye's perseverance and mind. With his eyes, he could naturally see Shaye's situation.

There are very few ancestors who can walk the path of ancestors in the short years after their birth. It is important to know that there is no second ancestor besides him in the whole fairy tale civilization. The strongest is the king of Daosheng extreme.

What he regretted was that the other party was so unwise and hit his idea into the abyss.

The existence of the abyss is extremely special, and even many Daozus are reluctant to admit that the other party is of the same kind, but there is no doubt that the abyss does have Daozu-level terrorist power, and the inside is even more powerful and amazing.

In the past years, it is not without Dao Zu's idea of ​​playing the abyss, replacing the will of the abyss and becoming the master of the abyss.

They have tried time and time again, distracted into the abyss, or created creatures to invest in the abyss, and even pulled from the real earth to traverse, trying to disintegrate the abyss from the inside, but obviously, the attempts have failed.

The difficulty of the abyss will completely exceed the imagination of the Taoist ancestors. It can be devastated and even destroyed, but it cannot be replaced.

Immortal Lord can already imagine the ending of a seed with the potential of Taoist ancestors.

Then he stopped paying attention and began to meditate, wandering chaotically.

The pure land of bliss of Buddhism and Taoism, Xumi Mountain.

Lord Buddha watched the disappearance of Saya, his face was a little cloudy, not knowing what he was thinking about.

In the original Divine Kingdom of the Crystal Wall Civilization, the Divine Lord quickly made a judgment like the Immortal Lord, but compared to the Immortal Lord ’s admiration and regret, the Divine Lord ’s face only had mockery and gloating.

This is not what the Divine Lord's character is really bad, just because he was the one who tried to replace the abyss most in the past.

After repeated failures, the God Lord with some good looks is really uncomfortable, and now there is a worse existence than him-even the seeds of the Daozu level have fallen, how can it not be miserable, God Lord is naturally very happy.

The vast chaotic edge, a chaotic area where countless star-sized monsters converge.

This is where the tribe of giant beast civilizations composed of chaotic beasts.

In the middle of the tribe, there is a giant beast covering the sky.

"Ha, interesting!"

I saw the giant monster open his mouth and said with a slightly heroic tone, "It's obviously a young girl, so I'm really looking forward to doing such a thing!"

An unknown technological plane, a spaceship sailing in the universe.

A Sanwu girl sitting on the captain's throne in a gesture similar to a mascot, or auspicious, could not help raising her head, as if seeing something, a smile of interest seemed to appear on her face.

"What's wrong, Noah!"

Seeing the girl's reaction, a seemingly ordinary strong boy around him asked.

"It's okay, you don't understand, I want to eat cookies!"

"Yes, yes, the cookies will arrive soon!"

In the face of the girl's perfunctory, the boy can only smile bitterly. After all, he is not a thorough character, or if he is too thorough, the magical girl in front of him may have left him.

Atlantis civilization, humane heaven.

At the top of the Imperial Capital Central Building cast by countless super technologies, a graceful figure shrouded in the hazy light slightly pondered: "The timing is really good, is it a coincidence, or is it"

Chaos starry sky, Bai Yujing.

At this time, Baiyu Kyoto was quiet, perhaps worried about being stopped. Before the operation, Saya didn't tell the women about her purpose, so Baiyujing's women were in a state of slackness.

"Longmen Jun!"

The first to break the silence was Yakumo Zi. I saw that the monster sage couldn't help but take out the folding fan, and opened the fan to cover his surprised face. "Say she does this, will it really happen?"

I don't know if it was the reason why my previous life was refined by Saya. The relationship between Yakumo Zi and Saya is surprisingly good.

Therefore, in the situation where all the women are sluggish, the monster sage first responds.

And hearing the words of Yakumo Zi, other girls also looked over.

"Trust her!"

Nagato did not give an accurate answer, but just said, "To be honest, Saya's actions are somewhat beyond my expectations, but since she has done it, we can only believe her."

"Okay, all right, we still have a lot of things to do."

Ending with such words, Nagato began to lead Bai Yujing to work.

After losing the repression of the other side of the door, Bai Yujing began to pay attention to other super powers of chaos, arming, establishing diplomatic relations, and even integrating their own powers.

Time passed silently, and in a blink of an eye, thousands of years had passed since Saya entered the abyss.

In the intelligence of many superpowers, Saya is already dead.

Only Bai Yujing still believes she can return.

What does it look like in the abyss?

this is a problem.

Once any soul enters the abyss, it will be completely isolated from the outside world, even if it is the distraction of the Taoist level. In the world's imagination, the abyss should be a crazy place full of chaos and sin.

After all, this is the plane affected by the abyss breath.

And in the endless chaos, there are indeed many planes, especially the sinful gathering place of the crystal wall planes dominated by the gods. It is called the abyss. Through these abysses, the world is more afraid of the real abyss.

But inside the abyss, is this really the case?

the answer is--

Not all!

At the moment when she stepped into the abyss, Saya was ready for a fierce battle, even a battle of life and death, and at the beginning, she did indeed contend with a powerful and extreme crazy will.

Only after nine deaths, the girl broke through many obstacles.

But when she broke through the will of the abyss and stepped into the depths of the abyss, she felt an unprecedented tranquility.

Then she even slept directly.

And this sleep is a thousand years.

"It's so comfortable!"

In the deepest part of the abyss, the girl with some broken clothes stretched out and looked at the pure, pure soul material surrounding her. Saya narrowed her eyes, and she found a lot of information in her consciousness.

That was the message that this mysterious sea of ​​souls fed back to Saya, the original visitor, or the future owner.

Through the information, Saya finally understood the origin of the abyss.

In the long past, before the birth of the Daozu-level Xeon, there was an ancient civilization in Chaos. That civilization prevailed in blood sacrifice. After controlling the trans-plane technology, it set off an infinite amount of **** storms throughout the chaos.

And their sacrificed souls will be divided into two parts, crazy will and pure soul origin, converging to the civilization totem.

Later, when the Chaos Tribulation arrived, the ancient civilizations could not escape, but their totems went further.

In the ensuing time, the crazy will of the totem's shell constantly twisted everything and eventually evolved into an abyss, while the inner soul source extracted soul material from all existences eroded by the abyss.

The so-called abyss is not a soul in essence, but a legacy, the legacy of ancient civilization.

If there are Daozu-level creatures who dare to step into the abyss, perhaps this legacy will not be available to Saya, but they are too worried about the strength of the abyss and dare not go deeper. The non-Daozu-level creatures are unable to overcome the difficulties of the outside world.

Only Saya, with the help of his legacy, became the heir to this legacy!

Thinking of this, Saya couldn't help but smile brightly.

"It's time to get promoted!"

The millennia of sleep in the soul material has already caused Sayya to soar to an incomparable level. With the girl's determination, her will expanded and instantly resonated with the entire soul sea and even the abyss of the outside world.


Outside, there was a raging wave in the endless chaos.

That was the terrible shock of the abyss.

Countless planes sink

All the strong men were horrified, all their eyes gathered in the abyss, and then they were horrified to see that the whole abyss slowly deformed into an endless stream of souls, which stirred chaos!

"I am Saye, here is the ultimate testimony !!" ..

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