My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 63: Chaos Blocker

Sudden announcements spread throughout the endless chaos.

Even the calm and comfortable Taoist ancestors were extremely dismayed, and the Taoist saints all showed jealousy, and then the entire endless chaotic beings appeared a huge shock.

The surging soul flows across the void, constantly transforming the abyss into its own food, and leaping towards a higher level.

The crazy and twisted abyss had no resistance at all, and the soul was transformed.

It looks like the abyss is taking the initiative to complete the other party.

"Damn it!"

Except Bai Yujing, all the creatures who saw this scene were stunned.

Then there were endless murders brewing in my heart.

"Can't make her successful!"

Almost at the same time, the vast majority of Taoists reached consensus.

If Saya is only promoted to ordinary Taoist ancestors, perhaps other Taoist ancestors can still tolerate it. After all, although the new Taoist ancestors are powerful, the lack of accumulation is also a big flaw, and they will not care too much.

After all, it's not far from the chaotic event of Chaos. I am afraid that the new Taoist ancestors can play a small role in the future.

But with the inexplicable self-sacrifice of the current abyss, Saya is 100% perfect Taoist.

Compared with other Dao ancestors, the greatest feature of the perfect Dao ancestor is probably that it does not require too much time to accumulate. The Dao ancestor who can achieve the perfect state itself is already accumulated deeply enough to be alone.

If Bai Yujing had two perfect Taoist ancestors, the entire chaotic situation would be a little tilted.

The other Taoists did not know that the situation had actually been tilted. Bai Yujingli had already had an innate Taoist ancestor known as the son of Chaos. He was not inferior to the perfect Taoist ancestor except that his heart could not keep up.

Of course, if they knew it, it was all Dao ancestors who came to block the Dao.

Instead of the three columns now:

The master of crystal wall civilization-God.

Lord of Atlantis civilization-Xi.

And, the master of Buddhism and Taoism-Buddha.

The three supreme beings came suddenly, which directly set off an immense amount of chaos, an overwhelming supernatural power, mysterious and unpredictable fluctuations, and a dazzling interweaving of Buddha's light.

Faced with the hindrance of the three Taoist ancestors, the long river of souls has no defense at all, but transforms the abyss on its own.

Because Saya understood that his long-term brother would definitely protect her.

as predicted--

"I said, you are out of bounds!"

Along with the indifferent voice, the figure of Nagato appeared directly in front of the long river of souls. His right hand waved violently, directly waving the power of the three Dao ancestors together with a large amount of chaos.

"It is not us who crosses the line, but you, Lord Lord."

The master of the Atlantis civilization shrouded in mysterious light, Xi said slowly, "The entire chaos needs to be balanced. We do not want the life of His Excellency Shaye, but we do not want her to be promoted so much."


The Lord Buddha, who is inseparable from the long gate, also agreed. "Lord, Lord, please think about it. This is the will of all our ancestors. It must not be violated."

"So, let's go!"

The Divine Lord who spoke last was extremely arrogant and hardly gave the long face.



Suddenly, the sudden attack came and directly drove the Divine Lord out.

It was n’t someone else who shot it, it was Nagato.

I saw that the red-haired boy slowly withdrew his fist and slowly said, "God, Buddha, and Xi, right, it is really exciting to challenge the three Taoist ancestors at once."


The face of the Lord Buddha is unbelievable.

He couldn't understand why the lord of reason would be so irrational. After all, if all Dao ancestors were really dissatisfied, then Dao ancestors would gather together, and his ending would definitely not be good.

"You are what you are, let's fight, let me see what qualifications you guys have with me!"

The Buddha's words were interrupted violently, and the flames on the long door burned wildly, scorching the entire chaotic area. "I'm already impatient of the so-called covenant, and chaos doesn't need so many strong men."

"The highest apex, it is enough to have me alone!"

The words of the red-haired boy directly stunned both Xi and Lord Buddha.

"Damn it, **** me !!"

At this moment, the God Lord who had flew the long gate before had reacted, turned into a golden streamer and flew back. The proud man was completely angry and angry after being suddenly attacked.

Innumerable Shenwei bloomed, filled with the entire chaotic void, and controlled it.

At the next moment, the entire chaotic void gave rise to endless will, directly confining the body of Nagato.

"My Buddha is compassionate!"

The Lord Buddha folded his hands together, and this person instantly transformed into a giant Buddha gold body comparable to one-sided plane. The gold body was lifted up and placed on the left and right sides of the long door, and then closed straight, it was necessary to suppress it.


The flames on the long door suddenly surging, blocking the repression of the Buddha's palm.

And just then, the mysterious daylight moved.

I saw a graceful figure that appeared a series of spatial ripples around him, and then a giant muzzle of three kilometers long emerged from the ripples, directly aiming at the red-haired boy in the stalemate.

"Ultimate Chaos Cannon!"

The supreme crystallization derived from scientific and technological civilization shows the gritty fangs, the unimaginable destruction energy burst out.

That is a terrifying energy cannon that cannot be described in any words. On the road of destruction energy, there is nothing to hinder it, even the atmosphere of chaos is annihilated in the energy of destruction.

Standing directly in front of the Destruction Energy Cannon, Nagato clearly felt a fatal crisis.

To be honest, Nagato was really surprised. God Lord and Buddha Lord were okay. Although they were powerful, they felt that they were still in the category that Nagato could cope with. But the mysterious Xi in front of him exhibited a crisis that made him feel fatal. power.

Stimulated by the crisis, the red-haired teenager burst out of his full strength without thinking.

"Giant Truth !!!"

Along with the roar, the Nagato directly and arrogantly broke free from the power of the Divine Lord, and then the infinite laws and the power of the Avenue emerged from his body, directly condensing an armor giant not inferior to the golden body of the Buddha.

This giant is a move derived from the redevelopment of the long river of truth by Nagato in the past millennium.

The essence of the giant is nothing else. It is a small part of the truth!


The abrupt appearance of the giant directly shook the golden body of the Buddha a few steps back, but the long gate did not take advantage of the pursuit, but faced the destructive energy cannon that was about to impact.

He could not hide, because behind him was the long river of souls transformed by Saya.


The armor on the giant burst out with the strongest defense and directly met the destroying energy cannon. In less than a moment, the destroying energy cannon hit the giant and directly drove him back half a step before disappearing.

Faced with this situation, Nagato was not happy, because a huge gap appeared in the armor of the Truth Giant.

With just one shot of the Destruction Energy Cannon, it almost broke the defense of the Truth Giant.

This really shocked the red-haired boy.


"It should not be an illusion!"

"That turned out to be the law and existence weapon specifically for chaos itself!"

"It's very likely that this guy is probably, maybe I have to go to real earth afterwards."

The slightly suspicious thoughts flashed in his mind, but Nagato did not show it at all, but re-energized the spirit, and the power from the long river of truth flowed out again, repairing the wounds of the giant of truth.

Not only that, but Nagato's body came directly out of the Truth Giant, looked at the enemy in front of him, and said:

"Come on, the battle continues!" ..

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