My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 64: The true meaning and followers!

Chaos void, the war is burning!

In the face of three powerful beings of the same level, Nagato has no reservations and no way to keep it. The giant of truth seems to have unlimited power under his will, and is mad at the golden Buddha Buddha transformed by the Buddha.

In just a moment, the two giant figures collided with each other countless times.

"Boom! Boom! Boom !!"

With the roar, Dao Dao's void cracks appeared in the endless chaos.

Even if it was only a simple punch and foot attack, the confrontation between the two burst out endless waves of destruction.

The so-called ultimate power, smashing chaos, nothing more than that!

On the other side, the main body of Nagato is at the same time fighting with the God Lord and the mysterious Xi. The infinite avenues and truth surround it, resulting in a multitude of sensational phenomena.

His spirit, fighting intent, and energy have all reached their extremes, and the strongest fighting power has blossomed.

But the two enemies of the red-haired boy are not ordinary.

Divine Lord is the origin of Shinto, and it can be called the strongest original deity. Divine prestige is displayed in his hands most vividly. Under the horror divine power of the Divine Lord, the entire battlefield has almost become his home field, with red-haired teenagers everywhere.

Xi is even more mysterious and seems to possess endless super black technology weapons.

In addition to the initial energy destruction cannon, there are such horrible weapons as dimensional annihilators, infinite black hole generating devices, and even philosophical weapons that are capable of destroying the world and even harming chaos.

Even if the coordination is slightly rigid, the joint attack of the existence of the two ultimate realms still produces an unparalleled effect.

Therefore, from the beginning, the red-haired boy was slightly in a disadvantageous state in the battle.

All the attacks he released, like a kaleidoscope, were suppressed.

It's just that Nagato displayed extraordinary resilience at this time.

No matter how strong the enemy is, he is still undefeated.

With the passage of time, the evolution of the long river of souls behind the long gate is getting deeper and deeper, as if it is about to cross a certain limit, perceiving these, Lord Buddha, Lord God and Xi are all in awe.

Unexpectedly, the three Dao ancestors immediately burst out of their own power.

In the chanting of the Lord Buddha, hundreds of thousands of Buddhas praised in unison, in the angry roar of the Lord God, the entire chaotic void trembles, while Xi is silent, the mysterious power suppresses all fantasies and differences can.

In the face of the offensive of the three Daozu levels, Nagato was immediately suppressed.


The first to collapse is the Truth Giant.

As the overflowing part of the long river of truth, the Truth Giant is powerful, but it is completely controlled by the will of the Nagato, but the brutal battle of the Taoist ancestry is an innumerable collision in an instant.

Even with the spirit of a long door, it is difficult to be distracted in such a battle.

So there was a flaw in the giant who manipulated truth.

In the end, Lord Buddha was the Taoist ancestor who had been promoted for a long time. In the face of the fleeting flaws in the Truth Giant, even if he grasped it, the golden body burst into infinite quantity of Buddha's light, tearing the Truth Giant in a violent posture.

At the next moment, the Buddha's golden body condensed and turned into a stream of light to join the battlefield on the other side.

Immediately, the pressure on Nagato instantly doubled!


Under the pressure, the war of Nagato became more intense.

His spirits and spirits have turned to the extreme, and there is even a tendency to exceed the limit. Inexplicable pleasures sprout in my heart, and the temperament of the red-haired boy changes slightly.

"Boom !!!"

The terrible blaze ignited chaos, the ghost of the long river of truth emerged, and infinite power was blessed on it.

For the first time, the Nagato turned into a streamer, breaking the realm of the God Lord and flying it away. Then he transformed into infinite fists and feet, blocking the incoming Buddha Lord.

Will evolves infinite magic soldiers, colliding with Xi's weapons.

For a time, Nagato suppressed the battle vaguely.

Whether it is the Divine Lord, the Buddha Lord, or the mysterious Xi, their faces are a little ugly. As the Taoist ancestors, they are suppressed by their three enemies and one enemy, which is naturally not a glorious thing.

Similarly, the three Dao ancestors were also a little shocked. They could feel that Nagato was sublimating at a speed visible to the naked eye during the battle.

The new Taoist ancestor in front of him seemed to have no limit, and was galloping on a path they did not know.

Not only the three Taoist ancestors, but all other Taoist ancestors who haven't shot yet notice this.

In an instant, the Taoist ancestors' thoughts worked like a storm.

"Could it be that this is the true essence of the perfect Taoist ancestor."

Almost coincidentally, all Dao ancestors got a similar answer in their minds, and on the battlefield, the three Dao ancestors glanced at each other, and their eyes flashed a decisive killing intent.

Now that they understand the true power of the perfect Taoist ancestor, they are even less likely to make it second.

If it is a threat, it must be eliminated at any cost!


With the inevitable killing intentions, the Taoist ancestors burst out of mysterious brilliance in different colors, and in the radiance, the sound of infinite prayer echoed in the void.

Through the mysterious brilliance, three great civilizations with different forms that can be seen faintly.

That's the light of civilization, and the civilizations where the ancestors lived gave feedback to the master.

It is also the support of all beings in civilization for the master of civilization.

The stronger the civilization, the stronger the light of civilization.

Under the blessing of the light of civilization, the fighting power of the three Dao ancestors has risen a lot in a moment. The situation that was originally slightly suppressed was reversed in an instant. During the terrifying collision, the long gate directly flew out.

Subsequently, the Lord Buddha and the Lord God united, and the power of the two merged into the supreme power of the God Buddha, which evolved the cumbersome to the ultimate seal, directly sealing the long gate and the entire battlefield where it was located.


Only the next moment, a seal of battle appeared on the battlefield.

However, neither the Divine Lord nor the Lord Buddha cares. They also understand that it is difficult to seal the Nagato, but their purpose is not to seal. It is enough to block the Nagato for a moment.

At this moment, the Lord of Atlantis took out his strongest destruction energy cannon again.

This weapon is not just a weapon, but also a manifestation of the power of Xi.

As her power increases, the power of the weapon becomes stronger!


The dark muzzle aimed at the long river of souls, as if the terrifying energy to end chaos blasted out instantly.

Seeing that Saya's promotion was about to be interrupted, many Taoist ancestors were relieved.

And at this moment-

"Appear, Chaos Starry Sky!"

Along with the sound of a beautiful girl who did not know where it came from, a change appeared.

"Boom !!!"

Suddenly, waves of huge ripples reverberated above the void battlefield, and then the surrounding heaven and earth changed, and the endless chaotic gas rolled, and a bright chaotic starry sky suddenly appeared in front of the long river of souls.

"Boom !!!"

The destruction energy collided violently with the chaotic starry sky.

In the violent roar, this chaotic starry sky offset the energy of destruction at the cost of half-destruction. Not only that, the chaotic starry sky collapsed autonomously into a turbulent destruction of the storm, and drowned Xi directly. ..

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