My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 73: Come again!

The establishment of infinite civilization is a milestone in the history of chaotic starry sky.

With this core civilization as the center, the cohesion and creativity of the entire chaotic starry sky have soared to an unprecedented peak, and they are still increasing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

What is manifested is that the technology within the entire infinite civilization is changing with each passing day, and the extraordinary power is constantly innovating.

And Bai Yujing's senior executives have also been significantly enhanced.

Of course, the biggest gain is still the long door.

As the absolute core of infinite civilization, the red-haired boy can get the blessing of the entire civilization, although the simple accumulation of knowledge and the increase of various backgrounds are not comparable to what he directly drew from the origin of chaos.

But that spark of wisdom from hundreds of millions of beings within civilization still gave him great inspiration.

Under such circumstances, Nagato began closed-door practice.

In the previous fierce battle, the red-haired boy had vaguely seen the brand-new road after the realm of the Taoist ancestor, but it was only a glimpse of the mirror after all, and it was not really seen.

Now with the blessings gained after the establishment of civilization, Nagato can't wait to open up the true face of that new road.

Just as the infinite civilization is developing at a high speed, and Nagato retreats with all his heart, endless chaos is also surging.

And the core of the storm is the tribe where the chaotic beasts gather!

With the passage of time, in the gap between reality and chaos, Saya continuously refines the master of the giant beast civilization, and many giant beasts in the giant beast tribe have sensed that the original source of their bloodline is rapidly weakening.

This situation caused the entire tribe to be turbulent and at the same time, it also attracted many unscrupulous eyes.

The battle of life and death between the behemoth civilization master and the lord of reason is not a secret in the endless chaos.

The situation of the behemoth civilization also indirectly illustrates the fighting situation.

The other Dao ancestors could not help turning their eyes to the giant beast civilization while feeling lamented by the jealous master. Knowing that as a natural being able to roam chaotic existence, the giant beasts have great research value.

If it were not for the strength of the behemoth civilization, the behemoth civilization could not have been so easy.

And now that there is a problem with the master of the giant beast civilization, the ending of the giant beast civilization is almost conceivable. Although it is not a big fan, it is secretly unknown how many black hands are starting to reach the giant beasts.

Even the infinite civilization that was just established, after completing its own reunification, looked at the giant beast.

The years are gone, and suddenly passed away.

I do n’t know when, the actions against the monsters in the endless chaos have changed from secretly shooting to blatant, and for a time, the monster civilization has become the enemy of the chaos, and has performed countless blood and tears.

I don't know how many giant beasts were killed, cramps and bones, bloodthirsty.

This is a matter of course.

Especially when the source sensed by the behemoths is almost dissipated, the greed of all beings is completely inspired. It is the so-called greed is the original sin, and all beings are already guilty!

During this period of time, Nagato has been quietly retreating.

With the support of the entire civilization and my death, Nagato's thinking is active and his aura is constant. The deduction of the road above the ultimate is becoming clearer and clearer, and he finally sees a corner of that level.

Although it was only a tip, it made the red-haired boy understand one thing, that is, Chaos lacked the conditions for promotion.

"Sure enough, if you want to go further, you have to get out of chaos."

Soon after reaching such a conclusion, Nagato felt that his back hand on the real earth was finally activated, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Nagato felt that his lucky value was really high.

A brilliant light flashed in the purple eyes, and the red-haired boy's eyes crossed the barriers of reality and chaos and saw a room.

It was a large and small room with simple decoration, only simple beds, desks and chairs.

And the goal of Nagato is the little girl lying on the bed?

"What a girl!"

Seeing his goal, Nagato couldn't help but feel uncomfortable for a while, just looking at a crystal clear bead hanging around the little girl's neck, he could only admit that he was unlucky.

Nagato's left hand behind the real earth is a bead with a small part of his willpower.

In terms of manifestation, this bead is considered a golden finger.

The host who got the beads can gradually develop the potential of his body through the influence of the beads, and even can stay in the beads through the long door to resist the power of various spiritual will levels.

It ’s just that Nagato was never a kind person, and the golden finger he left behind was naturally poisonous.

With the passage of time, the beads will gradually subtly part of the host's growth door, and then the red-haired boy can get a brand-new avatar as long as he separates a little more will.

It's just that the red-haired teenager didn't expect that the new avatar he was about to get was actually a little girl.

"Forget it, the little girl is a little girl, so it's less likely to be exposed."

Thinking so, Nagato kept a closed posture, and his little consciousness separated from the main consciousness. Through his connection with the beads, he instantly crossed the barriers of chaos and reality.

"Boom !!!"

The moment when the barrier was just crossed, a lot of information appeared in the consciousness of Nagato.

That is the reverberation of time flowing from the real earth.

In a trance, Nagato saw the intermittent picture, perhaps because of his own reasons. The red-haired boy saw more of the future of the little girl he was about to refine.

Summarizing and associating those pictures, he seems to see the path of a little girl becoming a generation of hegemony.

When returning to God, Nagato's consciousness has come to the real earth.

And his location is the little girl's room.

Looking at the sleeping girl, the long door was silent.

It was n’t that he could n’t bear to refine the little girl, but Nagato thought of a problem, that is, the time on the real earth cannot be echoed for no reason, something must happen.

Reminiscing that the pictures he saw seemed to be the real future of the earth, Nagato couldn't help but draw a conclusion:

"Someone look back in time in the future, or someone is born again!"

Although this conclusion seems ridiculous, Nagato instinctively thinks that it should be the case. As for why such a situation occurs, the red-haired boy vaguely has a few ideas, which can only be temporarily confirmed.

After putting doubts into his head, Nagato began to think about another question. Do he really want to refine the little girl in front of him?

Although chaos was born above reality, it is vaguely detached from reality. Chaos and real time flow are different, so the future picture displayed in the real time flow is a future without the consciousness of Nagato.

Under such circumstances, if Nagato refines the little girl, then it is too conspicuous in the eyes of the reborn person who knows nowhere.

No matter how you hide it, the surprise between Nagato and the little girl is too big to be seen at a glance.

Of course, there is nothing even if it is discovered by the rebirth. According to what the red-haired boy had sensed before, the reverberation of the real time may be strong in the future.

But the real rebirth at this point in time is probably just a ants.

What Nagato is worried about is that his own existence will be exposed to the real earth consciousness by the rebirth-as a result, it will inevitably have a great impact on Nagato's future planning.

and so--

"Forget it, I'll be a professional grandpa!"

Sighing softly, this ray of Nagato's consciousness was directly integrated into the beads hanging around the girl's neck. The beads were originally transformed by a ray of willpower from the Nagato, and the two were homologous, and the fusion was completed instantly.

At the next moment, the phantom of Nagato flew out of the beads and sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the girl who was still asleep. ..

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