My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 74: Fifty years of the new calendar

Different attitudes naturally have different perspectives on things.

After shelving the idea of ​​refining the girl into her own doppelganger, Nagato suddenly discovered that the girl was indeed a rare beauty embryo, with long silver hair, a flattering and lovely face.

Indistinctly, Nagato could still feel a trace of courage and dominance hidden under that quiet face.

"The appearance is still internal, and it looks very suitable for cultivation."

A dangerous thought flashed in the brain. The red-haired teenager raised his right hand and slowly placed it on the girl's head. The faint light bloomed, and Nagato began to explore the girl's memory.

Now that she has decided to train the girl, then Nagato must naturally understand the girl's past.

Of course, Nagato does not deny that he has the idea of ​​understanding the earth through girls.

Even if it is just the incarnation of the will, the power of Nagato is still not to be underestimated, and the faint light falls, and within a moment, the girl ’s memory begins to appear in his mind.

Browsing through the memory, Nagato knew that the girl's name was Ain Harters Streets.

She is a genius girl who walked out of the orphanage. She is only eleven years old this year. She has a great reputation in the Imperial Royal Elementary School. Although she has not yet entered the professional path, no one believes that she must become a professional.

"Professional, interesting road!"

Looking at Einhardt's memory, Nagato couldn't help but feel a little surprised. To be honest, he didn't expect him to know how much the earth is now from the girl's memory.

After all, the girl ’s age is there, but the girl in her twenties, Nagato does n’t think she knows much.

But it turns out that he really underestimated the host he chose.

Although Einhardt is young, she can read a lot. More than half of the books in the library of the Royal Elementary School are branded in her mind. Through these books, Nagato has more of the real earth at hand. Understanding.

Comparing his memory, Nagato knew that it had been fifty years since he last came.

Fifty years ago, the power of the will of the abyss came to the real earth-of course, the humans on the earth may not know that it is the power of the abyss, they just described it as the advent of disaster.

The advent of the disaster caused a terrible disaster, countless humans and even animals, plants are crazy.

In madness, a large number of humans, animals and even plants have lost their posture.

They turned into twisted beings, trying to kill everything.

In the face of such a terrible disaster, the original order collapsed quickly.

Less than seven days later, volcanoes all over the world erupted in unison. The terrifying shocks spread almost all over the planet. Everyone thought that the end was coming, and it was impossible to end the day.

But I never thought that it was not the end, but the bells of the new century.

The volcanic eruption brought the first Aura impact!

The mysterious substance called Reiki has led every living creature to its own evolutionary path. Humans and animals, even plants and microorganisms, have begun a new evolutionary frenzy.

There are wild beasts in animals, devil plants in plants, and professionals in human groups.

Only those twisted existences seem to be restrained by what kind of power, not only did there not appear any evolution, but instead weakened constantly under the impact of the aura, and gradually weakened.

The weakening of distorted existence and the birth of professionals have freed mankind from the despair since the disaster.

Powerful professionals cut through the thorns, drive out distortions, and reshape human civilization.

But all this is just the beginning. Just as humanity is about to return to the dominance of the earth, volcanoes all over the world erupt again, and the second Aura impact in human history appears.

This Aura impact made the global evolutionary frenzy even crazier, and a terrifying sea clan was born in the sea.

Not only that, the remaining twisted existence seems to have broken through any restrictions.

These monsters have finally completed the evolution and turned into demons.

The impact of the two new races has shaken the newly born human civilization, but human professionals are not vegetarian. Under such circumstances, they face the head without hesitation.

In this way, the human, the sea tribe and the demon tribe have fought for a full ten years.

During the war, the battlefields were spread over five continents and four oceans. The blood almost dyed this blue planet red. Finally, the main forces of the three tribes launched a battle on the European continent that is the largest in history.

The result of the battle was three defeats and injuries. The entire Europe fell directly to the ground, and most of the senior members of the three tribes fell on the spot.

Under such circumstances, even if we want to regain the dominance of the earth, mankind can only seek peace. In the face of mankind's peace, the remaining senior members of the Hai tribe can only agree after discussion.

But no one expected that the Demon Race that was born from the distortion was really distorted to a shocking point.

They had no idea of ​​surrender at all, but tore the disguise and took the lead in starting the war.

Facing the madness of the Demon Race, humans can only join forces with the Hai Race.

The battle called Devil War is started.

After a full three years of war, the scarred human and the sea clan finally sealed the king of the devil on the Australian mainland, and then the two races started negotiations and finally signed a contract.

At this point, the ocean belongs to the sea tribe, and the mainland except Australia belongs to humans.

After the war, it was a period of rest for ten years.

Human civilization has recovered very well.

But at this time, contradictions broke out at the top of human civilization. After a short and fierce one-year civil war, human civilization was divided into three parts, occupying the empire of the Asian continent, occupying the Federation of North and South America, and occupying the Holy See in Africa. .

It is worth mentioning that when Einhardt was born, it happened to be the day when the fuse of civil war in human civilization ignited.

Taking the day when the disaster struck as a new era, it is now 50 years of the New Calendar and 11 years of the Empire.

"In just fifty years, so many things have happened."

Moving his right hand away from Einhardt's brain, the illusory figure of the long door floated slowly and fell to the window in the room. Through the window, he could see a quite busy commercial street not far away.

There are really a lot of people coming and going on the street. After passing through the people, he can see all kinds of human beings.

Some have animal ears, some have mechanical prostheses, and some even have souls.

Compared to the earth in the long memory of Nagato, the current scene is more similar to the planet under Baiyu Jing's, almost subconscious. Nagato sighed, and he could never go back.

The otaku who is watching anime at home every day has completely disappeared.

Thinking of anime, Nagato suddenly thought of one thing.

Originally, when he knew the name of Einhardt, he felt weirdly familiar, but now that he had divorced from the will of the Lord, Nagato finally did not have that kind of realm of thoughts and thoughts.

And now, he suddenly remembered that the name Ain Harters Streets is the name of a character in the anime.

In the memory of Nagato, Ain Hart is the first character to appear in the animation magic girl Naye vivid. He has the thin memory and blood of the Overlord Ingewitt, and is good at stunting for the Overlord.

The reason why I think of this role is because the Baiyu Jingtianjiao Competition saw the Magic Cannon trio.

At that time, he spent some time recalling the plot.

Remember a few characters, including Einhardt.

"Overlord Achieves Overlord's Coincidence in the Future, Still"

Thinking this way, Nagato's consciousness was connected to the main consciousness, and then to the chaotic starry consciousness, scanning the Akashia record, and then he found that Ain Hart, who should have appeared under his, was gone.

Instead, Naye and Fitter found their own adopted daughter, Vivio, according to the original situation.

The operation of the chaotic starry sky will be influenced by the subconscious of Nagato.

Now that Nagato has remembered the girl Einhardt, it stands to reason that she will be born, and then at some point she will be recruited by Bai Yujing and become one of them.

But now the situation is that there is no Einhardt in the chaotic stars.

"Interesting, interesting!"

"It seems that the girl is really the original Einhardt."

Thinking of this, Nagato couldn't help but feel a little weird, knowing that even the Taoist ancestors in the chaos could not come to the truth, and an ignorant girl was born here inexplicably.

"If this puzzle can be solved, will Bai Yujing's girls be able to too?"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and Nagato couldn't help but feel excited. To be honest, today, the red-haired boy is full of confidence in whether he can survive the future disaster.

However, Nagato had little confidence in whether her women could all survive.

Those who have set foot in the Holy Realm are okay, he can help.

Other women really can only look at destiny.

After all, the future catastrophe is so chaotic, and Nagato cannot do everything, and now, he seems to have found a solution to the problem.

Thinking like this, the red-haired teenager turned around, and then he saw that the **** the bed had stood up and was looking at herself, and those blue-violet eyes were full of surprise and fear.

"Good morning, Einhardt sauce!"

The eyes looked directly at the girl, and the long door smiled slightly, saying hello. ..

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