My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 78: Go fake

Not to mention the intertwining between the reborn and the real earth consciousness.

In the library of the Royal Elementary School, the long gate sat directly in a remote corner and began to study how to design a more suitable system of professional practice to teach his students in the future.

In Nagato's view, a professional practice system is the prototype of a party's path.

To design it, there are three requirements.

Determined to resonate, spiritual power circulation and derivative technology.

The so-called concept is the meaning of the way. Just as the path of the warrior is war, the path of the magician is the law. Whether inheriting the original career path or awakening the career path designed by yourself, you must fit the road.

If it doesn't fit the road, then the rest need not say much.

The spiritual power circulation is a spiritual power circulation system with a psionic organ as the core. Only in this way can the psionic organ be completely perfected, and then spread to the whole body to complete the transformation of life.

As for the final derivative technology, it is called vocational skills.

If someone else wants to design a vocational practice system, then various hypotheses, knowledge demonstrations, and simulation tests are required.

However, the design resulting from numerous calculations may not be successfully implemented.

However, unlike Nagato, the wisdom of the endless Chao Dao ancestor level allows him to design a large number of suitable designs in an instant. As for the final verification, he only needs to experiment directly with Lingzi.

You can get the final result by directly engraving your own design on Lingzi.

It's just that although Nagato's vision was correct, he encountered trouble during the initial experiment.

He finds that much of the knowledge he has learned in the past has become a delusion in the real universe, but this is also a matter of course. Knowledge from endless chaos is already a lot of illusory components.

Born out of true vain, the law of chaos is somewhat incomplete and distorted, and this will naturally happen.

When he first came to the real earth, Nagato had the desire to understand the laws of the real universe, but the laws of enlightenment consume a lot of spiritual will. In his current situation, I am afraid that the enlightenment will dissipate within a few minutes.

The current situation seems to provide him with a new opportunity for insight.

"Since you can't directly enlighten the law, let's start with knowledge."

"After all, the law will be contained in the correct knowledge!"

Such thoughts flashed in his brain, and the research of Nagato directly changed the direction. He constantly extracted information from the endless knowledge in his mind and carried out inscription verification on Lingzi.

Countless knowledge has been turned into hypocrisy here, but there is also a lot of knowledge that can be etched smoothly.

With the passage of time, the two kinds of knowledge continue to differentiate, and the breath of Longmen is transforming at a subtle speed, as if he is constantly wiping away the dust from his own soul, and the satisfaction is born from the heart.

Not only the long door at the moment, but even the body located in the endless chaos, this is the state.

Until a moment


It seems that the constant inscription has consumed his own existence, and the spirit son collapsed and dissipated.

Nagato's mind suddenly returned to reality, looking at his empty palm, a red-haired teenager's face could not help but a look of unhappiness appeared, wondering if he would go hunting again.

Just waiting for him to act, Einhardt's voice echoed in his ear.

At this time, Nagato realized that it was time for school in the afternoon.

"Just come here first."

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and the illusory figure of Nagato disappeared directly in the library. The next moment, he had appeared on a remote path of the Royal Elementary School.


The nearby Einhardt saluted immediately.

"Well, let's go!"

Nodding his head, the long door returned directly to the Supreme Pearl.

Slightly concealing the supreme bead between the necks, the girl started walking towards her apartment.

On the way back, he seemed to be calm.

Einhardt was very quiet in his own right, and Nagato was revisiting the correct knowledge that he had selected. During the revisit of Takanoya, Nagato gradually gained a little understanding of the laws of this real universe.

What is showing is that the current Nagato finally does not need to force anything through its own willpower.

Basic spells such as the Master's hand, he has been able to achieve in one thought.

After returning to his apartment, Einhardt took out the Supreme Pearl.


In the call of the girl, the long door slowly appeared.

"Please teach me strength!"

After seeing the Nagato appear, Einhardt bowed without hesitation. Although he had slaughtered his inexplicably cheap master during the day, the girl knew the strength of the other from the bottom of her heart.

After continuing a whole day of nonsense lessons, she finally made her request unbearable.

Yes, meaningless!

According to Einhardt, the school curriculum has lost its meaning.

As a well-known genius girl, Einhardt has achieved excellent results in various courses in the school, but the girl understands that these do not have much meaning for her future.

Whether it's body surgery, meditation, or accumulation of knowledge, she has already reached the forefront of elementary school students.

The Royal Primary School attracted her, I am afraid that only the huge library is left.

In the empire's education system, elementary school students have to change jobs at the age of twelve, and those who succeed can enter colleges and universities to continue their studies. Although there is still a year, whether inherited or awakened, Einhardt has been fully promoted to a professional. .

But all this does not make much sense. If she wants to inherit her original occupation, she can only choose the most common occupation without background.

And ordinary means mediocre.

This is difficult for a girl born with a strong heart.

However, if she wants to awaken her own profession, she is not likely to awaken a powerful profession with insufficient knowledge reserves. This point, many examples with a higher heart than the sky give the answer.

If it were before, Einhardt might have to stay up for another year, trying to get more inspiration from the library.

Then start a professional awakening at the end of the elementary school career and make a gamble.

Only now, she has a master!

"it is good!"

Looking at the girl's firm gaze, the long door nodded slowly.

Not seeing what he did, a huge virtual screen appeared in Einhardt's eyes, with rows of directories displayed on the screen, followed by lines of explanation.

"If you want to awaken the strongest career that suits you best, you must have strong beliefs and sufficient knowledge."

"The former depends on whether you can strengthen your heart and lay the foundation of the road. This can only be done by yourself, while the latter can give you the knowledge I have, depending on how you choose."

The words just fell, watching Einhardt's eyes have been completely attracted by the screen, the long door just smiled gently.

What is displayed on the screen is the correct knowledge of Nagato after being analyzed by Lingzi.

After careful consideration, Nagato still thinks that it is better to let Einhardt awaken his career. After all, the so-called professional is the beginning and initial manifestation of his own path. It is most appropriate for the creatures to come out.

Of course, making this decision also has red-haired teenagers who want to have more time to distinguish the knowledge they have.

In this way, Einhardt began a new practice under the open education of Nagato.

Whether in class or after class, whether eating or taking a bath, or even in a sleep, Einhardt's mind is completely immersed in the sea of ​​knowledge, receiving new knowledge every day.

In addition to receiving knowledge, Einhardt will also take some time to practice some special techniques.

While Einhardt began to practice, Nagato also started his own hunting.

No longer confined to the Royal Elementary School, his eyes began to turn to the outside world. In less than half a month, 15 full-time professionals were deprived of psionic organs, almost every day.

Such a thing naturally disturbed the area around the Royal Elementary School and triggered a good public opinion.

It was just obvious that public opinion could not stop Nagato's action, and then he stabbed Ma Honeycomb, a child of a large family who accidentally passed through this area was directly deprived of the psionic organ by Nagato.

You should know that the big family's child is not a dude, but the future pillar of that family.

The future death of Liang Liang directly caused the family's fury.

Soon, a three-turn professional tycoon led a double-digit two-turn professional to this area and began the most rigorous investigation, even affecting the practice of Einhardt.

Faced with this situation, Nagato thought about it, and finally did not shoot again.

Although with his current power, even the so-called four-turn professional has the confidence to lay it down, but this power is ultimately passive water, and there is no need to waste it in this unnecessary battle.

For two full months, the big family went around and opened all the corners.

Eventually, in the warning sound of the empire's high level, they could only leave with hate

After the big family left, Nagato still did not start the action. At this time, he had recovered from the excitement, and then he understood one thing, that is, it is too slow to plunder the spirit to distinguish knowledge.

"Sure enough, it should still be corrected by direct enlightenment!"

Such thoughts flashed in my mind, and then I thought of my current situation. Nagato concluded that "Since my power is passive water, then I will make a source of my own!" --rm->

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