My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 79: Promoted to professional

After making the decision, Nagato did not immediately take action.

As for creating his own source of strength in this way, the red-haired boy already has some drafts, only because his actions are largely influenced by Ain Hart, so he needs the assistance of the other party.

If I want Einhardt to help myself, I must first promote the girl to a professional.

Therefore, Nagato's gaze finally turned to Einhardt's practice.

After a simple investigation, the red-haired boy was surprised to find that Einhardt's learning efficiency is very good, and he has even begun to outline the prototype of the future career through the accumulation of these new knowledge.

Of course, because of her own problems, the girl ’s own designs are still somewhat lost.

Therefore, in terms of knowledge accumulation, Nagato just guided a little secretly to make her notice her loss, and then proposed a new lesson to Einhardt-actual combat!

In Nagato's view, if Einhardt wants to be a real powerhouse, he must experience enough fighting.

The real powerhouse is definitely not learned.

It was born in battle!

Just because the surroundings do not have a suitable environment, Nagato placed this course in the girl ’s dream. As far as the dream is concerned, Nagato is definitely a master.

Under his control, Einhardt not only faced various opponents in his dream, but also experienced various environmental tests.

In the face of this new course by Nagato, Einhardt expressed his affirmation, and then in the following dream course, she also showed amazing enthusiasm and unyielding determination.

In this way, a little bit of time passed, and in a blink of an eye it was another few months.

After the New Year's Day holiday, Einhardt was finally twelve years old.


"Are you really ready for promotion?"

In front of a closed room in Imperial Royal Elementary School, the young teacher asked with some concern.

"Yes, teacher!"

Looking at the teacher in charge of the many closed rooms in the school, Einhardt said firmly.

After more than half a year of crazy learning and long-term guidance from time to time, the girl has a great grasp of awakening a suitable and powerful career, but there is no suitable place for promotion, you can only resort to school.

Fortunately, places like school do have many preferential treatments for top students, and her help was quickly replied.

Hearing Einhardt's firm answer, the teacher opened the secret room.

"Thank you teacher!"

Einhardt walked into the secret room slightly toward the teacher.

The inside of the chamber was somewhat empty and monotonous, and the thick sound insulation immediately made the girl feel a lot quieter in her ears, and the special runes inscribed on the floor of the chamber were slowly activated when she entered.

Soon, Einhardt felt keenly that the concentration of Reiki in the surrounding air was slowly rising.

It's just that the rate of increase is slow, and it quickly reached its limit.

"How to say, the environment can only be said to be unsatisfactory!"

At this moment, the illusory figure of Nagato appeared around the girl. He saw that he looked at the surrounding environment, frowned slightly, the power of will was released slightly, and the concentration of Reiki around him instantly increased tenfold.

After doing all this, Nagato nodded with satisfaction: "It's almost the same!"

"Thank you Master!"

Perceiving the changes in the surrounding environment, the girl immediately grateful towards the long door.

"It's okay, go!"


In response, the girl came to the center of the chamber and sat down.

Her mind entered the realm of no sorrow and joy in an instant, her perception expanded quietly, and she began to touch and interweave with the spirits that were permeating the dense chamber.

At the same time, Einhardt's spirit, will, and even all the knowledge he learned in the past began to condense.

At this moment, the girl suddenly remembered what Master said to herself last night--

"Einhardt, remember that career awakening is not random!"

"I told you that the so-called professional system is the prototype of a road. Any self-awakening professional is actually a step on the road that he recognizes."

"If you want to be a real powerhouse, you must not doubt your own way!"

The memory ended here, and Einhardt's will was completely firm at this moment. With the guidance of the girl, the sound of the surrounding sound poured out and gathered around him.

In a simple tuna breathing, madly drawing the aura, let it slowly integrate into his blood circulation.

Along the blood circulation, a large amount of Aura finally converged to his heart.

The heart is the psionic organ chosen by Einhardt.

After a series of thoughts and choices, Einhardt finally chose the career direction of the physical melee. With the determination of the girl, her heart finally began to evolve slowly and firmly.

Time passed slowly, and the pressure around the girl was increasing.

Until a moment


The slow and firm pulsating sound suddenly remembered, accompanied by a horrible coercion that could not be described in words, the blue and purple eyes flashed through a fine light, the girl finally completed the most important transformation.

At this point, Einhardt, who was just twelve years old, was finally on the professional stage!

In this era, professionals are always the focus of attention.

When Einhardt applied to the Chamber of Secrets for professional awakening, the news had spread throughout the Imperial Royal Elementary School. When she successfully walked out of the Chamber of Secrets, not only the elementary school, but also the whole area was a little shocked.

Everyone is wondering what kind of professional system this well-known talented girl will wake up to.

Was the genius **** the road to the strong, or was it down.

Many people are watching curiously.

Three days later, in a closed gym at the Imperial Royal Elementary School, after completing his daily studies, Einhardt was brought here by his class teacher, and three professionals appeared in front of her.

One of the professionals is the principal of Imperial Royal Elementary School, a second-career, Hua Zhi.

Although Hua Zhi is a second changer, his profession is not an educator who is good at fighting, and he does not know how he awakens such a profession. It is precisely because of this that he will surrender to the position of a primary school principal.

The other two professionals, the girl did not know.

"Classmate Einhardt!"

After the girl appeared, it was n’t anyone else who spoke first. It was the principal Hua Zhi. "I will introduce to you that this is an admissions teacher from the Imperial Royal College, a second-turn professional soldier, Shen Jianwen."

"And this is a student from the Imperial Royal College, a professional combatant, You Xi."

After introducing the two next to Einhardt, the principal immediately said to Shen Jianwen and Youxi, "These two are the Einhardt classmates who have just completed their professional promotion in our school."


Listening to Hua Zhi's words, Shen Jianwen nodded and took a step forward. Along with his footsteps, a tragic atmosphere of fighting rushed towards Einhardt in an attempt to suppress the girl.

It's just that the girl didn't know how much more tragic and thrilling battles passed in the dream created by Nagato.

Naturally, it will not be suppressed by the breath of a second-class professional soldier.


Seeing that Einhardt had nothing to do with his breath, Shen Jianwen's slightly cold face showed a smile.

He knew that this time he might have really met a real genius.

Shen Jianwen is an enrollment teacher at the Imperial College, specializing in cruising in various elementary schools to recruit those talented students.

When he first heard the name of Einhardt's genius, Shen Jianwen didn't care much.

In the past years, Shen Jianwen didn't know how many so-called genius students he had met, but those genius students who were able to maintain their names as geniuses after being promoted to professions are definitely few.

"Hello, classmate Einhardt, I am the admissions teacher of the Imperial College!"

After understanding the real materials of Einhardt, Shen Jianwen no longer kept a cold face, and slowly said, "I do n’t know if Einhardt intends to study in college."

"I will!"

Faced with the college's solicitation, the girl pondered for a while and agreed.

According to the information obtained by the girls themselves, if they are recruited into colleges and universities, they can get more resources in the colleges and universities. In the face of such good things, Einhardt has no reason to refuse.

"But before that, classmate Einhardt, you need to show your professional information."

"How to show?"

Hearing Shen Jianwen's request, the girl asked directly.

"Just fight me!"

It was not Shen Jianwen who answered her, but Youxi, a martial artist who had not spoken from beginning to end. The college student who was brought in for the freshman test seemed very dissatisfied and attacked during his speech.

In less than a moment, You Xi's figure appeared in front of Einhardt, his right hand slamming.


Facing the sudden attack, Einhardt raised his right hand uncomfortably.

The white little hands were instantly covered with a layer of darkness.


The fighter's fist bombarded Einhardt's small hand, and a burst of metal-like knocking sounded suddenly, and at the next moment, the terrifying coercion shock spread around Einhardt in all directions .

The first-to-be fighters suddenly fell into a trance posture, and then fainted directly in the constant impact of coercion.

After doing all this, the girl calmed herself down and said:

"Every night is small, how can you stop the prestige of overlord!" ..

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