My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 80: Annoyance and way

Empire, imperial capital.

This place was called the capital city 50 years ago, and it was the capital of the Kyushu heavenly dynasty. However, the disaster struck. The vast ancient capital of the civilization turned into dust. Until more than a decade ago, the empire was newly established and the capital was rebuilt here.

Jun Wushuang, the creator of the empire, was an early professional, originally an officer in the army of the heaven.

In a sense, the empire is the continuation of the once dynasty.

There is a lakeside villa in the southern suburbs of the imperial capital.

On the balcony at the top of the villa, there was a trace of evil in the youth all over the body. After drinking back the maid beside him, he looked at the information passed by his men, and his face could not help but be cloudy.

Name: Ain Harters Streets

Gender: Female

Age: twelve years old

Occupation: Overlord

Curriculum Vitae: An orphan born in the civil war of human civilization, since childhood, Zaohui, with outstanding memory. According to the survey, she has almost read all the books in the library of her elementary school. Only by virtue of his courage, he directly suppressed the fifth-year old student, martial artist You Xi.

Remarks: Bawang is a brand-new occupation, but it is undeniable that it has extremely strong combat power and potential. It is strongly recommended to focus on it.

"Still, rise!"

For a long time, the evil youth, or the reborn Jun Xie, could not help but sigh softly.

At this time, half a year has passed since the rebirth of Jun Xie. In this half year, his experience is really wonderful. The plots of all kinds of pretending to be face-to-face are not mentioned for the time being.

The entire emperor was active in his activity, which was full of topics, gossip, and various undercurrents surging everywhere.

To be honest, if you can, Jun Xie absolutely does not want to have such a wonderful life.

At least at the stage of accumulation of power, he still hopes to be stable.

It's just a pity that he really couldn't settle down.

He understood that he was stared at.

It is not anyone else who is staring at him. I am afraid that it is the dark Gaia-the will of the earth, which will devour the origin of the earth in the future, and even all life will complement its own terrorist existence.

This is illustrated by the remnants of the Demon Race who ran to the capital of the emperor not long ago to assassinate the monarch evil.

After all, in the future, it is no secret that the Demon Clan is Dark Gaia ’s minions. Now the Devil Clan is dormant at this stage, and only Dark Gaia can let these guys make assassinations.

Although surviving from the remaining evil of the Demon Race, and even going further, Jun Xie is also at the forefront of the emperor.

Under such circumstances, Jun Xie increasingly felt that his own strength was somewhat weak.

Therefore, Junxie began to prepare to recruit those future arrogance.

The reason why I did not solicit before is very simple. You have to know that Jun Xie is a playboy. He does n’t think that the capital of the infamous half a year ago can get a different view from those who will stir up the wind and rain in the future.

And now after half a year of incubation, he already has enough prestige and capital, so he took action.

It is none other than Jun Xia who prepared to be the first to be solicited. It is Inhart Strites, who will sweep all directions in the future, suppress Yingzhou, and be hailed by the world as the peerless hegemon who possesses the strongest physical destruction.

According to the information in the memory, Jun Xie knew that Einhardt awakened the occupation of the hegemon in the last half of elementary school.

In this life, he passed his hands early to get the opportunity handbook of the other party's achievement of the hegemony profession. Without that copy of the research handbook about the professional, Einhardt should still be worried about his future.

In such a situation, it is only necessary to provide the appropriate conditions. Isn't Einhardt within reach?

Jun Xie thought this way, and then he was beaten

Obviously, he has lost his destiny, but Einhardt has awakened a different occupation of the king from the previous life. Although he does not know the specific information of this occupation, he is definitely stronger than the hegemon.

The professional name in the professional system is not taken by the professional himself, but given by the destiny in the underworld.

It often sounds like the taller name, the stronger the power.


"It seems that Tianjiao cannot be estimated with common sense!"

With a soft sigh, Jun Xie's heart was full of loss. His mind flashed all the deeds of Einhardt in the past, as well as the unique style that he had been fortunate to witness. The reborn was annoyed.

He knew that he lost the best chance to get the other party.

After being promoted to a professional, Einhardt may have initially possessed the domineering will of the later generations.

Even if the level of power has only changed, it is no longer a surviving existence.

"Unless, someone can fully convince her!"

Such thoughts flashed in his mind. Jun Xie felt extremely headache. In desperation, he could only turn his gaze to other targets. At the same time, the rebirth was also secretly alert, and he could not blindly trust the memories of the past life.

"However, I will never give up, Einhardt, I must get you!"

At this time, Einhardt, who was concerned by Jun Xie, just happened to board the cruise to Yingzhou.

The girl who killed You Xi in seconds was immediately valued by Shen Jianwen. After simple procedures, Einhardt graduated from Imperial Royal Elementary School and became an admitted college student.

In the imperial education system, elementary schools are very different from colleges and universities. Primary schools can only be said to be the cradle of nurturing the strong.

The strongest in the cradle is the easiest to die, so the three thousand imperial royals are all built in the safest interior of the empire. Even in order to ensure the learning efficiency of students, the equipment around the elementary school is extremely retro.

In addition to basic electricity, there are few technological items, not even simple TVs.

The purpose of all this is to enable students to concentrate on learning.

The Imperial Royal College is different. It is no longer a cradle of gentleness, but a place full of struggles. In addition to further study, the main tasks of college students include various experiences until they become true warriors.

Under this premise, the positions of the 49 colleges and universities of the Empire are all located in the border areas of the Empire.

Among them, what Einhardt wants to go to is the ninth college of the Empire located in Yingzhou.

"The ninth college, alias Sakura college"

On the deck of the cruise ship, Einhardt leaned on the railing alone, slowly reading the introduction handbook of the ninth college he got from Shen Jianwen, and said softly:

"Master Master, what do you say about cherry blossoms? I don't know what cherry blossom viewing is like."

"It can only be said, okay."

Indifferently responding to Einhardt's question, Nagato's slightly unreal figure suspended in the air, forgetting the increasingly casual girl around him, Nagato could not help feeling the fun of the professional system.

It is worthy of the prototype of the road. After achieving the career of overlord, Einhardt's mentality is getting closer and closer to the real overlord.

The red-haired boy couldn't help but look forward to where his disciple would go in the future.

Just when Nagato sighed, You Xi's figure suddenly appeared on the deck. I saw that the martial artist who had no idea where to hide since he boarded the cruise ship walked slowly to Einhardt. .

"Senior, is there anything?"

Seeing the appearance of Youxi, Ain Hart slowly put away the handpiece and asked slightly.

The girl could feel that the surrounding atmosphere was a little frozen, but she didn't care. In her view, You Xi was just a defeater who could easily be defeated. If he wanted revenge, the girl was willing to accompany him.

"Something happened!"

Stopping less than one meter in front of Einhardt, You Xi took a slow breath, and then said something earth-shattering, "I like you, please get in touch with me, Einhardt girl !!! "


Immediately, there seemed to be a thunder in Einhardt's mind.

Once the horrible coercion of You Xi's stun was inadvertently unintentionally stunned by the unprepared You Xi, fortunately, there was no one else on the deck, and the girl instinctively restrained the spread of the coercion, otherwise the whole Cruise ships will be paralyzed.

Recovering from the sudden shock, Einhardt glanced at You Xi, who fell to the ground, and forced to endure before kicking him into the sea.

"Hehe, haha, hahaha !!"

On the other side, Nagato, who witnessed all these developments, finally couldn't help laughing, and said, "Interesting, it's so interesting, is this guy suffering?"

"Master Master !!!"

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