My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 81: Resources and end

The sea in this era is full of danger.

Even the territorial sea of ​​the empire cannot be taken lightly, and no one knows what terrifying creatures will be bred in the vast and mysterious sea in this crazy era.

Therefore, the speed of the cruise ship is not fast, so as not to attract the attention of some powerful underwater creatures.

Under such circumstances, Einhardt's life is a bit difficult.

The girl faced an unprecedented challenge in her life. As Longmen said, You Xi was a super god. He suffered two pressures from Einhardt and was dizzy. He loved the girl even more.

From that day on, You Xi always made a chance encounter by changing the method, showing love to the girl regardless of the occasion.

This action caused an uproar in the cruise.

Or emotion, or contempt, or intention

In an instant, Einhardt became the focus of the entire cruise ship, attracting countless eyes.

The little girl whose love is not open has a very thin skin. In the face of such a situation, she lost her size for a while. In addition, the overbearing road has been forged, and she simply cannot like the weaker existence than herself, so she faces Youxi every time. Confession, she can only faint.

It's just that You Xi is too strange, and he is getting more and more courageous.

To be honest, if it wasn't that the other party was his own senior, and if it seemed to have a slight relationship with Teacher Shen Jianwen, Einhardt would definitely stun him and throw him into the sea to feed the fish.

In the end, the helpless girl could only stay in her room as much as possible to avoid the entanglement of You Xi.

Fortunately, Einhardt can continue to acquire new knowledge from the long gate to learn, although the original girl was ready to relax while she had not yet officially entered the university.

And while Einhardt was studying hard, Nagato was not idle.

In fact, since he had just boarded the cruise ship, Nagato has been busy. In addition to looking at how Einhardt coped with Yu Xi's pursuit, his will has been scanning and exploring the sea.

Red-haired teenagers are looking for raw materials that can cast artifacts that carry their own will power.

Yes, artifact!

Nagato is going to use the Supreme Pearl as the core to create an artifact that can carry his own will power, and at the same time create his own source of power within the artifact.

After giving up refining Einhardt, Nagato vaguely realized that he didn't have much time to make a second similar avatar.

The gut feeling tells him that the final battle is not far away.

The short term is three to five years, but it is not longer than ten years.

Under such circumstances, the time of the long gate is very precious, and can not be wasted in some boring places, so the red-haired teenager must cast his own source of strength as soon as possible.

There are many choices for how to quickly create your own source of strength.

After careful judgment, Nagato decided to embark on the road of repair.

Not to mention, not long ago, Bai Yujing, a civilization artifact of infinite civilization, was cast not long ago. The accomplishments and accumulation of Nagato on the refining vessel have been too deep to add, and the prospect is bright.

The only thing that restricts the development of Nagato on the refining path is resources, the resources used for refining. A clever woman cannot cook without rice, without resources, it is difficult for Nagato to be useful.

This is why Nagato will try his best to help Einhardt promote to a professional career-if the girl stays in the area where the Royal Elementary School is located, the red-haired teenager has no way to collect resources.

And now, when Nagato harvests, there are endless resources under the sea.

The extraordinary changes brought about by the impact of Reiki are not only the various creatures including human beings, but also the earth itself undergoes various changes under the influence of Reiki.

Many deeply buried metals and minerals have increased Reiki conduction properties, and can be called high-quality refiner raw materials.

In the past wars, weapons forged from raw materials with such aura-conducting properties became the mainstream, so that the resources of various metals and minerals on the mainland were found and occupied by major forces.

There is only the endless sea, and there are hidden resources that are unknown, but humans can only look at the ocean.

However, this is also normal. It is necessary to know that even the sea clan claiming to be the owner of the sea only occupies a small part of the sea. For the sea clan, the sea is also full of unknown.

But for Nagato, no matter how mysterious the sea is, it is just a resource warehouse in his eyes.

Along the route of the cruise ship, the red-haired boy was almost searching all the way. Even in order to store resources, Nagato deliberately consumed his own willpower and opened up a private space.

The law of the real universe is really tough. Although it is only a playground-sized space, it consumes most of the strength of the long door.

So that the illusory figure that Nagato appeared became even more illusory

But in Nagato's view, all this is worthwhile.

The time is long, and in a flash it is more than a month.

After more than a month of sailing, the cruise ship finally arrived at the Tokyo harbour in Yingzhou. Under the knocking of Shen Jianwen, Einhardt had to walk out of the room and see Youxi again.

It seems that it was Shen Jianwen's warning, but You Xi didn't continue to confess, just looked at the girl with a bit of resentment.

If a cute girl makes such a move, it may be even more lovely.

But You Xi made such a move, but it made people feel sick.

Einhardt almost instinctively attacked.

Shen Jianwen seemed to feel a little embarrassed, no longer ignoring You Xi, directly greeted Einhardt and hurriedly got off the cruise ship, and then they took a taxi, and soon came to the imperial royal ninth college.

It is not so much a university as it is a city of academy, which covers an area no less than a city.

After registration and inspection at the school gate, the girl finally walked into this huge city.

Immediately, the girl felt as if she had come to another world.

The environment is no different from the outside world. At most, it seems that there are more electrical appliances, but Einhardt feels keenly that the air in the city seems to be filled with a subtle atmosphere.

Bathed in this subtle atmosphere, Einhardt couldn't help feeling a little high, and the fighting was slightly agitated.

The blood flow centered on the heart of the psionic organ seems to have gradually accelerated!

Reminiscent of the college introductions I saw before, the girl felt a slight surprise in her heart, and a faint smile appeared in the corner of her mouth. Einhardt did not say anything, but her temperament also changed instantly.

The childishness that had remained on the girl has gradually turned into an unmatched domineering! ..

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