My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 82: The so-called baptism!

"It's true, Einhardt!"

The changes in Einhardt were so obvious that Shen Jianwen discovered it the first time, even though he already understood the horror of the little girl's talent, he could not help feeling secretly.

The forty-nine college cities of the Empire are not a simple place to study.

They are places of competition, places of experience, and national barriers.

The forty-nine college cities are all built on the edge of the empire. In addition to the students, there are also the imperial army, the adventurers of the adventure union, and the fellows of the three teachings and nine generations.

The complex environment creates a complex atmosphere in college cities, and adapting to this atmosphere is a necessary process for every freshman.

Generally speaking, freshmen in colleges need more than a few months, or even months to adapt.

But Einhardt completed the process in just a moment.

Such efficiency has made Shen Jianwen wonder.

While marveling, Shen Jianwen suddenly made a decision, and he must take care of You Xi well, and do not let him disturb Einhardt again. Previously, he had acted selfishly while watching You Xi ’s actions.

According to Shen Jianwen, although Einhardt was a genius, he was still young and his mind might not be mature.

Immature mentality means that there is a loophole. Youxi is not unlikely to pursue her. If the boy can succeed, it is a good thing for him-after all, Youxi ’s sister is his wife.

But seeing Einhardt's performance, he knew that Youxi could never pursue the other party.

If you continue to struggle, Yu Xi's future ending may be very bad.

Just when Shen Jianwen thought so, the figure of You Xi appeared in his vision. At the same time, Einhardt seemed to have completed the transformation and opened his eyes.

Only the first time I saw You Xi again, the girl's eyes flashed a clear disgust.

"not good!"

Seeing this, Shen Jianwen was shocked, and immediately said, "Student Ain Hart, I will send you here. The next report is registered, you know what to do."

"Of course I know how to do it, teacher."

Hearing Shen Jianwen's words, Einhardt said with a smile.

The college introduction that the girl saw on the cruise recorded many things, including the procedures for enrolling new students, the various situations in the process, and coping methods.

"That's it, I'm going first."

With that said, Shen Jianwen strode toward You Xi, who was coming fast, until the two met, without a word, he knocked him out, and then he got up and walked out.

"Really, thank you teacher!"

Looking at the two leaving, Einhardt murmured softly.

The girl understands the thoughts of her teacher, and is quite satisfied with his approach. Just as Shen Jianwen thought, the patience in her heart has been worn out on the cruise.

If You Xi really entangled again, the girl will definitely shoot, and will not be merciless.

Fortunately, Shen Jianwen awakened in time, otherwise what might happen.

These thoughts flashed through his mind, and Einhardt was ready to register.

The university city is large, but travel is not difficult. The level of science and technology is rather high. There are some science fiction styles vaguely. It is difficult to imagine that this is a new civilization that has been built on the ruins of mankind after years of disaster. Looking around, Einhardt found his goal-a free subway that is rumored to reach all parts of the city.

After spending some time, the girl took the subway to the destination, the ninth university city administration building.

As the central building of the university city, it is a bit deserted here. Einhardt easily found the registration front desk on the ground floor. It is a young woman who looks about 30 years old with a white name.

"Oh, really a good name!"

Suddenly, the long door spoke so softly.


Einhardt is unknown, but this does not prevent her from registering.

Log in your name, fill in the information, and check your identity in less than five minutes. Einhardt completed the transition from elementary school to college.

"Classmate Einhardt!"

After the registration was completed, Bai Jie handed her a card engraved with the image of Einhardt. "This is your ID card. There are 100 contribution points in it. Please take care of it."

"Thank you!"

After receiving his ID card, Einhardt felt quite new.

Adults, professionals and college students who are 16 years old or older in the empire will have their own identity card after review. In addition to symbolizing themselves, the identity card can also serve as a consumer card and bank card.

As for the contribution point, that is the currency unit of the empire.

Since the age of extraordinary evolution, all kinds of precious metals, such as gold, silver, diamonds, and other objects have become good materials for spiritual transmission, and have become a reserve resource for all major human forces.

Therefore, all major human forces have introduced different currency units, and the empire is the point of contribution.

"Money, it feels weird."

I could not help but think of this idea. Einhardt was an orphan when he was born. He received empire support from a young age. Various resources were allocated by the empire. It was the first time he was exposed to the concept of currency.

But the girl also understands that from today on, everything you need needs to be obtained with your own hands.

Thinking so, the girl's mouth could not help but draw a shallow arc.

With the identity card put away, Einhardt left the administrative building.

Although she could still feel vaguely what Bai Jie wanted to say to herself, Einhardt didn't care much, because through her professional strength, the girl vaguely understood what Bai Jie wanted to say.

Less than a moment after walking out of the building, Einhardt stopped, because three figures appeared in front of her.

These are the three guys who seem to be a little bit sloppy and look like little bastards.

It's just that they are all filled with the power of a professional level.

"Hello, elementary school girl!"

Surrounded by Einhardt, one of the little yellow-haired gangsters said, "Welcome to the ninth college. We are your seniors. My name is Xiang Nakamura. They are Ryo Tai Maruyama and Yuwa Miura."


Hearing the yellow hair, Einhardt said the name lightly, and then said: "What then?"

"For the sake of school girl, we decided to give you a baptism."

A frivolous smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, and Nakamura said slowly, "Please hand over your contribution points, we don't want too much, each student is only thirty o'clock, how?" ..

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