My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 84: The Kingdom of God has just begun!

Purple Flame Swaying

Seemingly weak but unable to resist the wind, but never extinguished.

Only Nagato knows what amazing energy is contained in this purple flame. If released, it will be enough to destroy the current space, not to mention that it will even affect the earth and cause a vast number of natural disasters.

After all, Ziyan was ignited based on the willpower of the red-haired boy.

In order to ignite the purple flame, the figure of the long door was almost transparent.

But all this is worth it!

Generally speaking, the refiner needs several preparations.

The raw materials of the refining pot are not to mention the place of the refining pot, the flame or other medium used in the refining pot, as well as many means in the refining process, such as the imprint of the grate of the fairy road, the inscription of the divine scripture, etc.

If there is endless chaos, Nagato has countless means, and even creating artifacts out of thin air is a breeze.

But here is not chaos, but the real earth where the extraordinary power has just appeared!

No matter how high the skill of the long-door artifacts is, the refiner can't do whatever he wants. Under normal circumstances, the red-haired boy needs to first deduce the way of the refiner that the earth has just risen to a new dimension, and then carry out the refiner.

However, the time required for this is not small, which is difficult to accept for long doors with little spare time.

Facing such a situation, Nagato deliberately derived Ziyan!

This flame is burned by the willpower of Nagado as raw material, and contains the beliefs of red-haired teenagers, wisdom and infinite truth, which can be called the fire of Nagata in a certain sense.

Although it will cause greater consumption of the willpower that Nagato has not much, it can save time and directly conduct the refining.

"There is not much time, let's start!"

Feel every second of Ziyan's existence is consuming his own existence, the red-haired boy no longer hesitates, the figure that is on the verge of disappearing directly turns into a streamer, and merges into Ziyan, or the Supreme Pearl.


The purple flame rose immediately.

The magnificent and powerful force filled the entire space in an instant. The raw materials of the refiner in the center of the space flew to the center of the flame one by one, and the impurities were melted into the liquid in the burning of the purple flame.

Ziyan is like a gluttonous mouth that does not know where to go, continually devouring piece after piece of raw materials.

With the passage of time, raw materials have been swallowed, and Ziyan has begun to change.

The purple-golden mesh is centered on Ziyan and spreads in all directions.

Such nets are extremely strange, and even hard to call matter. Their existence seems to be embedded in time and space. With the spread, the entire space becomes more and more stable.

The years are gone, and suddenly passed away.

I do n’t know when the refining material stored in the space has been exhausted, and the purple flame has also subsided, leaving only a slightly illusory supreme bead suspended in the center of the space.

The large purple net with the Supreme Pearl as the core has spread throughout the space, integrating the space with itself.

So far, the artifact conceived by Nagato-the infinite kingdom of God has completed the first step.

Yes, the Kingdom of God! When conceiving the artifacts he wanted to make, Nagato had many plans, including many artifacts in myths and legends, which became his reference, but in the end he rejected these plans. .

There are many reasons, and the most important one is that none of these solutions can quickly accumulate power.

Thinking of the situation today, after much thought, the Nagato locked the Kingdom of God!

Among the many spiritual systems possessed by Nagato, Shinto is the one with the fastest accumulation of power. Although there is no deity of the real universe, it can be completely replaced by the Supreme Pearl.

The spirit net was derived from the law of the Tao of Tao, smelting the supreme pearl, and creating the infinite kingdom of God became the choice of the red-haired boy.

Of course, the Infinite Divine Kingdom of Nagato is not just a simple Divine Kingdom, but also contains many mysteries from the space of the Lord God, the cultivation system of Taoist believers, and even many systems.

"So, start the second step!"

With the sudden words, the faint pulse sounded in this infinite kingdom of God with the supreme pearl as the core.

In the echo, the entire Divine Kingdom takes the Supreme Pearl as the core, constantly self-adjusting and evolving, from the macro environment to the micro details, and even starting from the most fundamental source of law.

The large purple net started to work, slowly drawing aura from the void of God's foreign country, and taking a walk to all corners of the Kingdom of God.

Not only that, but some large nets penetrated the barriers of the kingdom of God and extended above the earth

The transcendent era has never been a happy place on earth.

The environment in which Einhardt lived from an early age was very peaceful, but that was the cradle that the empire specially shaped for the next generation. Although the real empire could not be said to be dark, it would never be too peaceful.

But relative to the Holy See and the Federation, which can be called the continuation of the heavenly dynasty fifty years ago, the environment of the empire is already very good.

Since the birth of the Holy See in Africa, it has been in constant turmoil. The dispute between the belief in the only **** who suddenly rose and the belief in the indigenous totems on the land of Africa has not ended yet.

And the Confederation of Freedoms everywhere is constantly arguing for so-called freedom.

Countless ambitions have been born in the extraordinary age, coupled with the so-called catalysis of freedom, the Federation is almost a dance of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods, so-called super criminals, and evil organizations are everywhere.

Of course, with super criminals and evil organizations, so-called super heroes naturally appear one after another.

Even afterwards, even the so-called Hero Association appeared!

Professional heroes took the stage of the Federation.

It's just that in the process of fighting against the darkness, few heroes can really persevere. Some heroes have fallen, some heroes have retreated, and some heroes have been abandoned.

Setante was also a hero.

With the nickname of wild hunting, he continued to pursue criminals like a hound.

Childhood dreams made him drift away on the path of the hero until the real darkness came.

When he became a hero, Setante thought that he might die in the hands of criminals one day, but he never imagined that it was his companion who was also a hero.

The reason why the other party started was that one of his heroes rescued the United States offended a big family dude.

"The so-called hero, in front of real power, is shit!"

Along with such words, the attack of the companion penetrated the heart of Setante.

Fortunately, the career on the surface of Setante is the most common gunmen, but the real occupation is the self-awakening ghost gunmen. Although it seems to be an ordinary gunman in all aspects, it can be reborn after death.

Only after that, Setante was no longer a hero, and the cost of rebirth cost him all his strength ..

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