My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 85: Dawn and three years

In this era, power is the most fundamental guarantee.

Losing his strength, Setanta not only has no way to avenge his revenge, and even his own life cannot be guaranteed. His enemies will never give up after knowing that he has not died.

Even if Setant is not a smart person, he knows that if he appears in front of the public, he will be killed.

And after experiencing one death, Setante never wanted to experience the second time.

Therefore, he can only change his face and evade everywhere.

But even so, after hiding in Tibet for half a year, he was still found, and it was none other than him, who was the partner who betrayed Setant.

"I didn't expect you to be alive!"

The former partner, Culloy, who has the title of "incarnation of the giant", smiled and blocked Surante, who had almost turned into a street tramp, in a remote corner.

"Once the wild hunt has become this look, it might as well die."

The faint voice was filled with undisguised killing intentions, leaving Setant cold all over.


This idea flashed through Setter's mind.

Then came the endless anger, you know, he has already achieved this point, the enemy still refuses to give up, it really makes him feel infinite anger.

It's just that there is no volition in reality, and anger can't rewrite his ending.

When Kuroy swelled into a body of about three meters and waved a huge axe, he still ushered in the end. The hot blood burst out of the cracked heart, and Setant's will gradually blurred.

And at this moment-

"Are you willing?"

Suddenly the voice appeared in the consciousness of Setante gradually dissipating, awakening his last remaining surging will, that was a burning anger, that was unforgettable.

"Since that is the case, let me give you everything!"

With such a voice, inexplicable will power emerged from the void, pouring into the body of Surtente out of thin air, fusing and replacing his consciousness and soul, and even completely repairing his body.

"Boom !!!"

The faint impact spreads in all directions, centering on Setante's body.

Kuroy, who had already turned and was about to leave, turned suddenly.

At the first time, he saw the completely restored Setante waving a crimson magic gun from nowhere and tracing a beautiful trajectory in the air, pressing his heart.

Kuroy's pupils contracted violently, and infinite surprise appeared in his brain.

At the same time, the body of a hundred battles consciously avoided sideways.

However, at this moment, the trajectory of the magic gun changed almost miraculously, between the electric light and flint, he penetrated the heart of Kuroy and wiped out all his vitality.

"No, impossible"

He murmured the words, and Kuroy fell. "Hoo!"

Looking at the falling Kuroy, Setante, or the long-door idea occupant of Setante's body, he exhaled slightly, and he had no more power left after he had just won.

Feeling the relief and lack conveyed in his body, Nagato felt a little uncomfortable.

In such a weak state, he has not experienced it for a long time.

"Forget it, let's experience life!"

He murmured softly, and the long door grasped the magic gun's right hand slightly, and suddenly a slight scarlet light burst out on the magic gun, and he immediately began to devour Kului's flesh.

In less than a moment, Kuroy's body withered and collapsed into ashes.

The pressure on the magic gun was exuberant.

Seeing this scene, Nagato nodded with satisfaction. After spending his initial victory, he combined with Santante's physical condition and consumed a lot of power to show this magic gun. The potential is good.

After waving a few times in the air, the long door stopped his movements, and a trace of thought appeared on his face.

In his induction, his other ideas and avatars were successfully won.

Some situations are better than yourself, and some are worse than yourself, but no matter what the situation is, the six hundred and sixty-six long-door idea avatars that extend through the Spirit Net as a medium have all succeeded.

They all spread all over the world with a brand-new attitude.

Indistinctly, Nagato could feel a slight resonance between himself and other thoughts.

Through this resonance, Nagato can sense that the spiritual web extending from the infinite kingdom of God is using its own and other thoughts as avatars to cover the entire earth quietly.

Under such circumstances, the speed and amount of the infinite **** kingdom's drawing of external aura have been significantly improved.

The speed of transformation and evolution of the Infinite Kingdom has increased significantly.

And this is an important reason for the appearance of many idea avatars of Nagato. In addition, the idea of ​​the idea avatars of Nagato is also used to collect information, disrupt the situation, experience the practice of the real universe and so on.

"After all, although it's all me, let's form a force!"

"And the name of this force is called dawn."

Such thoughts flashed in my mind, and Nagato and other idea avatars immediately reached a consensus, "All idea avatars take a new name, and in my words, reversing the causal magic gun, Setante"

"Well, starting today, I am Kuchurin!"

Thinking this way, Nagato, or Kuchurin wandered out of his remote corner, "What should I do next, first of all to avenge the original owner, to kill the young master of whatever power."

Time rushed like water, and three years passed in the blink of an eye.

The three-year period is not long, but in these three years, the world situation has undergone earth-shattering changes. Not only the empire, the Federation and the Holy See, but even the deep-sea maritime forces are surging.

And the beginning of all these changes is the dawn organization formed by Nagato's idea avatars.

This organization, with only a few hundred people in the eyes of outsiders, has been constantly battling various organizations since its establishment. It clearly seems to be full of disadvantages, but the members of the dawn organization seem to be hanging out and can always reverse the situation.

In the past three years, I do not know how many organizations, forces and even families have been destroyed in the fight against the dawn organization.

This caused the reshuffle of many forces around the world, and even caused the high-level civilizations of humans and the Hai nationality to have to pay attention. Coupled with the approach of the third Aura impact, the situation became more chaotic.

ps: Actually, I originally wanted to write by giving other people gold fingers and the like, but think about this critical moment, with the character of Nagato, it will not be such a wave, only forget it. ..

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