My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 86: in advance! Imperial messenger

Imperial Palace

Qiankun Temple.

Jun Xie stood quietly at the entrance of the hall, silent.

If you have such a choice, Jun Xie will never come here, but he has no choice, and the changes in the situation are becoming more and more chaotic, to the point that he can't even understand.

Although there were some twists and turns during the initial rebirth, the whole situation generally followed his memory.

Through these prophetic memories, he gained a lot of benefits and built a perfect foundation.

And just as he was preparing to make great strides, an organization called Dawn appeared.

Jun Xie dare to ensure that there is absolutely no such kind of organization in the future in his memory. The data collected through various means show that the members of the dawn organization are all generations of arrogance.

To be honest, this is totally unimaginable.

You should know that the golden age in the rebirth of the memory, the number of Tianjiao can only be called double ten, and now the golden age has not yet appeared, Tianjiao burst out of hundreds.

Such a situation completely shocked Jun Xie and made him understand that he could no longer grasp the context of the future.

Therefore, he put a plan for himself in the future-the self-destructive rebirth, ahead of schedule!

In order to reverse the dark future, Jun Xie must unite all the forces that can be united, but in his original plan, it will take at least two years to come here and be honest with the lord of the empire.

The reason is simple. Now he is not strong enough. Once he explodes his identity, the initiative is no longer in his own hands.

After experiencing the despair of the future, Jun Xie really hates this feeling of involuntary autonomy.


At this moment, the gate of Qiankun Temple slowly opened.

"come in."

The indifferent voice slowly came from the dark hall, that is, the founder of the empire, also the father of the monarch evil, the voice of the monarch Wushuang known as the unparalleled emperor.

Hearing this voice, Jun Xie couldn't help but feel awkward and calmed his mood.

Although he has memories of the future and has witnessed the glory of the future golden age, Jun Xie still can't deny that his father, the man who came from the initial catastrophe, is so talented.

Compared to the free will of the Federation, the incarnation of the **** praised by the Holy See, Jun Wushuang is the strongest in this era.

Thoughts flashed in my head, Jun Xie took a few deep breaths, and stepped into the hall

The next day, it was not yet dawn.

A slogan from the Qiankun Palace suddenly set off a hurricane in the upper tier of the empire.

Once the imperial prince of the empire, Jun Xie officially crowned the prince of the empire.

In an instant, the global undercurrent became even more turbulent.

Three days later, a private airport in the ninth university city.

At the helm of the university city, the seemingly blessed principal Jiang De welcomed the emperor's emissary here. When he saw the tall figure coming out of the spaceship, the smile on the principal's face suddenly became more sincere. .

"Long time no see, Lu Yan, let's hug and celebrate!"

Between words, Jiang De fluttered up with a smile, and was kicked back directly.

"You guys haven't changed at all!"

Withdrawing his long legs, the gorgeous woman named Lu Yan pouted helplessly, "I really don't know what your majesty thinks, and actually let you be a principal like you."

"Haha, that's the trust of Jun Boss!"

Climbing up from the ground, Jiang De patted himself on the dust and didn't mind being kicked.

In other words, he really misses Lu Yan's foot.

Both Jiang De and Lu Yan were fighters who had followed Jun Wushuang from the time of the catastrophe. In that most difficult period, Jiang De, who was often foolish, did not know how many times he was kicked by Lu Yan.


Seeing Jiang De's performance, Lu Yan couldn't help but feel helpless for a while, "Well, don't be impoverished, this time I came over in person, but there are serious things to do."

"Well, what's the matter?"

Hearing Lu Yan's words, the frivolity on Jiang De's face suddenly dissipated, revealing a serious look.

Just as Jiang De himself held the position of the helm of the ninth university city, and as a follower of the king, Lu Yan's identity is not ordinary. She is one of the three major leaders of all intelligence agents in the empire.

In Lu Yan's current status, she needs to take care of things herself, which is definitely not a trivial matter.

"About the Demon Race!"

Seeing Jiang De's face more dignified, Lu Yan paused and said, "Your Majesty gave the order personally, let me come and see, saying that it may be that the Devil King recently broke the seal."

"Although I don't know where your majesty got the information"

Speaking of which, Lu Yan's face also flashed a bit of doubt, and then continued to speak, "But with His Majesty's character, since he said, then the situation is inseparable."

"Damn it, it's only a few years, and it's about to break the seal!"

Jiang De's thinking is the same as that of Lu Yan. From the time of the catastrophe, he has been with Jun Wushuang's side for a long time and he knows the character of his boss. If it is not something that has been determined, he will never say it.

By the same token, since Jun Wushuang has spoken of this possibility, it means that the Demon King really has to break through the seal.

Once the King of the Demon Clan is broken and the Demon Clan reappears in mainland Australia, although his ninth university city is not the first to bear the brunt, it is definitely the first front to face the Demon Clan.

Secretly complained about his misfortune, but after seeing the big winds and waves, Jiang De calmed down quickly.

"What else do you command?"

After taking a few deep breaths, Jiang De said, "If not, let's go to the office to discuss it carefully. Before the disaster of the Demon Race comes back, we need to prepare well."

"Your Majesty has nothing to say, just let us act by chance."

After being silent for a moment, Lu Yan suddenly said, "But our new prince His Royal Highness asked me to convey a request to you, His Royal Highness, hoping to get some of your students."

Hearing the words, Jiang De couldn't help frowning, and a bit of displeasure flashed on some chubby cheeks.

Regarding the thirteenth prince who suddenly became the prince, he has heard many things, good and bad. In general, there are few good and many bad. Jiang De will of course not receive rumors that have not been confirmed. Misleading.

It's just that the other party has just become a prince, so he can't wait to use his power for personal gain, which makes him a little unhappy.

Jiang Deke didn't want the foundation of his generation to be handed over to a young boy.

Many thoughts flashed in his mind, Jiang De said, "Which students are they?"

"Ain Harters Streets, Shana, and Kinomoto Sakura." ..

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