My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 87: The magic disaster is coming!

Hearing these three names, Jiang De frowned slightly.

As the helm of the ninth university city, Jiang De doesn't talk about everything, but the daily workload is never a lot, so even if he holds the position of principal, there are very few students who can remember it.

And Einhardt, Shana and Kinomoto Sakura happened to be the few students he could remember.

Overlord Ain Hart, Red Lotus Apostle Shana, and Seal Magic Envoy Kinomoto Sakura are the arrogance of the ninth college graduation class this year. Their talents are outstanding, and even the ninth college has been the most outstanding so far.

Especially Ain Hart, the girl who is known as the king, made Jiang De think of the boss he admired most.

Xiu Wei's progress is so fast that it's eye-catching, and the leapfrog challenge is nothing more.

He has no doubt that, over time, Einhardt will surely achieve a goal that everyone can do.

Although people couldn't help but feel sad about the decline of the ninth college graduating class, Jiang De was very satisfied with the three girls. He also expected the three girls to win the national college competition soon. Get a good ranking.

So when I heard that the prince was going to take all three girls away, it was even more unpleasant.

Seeing the changes in Jiang De's face, Lu Yan naturally knew her partner's thoughts. In fact, if she didn't control a lot of the empire's intelligence, she knew that the young man's royal family had indeed turned back, so she wouldn't help each other.

"Anyway, my words arrived."

Waiting for Jiang De to give an answer, Lu Yan immediately said, "It's your own business to give it to you, but there is a situation where the magic disaster may come when I am afraid, I am afraid that there is no national university comparison. Oh."

"Same thing!"

Hearing Lu Yan's words, Jiang De was silent for a moment before he nodded, indicating that he agreed to the request of His Highness.

Seeing the consent of his partner, Lu Yan couldn't help but feel relieved.

No matter from what standpoint, Lu Yan does not want Jiang De to have a conflict with the prince of the empire. After all, from her observations, the prince is likely to rule the empire in the future.

Just waiting for her to say something, the sudden roar came from far away.

The ground at the foot of Lu Yan and Jiang De shook several times.

Unpleasant feelings appeared in the hearts of the two at the same time.

He looked at each other suspiciously, and Jiang De's arms produced a clear and pleasant ringtone, which was the sound of Jiang De's portable liaison. He took the liaison out of his arms and turned on the receiving device.

"No, my lord, there is an emergency in the city's third line of defense!"

"what happened!"

"It's a meteorite, the inexplicably huge meteorite that almost destroyed the entire line of defense, and so on, not good !!"

"what happened!!"

"Monsters! They are monsters, they drip from the meteorite!"

The sound came to an abrupt halt, and the scene was suddenly silent, both Jiang De and Lu Yan felt a little horrified.

You know, they are still discussing how to defend against the evil calamity in the front foot, and the evil calamity in the back foot broke out in advance. This timing is too coincidental, and it makes people too late to be prepared.

After all, the characters from the initial catastrophe era, Jiang De quickly calmed down and dialed a number:

"This is the ninth college city border army!"

"I am Jiang De and immediately told General Sasaki that the whole army was dispatched to target the third line of defense."

After giving the order, Jiang De put down the contactor in his hand and looked at Lu Yan's expression with some inexplicable expression: "When did you also learn the causal skill of crow mouth!"

"Less talking!"

Hearing Jiang De's words, Lu Yan rolled his eyes angrily. "Go, go to the city defense line. Although the magic disaster came so early and unexpected, I happened to be here."

"It's time to let those **** monsters know that if we can suppress them once, we can suppress them a second time!"

The ninth university city has a triple line of defense as an imperial border city.

The third line of defense is the line of defense farthest from the city. In addition to the most basic city defense army, there is also a mercenary union popular among professionals.

The mercenary union is an organization that came into being in the imperial border cities and was used to assist the empire to manage many professionals.

After all, not all professionals are willing to join the empire system. Professionals who are truly committed to the extraordinary road are not willing to be too shackled, and professionals are also people, and they need money and various materials.

At this time, the role of the mercenary union appeared. They replaced various tasks for the country to fight against beasts and criminals.

Professionals also take on tasks according to their abilities, complete the commission of the country, and obtain various benefits.

On weekdays, this line of defense is definitely full of people, noisy and lively.

However, at this moment, the roar of all kinds of monsters is flooding here.

The original union site has turned into a huge bottomless pit, a strange shape, but a monster with a twisted and malicious dark air crawled out of the pit.

Thousands of monsters wreak havoc across the entire line of defense, strangling the surviving life from the fall of the meteorite.

"not good!"


"I don't want to die !!!"

From time to time, one or two human wailings rang out from time to time. In the tide of monsters, life swayed like candlelight in the wind, and one after another went out.

"It's over!"

Recovering from the shock of the meteorite impact, You Xi saw such a **** scene.

Wan Wan did not expect that he, who had just obtained an idle position in the mercenary union through the relationship of his brother-in-law Shen Jianwen, would encounter such a terrible accident on the first day of his employment.

Even if he ran out of the union while taking advantage of the leisure time of changing shifts with others, he would probably die in the impact of the huge meteorite.

It's just that even if you escaped the disaster, in the eyes of You Xi, the difference is between early and late death.

The monsters all over the field of vision make You Xi unable to resist.


At this moment, a crooked monster that looked like a calf saw You Xi, and when it roared, it opened a big mouth of blood basin and rushed towards You Xi directly.

The fierce breath came, and with the death crisis, You Xi collapsed completely on the ground.

At the moment when Youxi was about to die--

"You are still so weak!"

In the leisurely sigh, a slender fist appeared in the field of vision of You Xi, bombarded in the void in front of the monster, then in the sudden roar, the void showed a spider-web-like crack.


The horrible turbulence swept towards the front, directly blasting the threw monster into pieces, flesh and blood flew. ..

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