My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 88: Career supernatural

The sudden change in the situation left You Xi blank.

You Xi then found a beautiful figure in front of her, her long silver hair flying in the air, and her exquisite back silhouette exuding the pressure of making people feel very shocking.

Even if she didn't see the girl's face, You Xi recognized the girl in front of her for the first time.

She is no one else, it is the overlord-Einhardts Streets!

The strongest student in the ninth college, the girl you think about.

Since three years ago, You Xi has never wanted to see the girl again, but under the strict supervision and strict supervision of his brother-in-law and his sister, he finally did not see each other.

Unexpectedly, in this case, he even saw his favorite girl again.


"so far!"

The distance is obviously less than two meters, but the girl's back looks infinitely distant in his eyes.

In just over three years, the girl had gone to a place that You Xi could not see at all.

This makes You Xi feel heartfelt and desperate for a while!


Just when Youxi inferiority inferiority, the surrounding monsters also recovered from the initial shock.

The flesh and blood scattered by the companion made these twisted monsters' eyes completely red.

In the roar, the endless madness rushed into the sky and raged

Faced with this situation, Einhardt's face remained unchanged.

As always indifferent!

Although it is the king who walks on the road of overbearing, Einhardt has never been a grumpy girl, quiet, even with a cold personality, so that she can calmly face everything.

The sudden sound rang from the girl's body, and it was a psionic organ called the Overlord Engine roaring.

A faint war spirit emerged, and a nearly substantive arrogance was generated around the girl.

"Be the first to be strong!"

The thought flashed through his head, and Einhardt punched directly in front of him.

The seemingly simple punch brings together the strength of the girl's whole body.

In the more than three years since Nagato left, Einhardt is still making progress. Two years ago, he stepped into the realm of second career, which gave birth to the life field of elite professionals.

Not long ago, the girl quietly promoted three turns, fusing the life field with her own psionic organs, and derived her own professional supernatural powers.

This kind of professional supernatural power is a mileage card on the professional road, symbolizing the complete formation of the professional road.

Generally speaking, awakening professionals can awaken professional supernatural powers as long as they make three revolutions, but inherited professionals rarely awaken professional supernatural powers. If they cannot awaken professional supernatural powers, it means the cessation of the road.

Any professional who awakens a professional supernatural power can be called a strong side, and they all have the possibility of stepping into the four rounds.

Einhardt ’s professional supernatural powers are simple and powerful, just a word of shock!

Now, girls are using their professional supernatural powers to the extreme.


The girl's seemingly slender fist bombarded the space, and the air shattered like a mirror. A scary white crack less than **** wide shook all directions. Hundreds of monsters in front of Einhardt instantly turned into countless pieces of meat and flew out.

The space in front of the girl was suddenly empty, and her vision instantly widened.

But Einhardt's face did not show any happiness.

Because she found that the defensive power of the monsters seemed to be beyond imagination. She once tried to search for wild beasts in the wild. According to past experience, if her opponent is a wild beast, the number of deaths can even increase by at least ten times.

In other words, the defensive power of these monsters is probably at least ten times higher than that of wild beasts of the same level.

"The defense is strong and the number is huge!"

Secretly summarizing the characteristics of the monsters in front of him, Einhardt couldn't help but feel a little tricky.

At this moment, perhaps due to the powerful influence of Einhardt, or perhaps the stimulation of the blood of the companions, the monsters gave a harsh roaring sound, the twisted momentum resonated, and the power was even more terrifying.

The fierce monster group was like a tide, surging towards the location of Einhardt, without mercy.

Faced with this situation, Einhardt did not hesitate to continue to blow out with one punch.



The spider web-like air fissures spread toward the front. The first monsters turned into flesh and blood in the fissures, and even the entire monster tide could not help but stagnate for a moment.

But it was only a moment. The next moment, the tide of monsters continued to move forward, as if to sweep everything.


Seeing this scene, Einhardt acted decisively and chose to retreat.

The girl ’s career is overlord. As a king above the hegemony, he should not be afraid of any hardships and obstacles, but not being afraid does not mean brain damage. In the face of an unmatched existence, the overlord will also converge slightly.

While retreating, Einhardt's eyes swept to Youxi who collapsed completely to the ground.

A glance of contempt flashed across the girl's eyes. She didn't expect this guy to have recovered from her gaffe after so long. If it weren't for the sake of some previous karma, she wouldn't try to save him.

Thinking of the other party's entanglement with themselves in the past, the girl even had an urge to give it up.

"But never mind, since you saved, then save people to the west."

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, Einhardt appeared in a teleportation behind You Xi, his right hand dragged his collar directly, the whole person jumped up, his steps were empty, gallop away.


Seeing Einhardt's escape, the monsters roared unwillingly.

Hundreds of monsters flew straight up, chasing after them.


The girl who was walking in the void felt that the tracker behind her only flicked her lips slightly, and did not look back. Instead, she accelerated her speed and directly rushed out of the level where the third line of defense was.

And when the monsters chased the girl and also rushed out of the level-

"Burn, Red Lotus Fire!"

"Wind, celebrate my strength!"

Two slender figures suddenly appeared, one of them was a dark-haired girl holding a flame sabre, carrying the wings of flame, accompanied by the flame of the whole body, and the other was holding a magic wand and looked very princess.

The joint attack of the two girls, the wind and fire are intertwined into a flame tornado that kills all creatures.

The monsters who came after them had no time to avoid them, and they were all involved.

Then torn apart under the endless flame blade and burned out. ..

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