My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 89: Mutation and three days

For a moment, the wind stopped breathing.

The two girls also put away their weapons and body visions one after another, and the face of the Taiji girl was unhappy, and immediately turned to look at Einhardt, who had just landed on the ground.

"What the **** are you doing!"

In words, the girl's eyes turned to You Xi, who was thrown on the ground by Einhardt, and the color of contempt was unabashed, "The adventure into the monster group is to save this guy."


It was n’t Einhardt, but another girl holding a magic wand.

I saw this gentle princess-like girl who looked at her sister's face as if looking at the headache. "You can't be so rude, and this gentleman, are you okay."

In the end, the princess girl's eyes turned to You Xi, who had just recovered.

Facing the soft eyes of the girl, You Xi froze back:

"No, it's fine."

"That's good!"

Hearing the answer from You Xi, the smile on the princess girl ’s face was gentler, pointing to a defensive fortress built by surviving professionals and soldiers, and the gathering place inside the fortress:

"Since it's all right, please go over there and meet other survivors. Let's go if we have anything."

As soon as the words fell, the princess girl gestured towards the Taidao girl and Einhardt, and then the three of them flew at the same time, flying in the direction of the monsters.

It wasn't until the girls disappeared in their vision that You Xi really recovered.

Then the expression on his face became complicated.

He knew the three girls just now, not just him. Almost all the students in the university cities knew that they were the three strongest people who stood at the apex of the entire ninth university city.

Overlord Ain Hart, Red Lotus Apostle Shana, and Seal Magical Sakura Kinomoto.

The former does not need to say much, and the red lotus apostle Shana is the maiden of the sword. According to rumors, she is a jealous girl, and the emperor drives the red lotus fire that can burn all evil.

As for the final seal magic messenger, it is also a girl with a nickname princess, the most popular student in the ninth university city.

You Xi did not expect that she would have had contact with three girls at the same time within a day.

If it is in the past, he may feel extremely excited, but at this time, his heart is more inferiority, despair and unwillingness, You Xi is not a fool, he clearly feels the contempt for the girls.

Even the gentlest princess, even though she didn't reveal it positively, showed her actions of leaving immediately.

You Xi also understood that his performance was too bad, so it would have such a result.

But his heart was unstoppable, even resentful.

And when Youxi mourned and complained—

"Are you eager to be strong?"

A voice filled with endless magic sounded slowly in You Xi's heart.

Time passed, and three days passed in an instant.

The Empire's Border Corps moved quickly. It reached the third line of defense in the third hour of the outbreak of the disaster, and cooperated with the surviving professionals and troops to resist the monsters in the third line of defense.

In the open space between the third defense line and the second defense line, the professionals united and easily built a new defense line.

The Imperial Army used this line of defense as a battlefield and launched a fierce battle with the monsters.

For three full days, the monsters could not cross the line of defense for half a step.

But the Border Corps can only do this. After all, there are too many monsters, and as time goes by, there are constantly monsters pouring out of the original pit, as if the end of the pit is connected to a monster World-like.

The amount of terror, coupled with the super-strong defensive power generally possessed by monsters, caused the terror of the magic disaster to rise by several levels in an instant.


"It won't work like this!"

On the wall of the newly built fortress on the defense line, General of the Border Corps, Koshiro Sasaki looked at the dense crowd of monsters below, listening to the attacks of the professionals and the roar of the monsters, and said.

With a long dark blue ponytail and two temples hanging down to the collarbone, there was a flash of worry on the handsome young kimono's face.

After three days of fierce fighting, he completely understood the real terrible place of the magic disaster.

"It really doesn't work!"

It was Lu Yan who responded to Sasaki, the first envoy lady who came from the capital to see Sasaki at first sight, and fell in love with the new General of the Border Army at first sight.

If it wasn't for the war now, she might have been completely attached to Sasaki.

Even if it is not convenient now, it does not prevent her from approaching each other from time to time.

Lu Yan's move surprised her partner Jiang De, but after being surprised, Jiang De took it for granted, because Lu Yan in his memory was a face control.

Sasaki's external appearance and internal temperament are in line with Lu Yan's aesthetics.

Under such circumstances, Lu Yan is understandable at first sight.


"Lu Yan, can you really like others?"

Thick worries flashed in his head, Jiang De did not show it, but took Lu Yan's words and said, "We have experienced the terrible evil of the disaster for more than ten years ago, so we know this very well . "

"Oh, what do you mean, principal?"

Hearing Jiang De's words, Sasaki's eyes turned to Jiang De, not paying attention to Lu Yan's gesture of lip curling.

"Our purpose is just to delay time!"

In the face of the leader of the army that he personally promoted, Jiang De did not make a fuss, and said, "The emperor is convenient for the army that has been prepared to support, and the weapons that are specially prepared for monsters.

"That's it!"

Hearing the words, Sasaki turned slightly, and turned to glance at the **** fighting soldiers. He said again, "How long will it take, I need a specific time before I can make the next command."

Hearing Sasaki, Jiang De and Lu Yan glanced at each other.

"It's almost time."

"about there!"

"That is now, after all, time is running out."


After a simple conversation, Lu Yan turned to look at Sasaki and said, "Dear Sasaki, I will watch my performance next. The Emperor Capital sent me over to watch the battle."

In this way, this enchanting woman jumped straight, and even jumped directly from the city wall and landed on the ground.


The surrounding monsters sensed the woman's approach and suddenly snarled and rushed past.



The powerful coercion spread out in all directions with Lu Yan as the center. ..

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