My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 90: Empire reinforcements!

Sasaki stands quietly on the fortress wall.

His pupils were unsurprised, reflecting a scene under the city wall. Although Lu Yan's actions were somewhat unexpected, there was no slight surprise in his heart, and some were just a faint surprise.

"This is the fluctuation of space."

Feeling the slight fluctuations in space, Sasaki said leisurely, "It turns out that the special envoy of Lu Yan can carry out large-scale space transfer, President Jiang."


Hearing the words of the young people around him, Jiang De couldn't help but secretly sigh Sasaki's excellence. Thinking of this, Jiang De had to praise his luck, and he was able to pick up a genius like Sasaki.

Because of this, Jiang De had to say something while Lu Yan was away.


After pondering for a moment, Jiang De thought about it carefully, and then said, "You must have seen it too. Lu Yan has a great affection for you, what about your thoughts."

"We are inappropriate."

Hearing Jiang De's words, Sasaki's answer was obviously indifferent.

Sasaki knew what Jiang De meant, and Lu Yan's professional strength was destined to have a great role in the empire system. Under such circumstances, it was difficult for Lu Yan's marriage to make his own decisions.

To be reasonable, the high-level empire must bind Lu Yan to his chariot.

In fact, if Lu Yan was the old man who first followed Jun Wushuang from the catastrophe era, she had long been assigned to a certain prince or core senior wife by the empire's senior management, or became the concubine of Jun Wushuang.

To be honest, I have long understood that the original Sasaki is a bit greasy.

Because from the beginning, he and Lu Yan were impossible.

Perhaps Lu Yan played a significant role in the imperial system, but it seemed to him that it was impossible for a woman with no special characteristics to enter his eyes.

What's more, he, as a doppelganger of ideas, could not have been in love with a woman.

Yes, idea avatar!

Sasaki is an idea doppelganger created by Nagato. Although the idea doppelgangs of Nagato form a daybreak, not all idea doppelgangs have joined the daybreak organization.

There are also many idea avatars scattered around the world's major forces, Sasaki is one of them.

"That's good!"

Jiang De, who was unclear about Sasaki's thoughts and all the reasons, was relieved immediately after hearing his answer, and said happily, "If you can understand it, I'm worried that you will be young and angry!"

"Thank you the principal for your concern!"

Replying gracefully, Sasaki's gaze remained focused on the battlefield.

At this time, the pressure on Lu Yan's body had soared to the extreme, and the void behind him swelled in a wave of pressure. With the spread of the ripples, a bronze gate with a height of more than ten meters was exposed.

"This is Lu Yan's professional magical power-the bronze gate, which can open the space channel in two places."

Seeing the appearance of the Bronze Gate, Jiang De immediately introduced, then a sigh flashed across his face, and continued, "If it wasn't for the devastating battle to protect us from being hit hard, Lu Yan had the opportunity to be promoted to four. Turned. "

Just as Jiang De spoke, a clear click sounded from the bronze door and slowly opened.

Lu Yan opened his body slightly, and at the next moment, a group of at least thousands of them, all equipped and looking like magnificent beast cavalry, rushed out of the bronze gate.

These cavalrymen were trained by special methods, and their breath was almost the same, as if they were a complete whole.

"That's the Royal Cavalry Regiment!"

Seeing the appearance of the cavalrymen, Jiang De's face flashed with surprise. He knew that the emperor was ready to support, but he never thought that the emperor had sent such an ace army.

The Imperial Royal Cavalry Regiment is a cavalry directly under the king, all composed of cavalry professionals, with terrible tacit understanding and combat effectiveness.

As if the arrow was off the string, the Royal Cavalry Regiment rushed out of the bronze gate and penetrated the monster frenzy.

Going forward, full of fearful momentum and impact!

In an instant, a conspicuous crack appeared in the dense monster frenzy, and the wild beast cavalry dared to penetrate the monster frenzy, but this was not the end.

Thousands of cavalry movements were completely consistent, and at the same time, they turned their direction and launched a charge again.

The number is completely above the cavalry, but the frenzy formed by the monsters can't stop the impact of the cavalry regiment. Once, twice, three times, in a continuous impact, the monster frenzy immediately splits.

After losing the numerical advantage, the monsters have much less advantage, and the Border Army immediately launched a counterattack.

For the first time, various charges over the entire defense line shouted after another.


"The monsters are retreating!"

Looking at the seemingly good situation on the battlefield, Sasaki's face flashed with surprise, "Principal Jiang, in your memory, will this happen to the monster frenzy?"

"Of course, yes!"

Jiang De's answer was a little blunt, and his face became unusually ugly. "Of course, the normal monster frenzy will not have any retreat, but if the masters of the monsters appear, it will be different."

"Master of the monster?"

"Of course it is the devil!"

It was not Jiang De who spoke, but an evil youth who followed Lu Yan to the city wall. "There is no reason for the monsters, only the devil can make them obedient and make such retreats."

"His Royal Highness!"

Seeing the youth, Jiang De's face flashed with surprise.

He did not expect that the new prince would actually come here in person, but when he thought of the Royal Cavalry Regiment, Jiang De knew that it was precisely because of His Royal Highness that the Royal Cavalry Regiment would come.

"Have seen Uncle Jiang, I am Jun Xie, please advise!"

During the talk, the young man came to the two. He saw that he first saluted Jiang Dewei slightly, and then looked at Sasaki: "This general has some face, I don't know how to call it."

"Sasaki Kojiro, just call me Sasaki!"

Facing the so-called rebirth in front of him, Sasaki responded quietly, and at the same time it was a pity that the timing was not right now. It would be great if the transformation of the deity in the Kingdom of Infinite God was completed.

You know, for this so-called rebirth, Nagato is very curious.

"I really want to dissect him well!"

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