My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 93: Recruit and fight!

Jun Xie did not know the calculation of the pure white girl.

Perhaps because he has thwarted many of Dark Gaia's calculations, he can't help but despise the other party, but in fact the rebirth has become a butterfly in the big net of Dark Gaia in his mouth.

Not only the pure white girl, but also the Nagato, and the leader who caused the rebirth of the monarch and evil are counting him.

In a sense, the end of the rebirth has determined infinite darkness.

But without knowing it, he still lives his own protagonist.

The next morning.

With the help of Jiang De, he finally saw Ain Hart, not only Ain Hart, but also Shana and Kinomoto Sakura, even the palace of the monarch was immediately excited.

You should know that in the past life of Jun Xie, these three goddess-level existences are all beautiful.

Einhardt, the peerless hegemon, will not say for the time being.

Shana is the future angel of condemnation. She has an unrivaled red lotus industry fire. As long as it is rumored that he is the evil person, even if the other party runs to the end of the world, Shana will chase to the end.

In that dark future prosperous world, the goddess of condemnation was the sustenance of countless civilians.

It's just a pity, maybe it's just after the break, the world is still more dark after all, this goddess of condemnation finally fights with the devil in the dark calculations, and eventually falls.

And Kinomoto Sakura is the future demon ruler, she even created a new power system.

Although the existence of the practice system is necessarily under Kinomoto Sakura, it has given countless civilians the power to protect themselves, and Kinomoto Sakura has achieved amazing achievements with this system.

In the memory of the monarch, the demon lord eventually became so obsessed with the darkness that Gaia Gaia himself tried to kill him.

Many people in the previous life believed that if it wasn't for insufficient accumulation, the demon lord might have become a savior.

At the time of the initial rebirth, besides Ain Hart, the person Junjun most wanted to find was Kinomoto Sakura, but it was a pity that he had not much memory of Kinomoto Sakura in his previous life, and he could not find anyone.

It was not until later that he confessed with Jun Wushuang that he used the power of the entire empire to find each other.

It was just a surprise to Jun Xie that Ain Hart and Shana and Kinomoto Sakura had no contact with each other, but in this life they have become classmates and even formed a team.

However, in this world where the world line is constantly shifting, Jun Xie also knows that the butterfly effect is getting bigger and bigger.

It is completely normal for something different from the memories of previous lives.

Thinking so, Jun Xie immediately invited:

"Be my partner!"

The heart of the rebirth is absolutely sincere. "I know that with the talents of the three, after a few years, I will grow up, I am afraid that I will not be under anybody, so I only hope that you will be my partners."

"I'm walking on a road that I don't know what the future is, and I need some partners."


"I reject!"

It was none other than Einhardt.

The girl ’s answer was clean and clear, her long silver hair dancing slightly in the air, and she said aloud, "I can feel your sincerity, but what you are doing is my business!"

"I said to myself, why should I embark on an unknown path with you!"

As soon as Einhardt finished speaking, Jiang De couldn't help but want to speak, but Jun Xie stopped him. "No, Miss Einhardt, you are wrong!"

It has long been understood that since the Einha traitor ’s monarch dare to say such a word of solicitation, he has his own words, "It is not that you are willing or not, but that all humans will follow this path."

The monarch's words couldn't help but reveal a touch of desolation, even the three daughters of Einhardt couldn't help but get infected.

The three girls were talented and intelligent generations, and they looked at each other. They vaguely realized that the imperial prince knew something about them, not even all humans, but what he would face in the future.

If what the other party said is true, then the two girls should respond to the party if they are reasonable.


"I still refuse!"

It was still Einhardt who spoke on behalf of the three girls, "I can feel that your Highness is not lying, but even so, I am not willing to give in to anyone."

"Not surrender, but partner!"

"Become your high prince's partner, imperial prince, and you will be equal to you!"

There was a hint of sarcasm in the girl's words, and then in Jiang De's angry eyes he said, "If you don't plan to give up, then come and fight."

"If your Highness can win, then I will naturally be willing to become His Highness's partner!"

"it is good!"

Jun Xie's answer is very simple.

In other words, from the beginning, he knew it would be the end.

Gossip is human nature.

The news that Junxie and Einhardt decided to fight has spread throughout the entire line of defense.

The place of battle is set on the temporary school ground of the defense line.

The battle has not yet begun, and the reasons for this news are spreading, perhaps because the Royal Cavalry Regiment led by Jun Xie saved the entire line of defense. Einhardt's image in everyone's mind immediately deteriorated.

After all, this is the highest-level invitation of the Imperial Prince, and Einhardt still refused so arrogantly, which really made many people unhappy.

"This is Jiang De's handwriting!"

At the edge of the temporary school ground, Sasaki held his long sword and listened to the whispers around him. A smile of disdain appeared in the corner of his mouth, but then he gathered it.

Slightly raised his head, his eyes just took the entire battlefield into his eyes.

At this time on the school ground, Junxie and Einhardt are facing each other.

Although the discussion around the campus was not loud, neither of them was a mortal, and they listened to it in their ears. To be honest, Jun Xie felt a little embarrassed and helpless.

He knew this was done by Jiang De in order to help himself. If it was another girl, this trick would be very useful.

But the problem is that this trick is to deal with the girl who almost interprets the domineering.

"Really, pig teammates!"

I can't help groaning secretly in my mind, feeling the increasingly fierce will of the girl not far away, Jun Xie didn't say anything, because he knew that whatever he said was futile.

Faced with this situation, only by doing her best to defeat the other party can she let her listen to her words.

Thinking this way, the power of the monarch evil detonated suddenly, and the evil flame burst forth all around!

"War !!!"

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