My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 94: Evil King and Overlord

There may be heavy shady.

But there is no doubt that rebirth is an extremely powerful plug-in.

You must know that the monarch before rebirth is an out-and-out prince. He is close to adulthood. He has not been promoted to a professional. Not to mention, his body and mind are empty because of the perennial flowers.

At that time, Jun Xie didn't say to re-enter the path of spiritual practice, that is, it would not be necessary to live for several years.

But with the rebirth plug-in, he has completed the life of many professionals in more than three years. At this time, he has already crossed the stage of one-turn and two-turn professional, and has entered the level of three turns early.

Even if you want to build a foundation that is enough to fight against the dark Gaia in the future, Jun Xie can even try to turn around.

The advantages of rebirth have allowed Junxie to obtain a lot of food. There are various researches on the professional system, there are panacea for brainwashing and blood exchange, and the body and mind are strengthened.

Under this premise, Junxie did not choose those so-called powerful occupations for inheritance, but self-awakening and pioneering.

In fact, if it is not too waste, all rebirths have a supreme heart.

The same is true for Jun Xie!

Through his own efforts and all kinds of intelligence advantages and resources, in the various targets of Dark Gaia, Jun Xie has grown at an alarming rate and has embarked on his own career path.

Its name-evil monarch!


The substantive arrogance burst out suddenly, and then calmed down, as if a thin film enveloped Jun Xie's body. In a moment, the figure of Jun Xie disappeared on the school ground.

This is the occupation supernatural power that Junxie got after three promotions, Xieyan!

As the name suggests, this flame has some evil energy, which is not as hot as a conventional flame, but has a variety of abilities. At this time, Jun Xie displays the hidden ability of evil flame.


"Keng !!"

Sudden voice echoed above the school grounds.

I saw that Einhardt didn't know when he had raised his right hand. The girl's slender white and tender right hand had turned into a dark color, and it looked like a metallic color.

And the finger of this black iron right hand just touched the tip of the blade protruding from the void.

The space at his fingertips shows a little oscillating space.

The metal collision sound just now is the reverberation produced when the two collide.


At this time, Einhardt spoke slowly, and the domineering domineering spread around the girl in all directions. "If it is someone else, it may be difficult to deal with, but for me, stealth is ineffective."

With the words, the domineering domineering power became stronger and stronger, and immediately stunned a large audience near the school grounds.

In the area on the edge of the school field, Sasaki looked at the crowds who had fallen to the ground, and a strange flash appeared on his face. He was very clear that with Einhardt's accomplishments, he could completely control the domineering in the battlefield.

Obviously, the girl deliberately leaked this power.

"It's really childish!"

Secretly sighed, Sasaki continued to pay attention to the battlefield.

At this time on the school ground, Jun Xie could not help but get out of Xie Yan's hiding under the more powerful domineering shock.

"Shoot !!!"

Ten minutes later, Jun Xie's face showed a slightly dignified look.

To be honest, Jun Xie never thought that in this new world line, Einhardt was promoted three times so quickly. Originally in his impression, the girl in front of him was promoted three years later. of.

"Awakened professional magical power, still shocked."

Many thoughts flashed in the brain, and Jun Xie was surprised to find that Einhardt in front of her was even more troublesome. "Compared with her previous life, she seems to have many more wonderful skills, such as coercion and perception."

"In this case, I can't hide it!"

Thinking about this, the evil flame on Junxie suddenly burst out, turned into a roaring evil dragon, and rushed out. In the face of the evil dragon released by Junxie, Einhardt picked it up directly.

Then she was surprised to find that the evil dragon impacted on the ground where she was, and directly bit the ground out of a big pit.

"Boom !!!"

The next moment, the temperature of the evil dragon rose slightly and became even more terrible.


Seeing this scene, Einhardt's eyes narrowed slightly.


I saw the girl waving her fist without any technical content. The punch fell directly. The space around the girl seemed to turn into a mirror, and then burst into a white crack.

That is the form of the oscillating force in the air.


The force of the concussion crashed down. First, it had a frontal collision with the more terrifying evil dragon. After it was shattered into fragments, a big pit was directly blasted on the ground of the school ground.

The audience standing outside the schoolyard felt the shaking of the ground, and expressed a horrified expression.

But no matter how they feel, the battle on the school ground continues.

The destruction of the evil dragon didn't affect the king's evil spirit. I saw that the crown prince waved his hand, and the evil dragon appeared again. This time, the evil dragon was no longer just one, but four whole dragons.

With the will of the monarch evil, the four evil dragons roared and rushed up.

And Einhardt is also unwilling to show weakness, continue to punch!


For a time, the roar continued throughout the school.

"A little meaning!"

Quietly watching the battle on the battlefield, a light reflection flashed on Sasaki's face. After the observation just now, he vaguely realized the source of the luck of the reborn, Jun Xie.

If the speculation is good, I am afraid that in the course of these few years of struggle, Junxie gradually got the humane care of real earth.

The human pan-consciousness of the real earth is not awakened and does not exist as the real earth consciousness.

Even the main power of this pan-consciousness is absorbed by chaos.

But even so, it still exists.

It ’s just weak.

And now, this very weak humanitarian consciousness seems to put its own chips on the body of Junxie. If it were not so, the evil dragon evolved from the evil flame of Junxie will not show any characteristics of becoming stronger if it devours the ground.

In Sasaki's memory, there is a power similar to this.

It was the beating emperor of the Moon World, a supreme magic sword that symbolized the determination of mankind to survive even the entire planet. The power of the evil dragon is similar to this magic sword.

Of course, compared to slashing the emperor, the evil dragon at this time still looks very immature ..

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