My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 95: Yanmo Youxi

In time, perhaps the monarch evil can reproduce the proud style of striking the emperor.

The premise is that the players behind the calculations behind him allow.

It's just obvious that it's unlikely.

As for the reason?

"If the chess piece is too strong, it will be difficult to control!"

Quietly narrating the tragic situation of a certain protagonist, Sasaki's eyes turned slightly. In fact, when he first watched the battle, he felt something strange around the school ground.

Although Sasaki's essence is high, it is limited to a body with only three turns and is not good at perceiving, but he can't find a trace for a while.

And now after Einhardt's clearing and the strange self-expansion, he found his goal.

It was a young professional who seemed to have only one level of transition.

Not to mention, this alone reveals the existence of the other party. After all, Einhardt ’s overlord color domineering is an artifact of clearing the field. At the current level of the girl, few professionals who can change the level can hold it.

Under such circumstances, a seemingly ordinary one-turn professional looks a bit dazzling.

Most importantly, Sasaki found himself actually knowing each other.

He was no one else. It was the martial artist Youxi who confessed to her when she graduated from Einhardt just a few years ago. Sasaki remembered that he was amused by his actions several times.

Originally in Sasaki's eyes, this was just a trivial little character.

But now, this little character seems to be counterattacking.

"Although at the cost of life!"

Indifferently made his own evaluation, Sasaki did not make any move, but quietly watched the other party's face constantly changing, and seemed to be making a difficult decision.

You Xi is indeed making an extremely difficult decision.

A few days ago, You Xi was called.

It was a call from a mysterious and unpredictable existence. According to that call, as long as You Xi is willing, you can immediately get the strongest power in the world and enjoy everything in the world.

But You Xi understands that there will be no pies in the sky, even if there are, there will be a price to pay later.

Therefore, he has been wandering between hesitation and acceptance.

Until now!

"Really refuse?"

Seeing the two figures continually intertwine on the battlefield, You Xi's heart was filled with unspeakable jealousy. Even if he denied it again, the two people on the field looked like a natural match.

And he is like a toad who is greedy for the swan's beauty.

"I, unwilling!"

For a long time, You Xi spoke lightly.

His heart sank into darkness immediately

Above the school ground, the battle between the Overlord and the Evil King continued.

Regardless of whether there were any other thoughts before the battle, the two people who have been fighting so far have gradually abandoned other thoughts, and the fanatical fighting intention gradually permeated their hearts.

war! war! war!

The increasingly violent fighting will lead the entire battlefield to a more intense level.

And at this moment-

"Boom !!!"

Sudden roars reverberated throughout the campus, not only the campus, but even the entire defense area.

All sober humans have felt an unprecedented crisis at this moment.

The fierce battle stopped in an instant. Everyone ’s eyes were instantly looked at a corner of the edge of the school field. It was a man who fell on the ground with his hand covering his heart. The identity of the other party.


After all, a few days ago, the girl saved the other's life from the monster group.

At this time, You Xi looked extremely wrong.

The audience around him realized that this was not right. In their eyes, You Xi seemed to become an extremely dangerous existence, and everyone immediately set up their unconscious companions and retreated.

"this is"

As a rebirth, Junxie reacted for the first time.

"not good!"

The pupil contracted violently, Jun Xie immediately rushed to You Xi, and at the same time shouted, "Everyone is ready to fight, this person is about to become a demon king!"

One stone shocked thousands of waves, and Jun Xie's voice instantly made everyone on the school ground secretly stunned.

Of course, Sasaki is just doing surface movements.


Jun Xie's voice was like a signal. You Xi's body suddenly burst into hot flames, horrible heat swept away, with You Xi as the center, a few meters of the ground directly turned into magma.

The former combatant You Xi fell into the magma directly, and it has completely become the memory of the past.

The next moment, You Xi appeared again, as a lava giant!


The whole process was completed in an instant, but when the figure of the giant appeared on the edge of the school roar, the terrifying coercion swept through, and the hot breath was sprayed directly from the giant population.

And the goal of this breath is very clear, that is, the monarch in front of the lava giant.

"Evil Flame!"

Faced with the attack of the giant, Jun Xie immediately manipulated Xie Yan into a shield.


The hot breath was instantly bombarded on the evil flame shield, and it was about to burst a crack, and Jun Xie himself also drew two trenches of up to ten meters in the impact of this breath.

"Not good, protect Your Highness!"

"All for me!"

"go to hell!"

The attack of the lava giant immediately caused the counterattack of the entire defense area, and it was too late to settle the companion. The surrounding soldiers rushed out one by one and launched the attack.


Facing the siege of the crowd, the lava giant burst out like a raindrop of lava attack.

Immediately, everyone's attacks were offset by the lava rain.

Many people were even hit directly by lava rain.

Those who died immediately are not without them.


Seemingly satisfied with the consequences of his own power, the giant roared with joy, and at this moment, the figure of the overlord girl appeared out of thin air above the lava giant.

The terrifying tyrants are all excited and all aim at the lava giant.

Under the oppression, the giant unconsciously raised his right hand to cover it.

"Broken !!"

Without any silent name in mind, Einhardt immediately slammed and sipped at the same time.


The giant magma arm of the lava giant, under the fist of a girl who looks slender, but in fact incomparably overbearing, first suddenly collapsed, then collapsed down from the middle, and finally collapsed. ..

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