My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 96: My Sword Swallow Returns

Jun Xie was surprised.

Seeing Einhardt not far away smashing the arm of the lava giant, Jun Xie clearly realized that Einhardt's attack power seemed to be stronger than when he had engaged himself before.

For the first time, Jun Xie thought about whether the other party had put water in the battle.

It was only soon that Junxie denied this possibility.

Perhaps the identity of his imperial prince is very honorable in front of others, but Jun Xie understands that in the eyes of this overlord girl, I am afraid it is just an identity.

She will never let water go because of her identity.

So, the answer came out naturally.

"The more war, the stronger!"

Softly sighing with the talent she valued the girl, Jun Xie suddenly thought that the fight was interrupted really well, if you continue, I am afraid that you will be defeated.

Perhaps it is a relationship of rebirth. Junxie can achieve the so-called dual purpose.

While thinking about Einhardt's problem, he also noticed another thing, that is, the strength of the lava giant in front of him is a bit abnormal, after all, he is the devil!

The so-called devil, but the master of the endless monster, definitely has terrible combat power beyond the general four-turn level.

And the demon king in front of him, although he is full of momentum, is a three-turn when he is in the sky.

"He is not the devil, or the complete devil!"

Even if he has the memory of the future, Jun Xie does not know the birth process of the devil, but he has heard a rumor that the original devil was only a will. His real birth requires another soul as a sacrifice.

If the rumors are true, the predecessor of this lava giant, the combatant is the sacrifice of the birth of the devil.

"But whatever the reason, wipe him out!"

The thoughts in my mind went back and forth, and I immediately reached such a conclusion. At the next moment, the figure of Jun Xie disappeared in place and appeared in front of the giant lava. The dagger pointed directly at the giant's heart.

It was at this moment that the lava giant burst into courage far more than before.

As if stimulated by something, the flame of terror suddenly blossomed.

Einhardt ’s fighting instinct was instantly brought to an extreme, and his footsteps disappeared in place, but the monarch who just came from was too late to react and was directly hit by the arrogance.

Immediately, Jun Xie couldn't help but feel stupefied all over his body.


Then he was directly slammed into the earth not far away by the remaining hand of the giant. Seeing this scene, the surrounding soldiers all had red eyes and launched an attack regardless of their body.


"Roar Roar !!!"

A horrible roar burst from the mouth of the lava giant.

At the next moment, the lava giant is facing the attack of all people, and at the same time, it is constantly absorbing the magma evolved from the ground under its feet, and its body is expanding at an alarming rate.

Until a certain moment, as if absorbing enough power, the giant opened his mouth of blood basin, which was a hot breath.

"not good!"

Einhardt's pupil shrank and appeared in front of his breath.

There is no way for the girl to not appear in front of this breath, because if she ignores it, the attack will bombard those who are unconscious on the ground not far away.

After all, the reason why those people will be comatose is entirely because of the girl's previous wayward actions. "Boom !!!"

In the face of the incoming breath, Einhardt punched out.

It is still the use of shock power.

Perhaps it is the reason that the time is too rushed. The strike of the Overlord Girl did not cause many cracks in the air. The defense set off by its shock quickly dissipated under the continuous bombardment of breath.

Seeing that Einhardt's defense was about to break down, he was about to bear the breath of the giant.


A soft sigh rang slowly around.

Listening to this sigh, Einhardt felt inexplicably familiar. Although the tone and other things were different, the girl instinctively remembered her sleeping master.

"Boom !!!"

At the next moment, the sound of crisp and sweet swords appeared across the sky.

It was a beautiful knife that appeared out of thin air.

The hot breath is cut off instantly!

"Still need to hone."

An indifferent voice rang in his ears, and Einhardt saw a handsome young man in a purple kimono walk past her and walked to the lava giant.

The elegant posture of his posture makes people feel emotional.

In the whole process, the giant did not attack, but stared at the young man very cautiously, as if he had encountered some terrible enemy.

Even the chaotic battlefield could not help but calm down at this moment.

Whether it is a monarch who just crawled out of the ground, or other soldiers who were seriously injured or not seriously injured, or Einhardt, their eyes can not help but move with the young swordsman.

"Below, Sasaki Kojiro."

Slowly quoted his name, Sasaki leisurely raised his long five-meter long sword, "You don't need to introduce yourself, please use all your strength, take me a knife."

Along with Sasaki's words, the sense of crisis of the lava giant soared to the extreme.

Thanks to this sense of crisis, for the first time, the coercion of the giant surpassed the scope of the three revolutions.

The power of terror even erodes the surrounding space, as if assimilating everything.


"The Secret Sword Swallow is back!"

At this moment, Sasaki took a step, and his long sword was suddenly swung out!

The desolation was so beautiful that the sharpness of the sword suddenly appeared.

It was an extreme sword light far beyond the imagination of the world, and immediately attracted everyone's attention, and then everyone was surprised to find that the sword light seemed to have changed at a certain moment, from one to three.

Three beautiful blades of light fell like a scalpel and fell on the lava giant at the same time.

The light of the knife flashed by, and three fierce knife marks appeared on the body of the lava giant.

Just a little bit, the giant will be completely divided on the spot.


At the next moment, the lava giant gave a terrible roar, and the whole body turned into a light of fire, rising into the sky instantly, and disappeared in front of everyone in less than a moment.

And Sasaki's complexion suddenly paled, with a knife on the ground, so as not to fall. ..

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