My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 97: Talk in the middle of the night

At midnight, the moon stars are rare.

Standing on the empty city wall, Sasaki looked quietly into the distance, and the soft moonlight gently spilled. At this time, the defense area had no trace of fighting in the daytime.

The extraordinary power of the professionals has already wiped out all the damage caused by the battle.

As for the results and impact after the battle in the day

Not to mention those dead luck eggs.

The promised battle between Junxie and Einhardt was temporarily invalidated, and after the battle of the incomplete Demon King, neither Junxie nor Einhardt had the idea of ​​continuing the battle temporarily.

Of course, the ideas between the two are still somewhat different.

Einhardt simply felt that fighting was enough.

Junxie is to avoid his defeat. In addition, Junxie has to seize the time to react to the situation in the emperor capital and deal with the incomplete Demon King head-on.

Therefore, before actually starting to act, Jun Xie felt that he needed more helpers and fighting power.

Sasaki became famous after that war.

Although he can only wield a sword, Sasaki's victory was completely penetrated into the hearts of everyone. I don't know how many swords professionals are eager to communicate with him.

A lot of girls have stared at Venus and fell in love with Sasaki who was already elegant and unusual.

Facing such changes, Sasaki was not happy at all, but just felt very troublesome.

So after the battle, he avoided everyone.

Not here until now.

"Nice scenery!"

After standing quietly for a long time, Sasaki whispered such a comment, and then continued to say, "What do you think, uninvited Miss Einhardt."

"It's the duty of the disciples to come to see the Master. It's nothing to invite yourself."

With the seemingly indifferent, but actually a little excited voice, the figure of Einhardt came out of the shadow behind Sasaki, "I really did not expect that Master, you will appear in front of the disciples in this way."

"How do you know my identity."

Listening to Einhardt ’s words, Sasaki slightly tilted his head and looked at the girl with a little excitement on her side, "I heard incomparable certainty from your words, this is very interesting."


Regarding Sasaki's confession, Einhardt's face couldn't help but a light smile appeared.

In the face of enquiries from his master, the girl did not hide anything.

"Intuition I understand!"

There was a pause, and a flash of light flashed across Sasaki's face.

In the extraordinary field, the so-called intuition is divided into many types, there are spiritual intuition, there are whistles in martial arts, the innate sense of heaven and earth in the fairy road, and so on.

Under normal circumstances, none of these so-called intuitions can sense the presence of Nagato and their mind avatars.

It's just that Einhardt has a special body. After all, the body of the girl has been baptized by the power of the long door for more than ten years. The girl who should have become the body of the long door has inherited the kind of almost the long door deity to some extent. God-given hunch.

Although it differs from the premonition of the Nagato deity by a thousand miles, it is enough to sense the essence of Sasaki.

After understanding the reasons behind, Sasaki didn't say much, but just said leisurely: "I'm not your master body, but a doppelganger of the fusion of the dying person."

"Avatar, what about respecting your body?"

After hearing this, Einhardt asked curiously.

"Still sleeping and transforming!"

Sasaki did not hide anything from his own disciples' inquiry. After all, it is not something that needs to be concealed. "In addition to my idea avatar, there are 665 idea avatars in the world."

"The names between us are different, and if you have a chance, you will also encounter them."

"So many avatars!"

Listening to Sasaki's narration, Einhardt couldn't help but sigh softly, but apart from the emotion, the girl felt a little familiar, thinking for a moment, the girl couldn't help but widen her eyes:

"Master Master, is that the so-called dawn organization"

"It's my masterpiece!"

A faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, Sasaki said lightly, "It's a product of chance, the so-called dawn organization is composed of my idea avatar."

Hearing the words, even the overlord girl couldn't help but be speechless.

She found that her master was really capable of doing things.

The legendary organization for which the whole world is turbulent, Dawn, was actually created by his own master.

But Einhardt quickly ignored these things.

After all, in the past, she personally witnessed a memory of her own master. In her view, what her master has done today is only a little bit of trouble compared to the past.

Compared to these things, the girl is more concerned about her own practice.

In the years when the master was asleep, she accumulated a lot of questions. After thinking and verifying some questions, she came to her own conclusion, but some questions need to be answered by her own master.

Facing the advice of his own apprentice, Sasaki was naturally happy to answer.

And while Einhardt was busy asking her master, two of her companions were following her trail.

In the imperial college cities, there is a more interesting tradition, that is, college students will register with the mercenary union with the encouragement of teachers and get exercise from the mercenary's work.

Because it is still a relationship between students at school, the students who register as mercenaries are usually in the form of teams.

Kinomoto Sakura and Shana are Einhardt's mercenary partners in the ninth university city.

Perhaps it is the reason for the same arrogance. The three women see each other as they see each other and become friends with each other.

Even on weekdays, I sleep in a room.

And now there are no exceptions.

This is the case. When Einhardt quietly walked out of the room in the middle of the night, Kinomoto Sakura and Shana, who could not sleep because of the many things encountered during the day, opened their eyes.

After the two girls glanced at each other, they waited in tandem for Einhardt to get away, and then got up and followed.

Through the manipulation of the wind of the wood source, the girls pursued the breath of Einhardt remaining in the wind, and soon came to the city wall. From afar, they saw Einhardt talking with Sasaki. ..

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