My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 98: Opportunity! Two women are promoted!

Perhaps it's because of being too at ease with one's own master.

Until Shana and Kinomoto Sakura came near the city wall, Einhardt still didn't notice it. In contrast, Sasaki noticed the arrival of the two girls for the first time.

While Einhardt lowered his head in contemplation, Sasaki glanced slightly at his head.

Coincidentally, his eyes happened to be in contact with the two girls.

"Boom !!!"

The deepness contained in Sasaki's eyes immediately confused the consciousness of the two curious girls, and then he slightly inspired the power of the Infinite Divine Kingdom and brought the two girls into the Divine Kingdom.

The whole process was completed silently in an instant, and the overlord girl did not respond at all.

After Einhardt thought about the question at hand, Sasaki suddenly asked:

"Einhardt, maybe I will take two more disciples."


Hearing the words of Nagato, Einhardt's face flashed with surprise, and then the girl remembered her two companions for the first time, "I don't know who you are, Master."

In the girl's vision, if her master had not yet decided, she would recommend her two companions to him.


"Just your two companions!"

As if she understood her thoughts, Sasaki said leisurely, "I have to say that the fate is really magical, and the three of you have actually come together. It is so in God's will that you are all just disciples."

"Of course, if they want to be my disciples, they have to go through some trials."

"What test?"

"You don't have to care about this."

Knowing that his disciples are interested in helping their sisters, Sasaki will not give her the opportunity, "The test is already in progress. Just after they came behind you, I sent them directly to the test place."

At the same time, the infinite kingdom of God.

After three years of evolution, the area of ​​the Kingdom of God has expanded more than ten times from its original posture, and its background and accumulation in all aspects have increased by hundreds to thousands of times.

Although the idea body at the core of the kingdom of God has not yet awakened.

However, under such circumstances, the consciousness of the Nagato deity located in the chaos can come here from the sky.

When Shana and Kinomoto Sakura came, they fell into a dream under the influence of Nagato.

Yes, dream!

But this dream is not an ordinary dream, but a dream of reincarnation.

To be honest, after knowing that Einhardt's two partners are Shana and Kinomoto Sakura, Nagato was surprised. After all, in his memory, the two girls were also in chaos.

Perhaps because of this similar experience, Einhardt and the two girls saw each other at first sight and became close friends.

It was also because of this situation that Nagato was prepared to accept them as disciples.

It ’s just that Nagato ’s admission is very strict. The most important thing is that Nagato ca n’t allow his disciples to run counter to his own. He has absolutely no intention of teaching an opponent.

Just as Einhardt ’s body and mind were influenced by the dominance of Nagato, he was prepared to dye the two girls in their own colors.

To do this, a near-reincarnation dream is a very suitable choice.

Because it is a reincarnation, it can experience a life set by itself, and because it is a dream, it will not have too much impact on its spiritual will. The most important thing is that it will not accumulate years in consciousness.

Nagato didn't want the two disciples who booked themselves to lose their youth because of the accumulation of years in their consciousness.

Perhaps youth means all kinds of shortcomings.

But youth has infinite possibilities!

As for the dreams of reincarnation of the two girls, it is actually very simple, just an orphan life living under infinite civilization. Nagato is confident that Bai Yujing's civilization power is enough to make them dye their own colors.

And just as the two girls were dreaming of reincarnation, their bodies were placed in two sources under the will of Nagato.

Nagato is about to take advantage of the opportunity to transform the bodies of the two girls. After all, compared to the body transformed by the strength of the will of Nagato, the two girls may be regarded as arrogant, but they are somewhat inferior in nature.

In the early days of the professional path, it was okay, but as long as you took four steps, there would be a clear gap between them.

Among them, the source of Shana is the source of the **** of punishment that Nagato specifically obtained from Naiako.

After all, the original Shana was the agent of the **** of punishment. In addition, the memory from the rebirth shows that the future Shana is the goddess of condemnation. According to various circumstances, Shana and the **** of punishment are very consistent.

The source of the Sakura Kinomoto is the source of a tree of life.

By integrating this source, it can help Kinomoto Sakura better understand the so-called spirituality. After all, her future name is the master of the devil, and she has a good attainment in spirituality.

In this way, a little time passed, and in a flash, a full six hours passed.

The girls ’dream of reincarnation finally came to an end.

at this time--



Almost at the same time, Shana and Kinomoto Sakura, who had escaped from the dream, were promoted.

Originally, the two girls were at the limit of two-turn professionals. They were only half a step away from being promoted to three turns. After experiencing the baptism of the dream of reincarnation and the promotion of the integration of the original source, the arrival of promotion was completely taken for granted.

It's just that the opportunities for the two girls are extraordinary. In the promotion process, they even expanded their own paths, and their careers have changed.

Xana's career progressed from the red lotus apostle to the punishment of heavenly punishment, directly awakening the professional magical power of the fire of heavenly punishment.

And Kinomoto Sakura advanced from the seal magic envoy to the demon messenger, awakening a professional supernatural power called Dian Ling.

At first glance, it seems to be just an ordinary auxiliary magical power, but at the moment of awakening, it spontaneously turned around, and the four elemental spirits with beautiful postures, which are graceful gestures, were directly formed around the girl.

The promotion process lasted for almost half an hour, and the two girls didn't fall to the ground until the realization was completed.

Then the scene around the two girls was blurred, and then appeared in front of Einhardt and Sasaki.

Looking at each other, the two girls bowed towards Sasaki:

"Have seen Master!"

ps: At the end of writing, the whole person was dizzy ..

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