My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 99: Inadvertent results

News of Shana and Kinomoto Sakura apprentice Sasaki soon spread throughout the defense area.

If it was before the advent of the evil, I am afraid that this news will cause an uproar. After all, although Sasaki before that was the leader of the border army, everyone knows that the real control of the border army is Jiang De.

Sasaki is just a member of Jiang De who accidentally picked up three years ago. Many people think that he is just a puppet of Jiang De.

Even many cadres in the Border Corps are very disapproving of General Sasaki.

What yin and feng yang are against is nothing new in the past few years.

However, after Sasaki repulsed the incomplete Demon King, this matter was completely logical. People with a clear eye can realize that Sasaki is only one step away from the state of the four pillars of the country's pillar.

After all, not all three-turn professionals can cut the devil who has just entered the four turns into a serious wound with a knife.

Some people are even speculating that Sasaki may be promoted to four turns if he wants to.

The reason is still in the realm of three revolutions, I am afraid it is precipitation, accumulation!

Later, after the fact that Ein Hart was a disciple of Sasaki came out a few years ago, the person who was originally entangled in the fact that Ein Hart and the imperial prince almost reached a tie immediately relieved.

With such a powerful master, the apprentice's strength makes people feel completely natural.

Not knowing such a decision completely wiped out Einhardt's own talents and efforts.

Fortunately, the overlord girl's mentality is excellent and has not been affected in any way.

It's just that Einhardt hasn't been affected, but other people have been greatly shaken-it's not others, it's the prince of the empire, the evil prince who is heavy on his own.

The rebirth dare to guarantee that there is absolutely no so-called master in Einhardt's memory.

In a state of confusion, Jun Xie turned his attention to dawn.

According to his own memory and the current situation, Jun Xie believes that the organization of dawn has affected too much future, then the conclusion comes naturally: Sasaki is a member of dawn.

The Einhardt and the three girls were attracted by this organization.

When he told Jiang De and Lu Yan of this speculation, Jiang Deman immediately received a complicated reply: "In fact, I just sent someone to reorganize Sasaki's information and got a lot of anomalies."

"Before I picked up Sasaki, he was just an ordinary Yingzhou swordsman's professional. His qualifications were mediocre. He didn't even have the name Sasaki Kojiro. It was only after he picked it up that he had undergone an amazing transformation."

"Originally, I thought he was a buried genius, and he was naturally promoted after getting enough resources."

"But now I want to come, what should happen to the changes I don't know."

Hearing Jiang De's words, Jun Xie and Lu Yan couldn't help but be silent. They were not stupid. It was natural to understand the anomalies. In addition to Sasaki himself, there was also his relationship with Einhardt.

After all, the mediocre Sasaki a few years ago and Einhardt, who was already known as an open-air talent at that time, could not be mentors.

"The biggest possibility is that Sasaki several years ago is not the same person as Sasaki now!"

Talking Lu Yan, this woman in charge of a lot of Empire intelligence is more complicated than Jiang De. As her investigation of Sasaki continues to deepen, she increasingly feels that love is about to leave her.

It was just that she was not an ordinary person after all, but she quickly calmed her emotions and continued to say:

"Actually, there is a very similar information about the members of the Dawning Group. No matter who those members are, they all changed more than three years ago. Not only did they change their names, they also became Tianjiao." "What is most surprising is that the names of these members are the names of legendary figures in the past."

"For example, Sasaki, his name is the famous sword hero who used to be the land under our feet!"

Speaking of which, Lu Yan appeared a little pause, and then continued to speak, "especially Sasaki's knife to slay the demon king, in the past history, there are also clear records."

Hearing Lu Yan's information, not to mention Jiang De, even Jun Xie, the reborn, was stunned.

Although Lu Yan is not specific, the rebirth can easily draw a conclusion that has a very high possibility, that is, the members of the dawn are all new recruits from the past.

As for the reason, it is very simple, the future of the earth's civilization will be destroyed, and it is not normal for the heroes of the past to be reborn and save the world!

After being silent for a while, Jun Xie slowly said, "What is my father's opinion."

"Your Majesty means to do more and more mistakes, just wait and see the changes!"

At the end of the speech, all three were silent for a while, but the three people who were thinking did not notice that a faint blush flashed in the eyes of a concealed gecko at the window of their room.

"Ah, they are really misled!"

At the same time, in a room hundreds of meters away from Junxie and others.

The whole body was shrouded in a black robe, like a witch-like woman in a magical story sitting on her knees, her hands were a crystal clear divination crystal, which reflected the shadow of the monarch.

The woman's name is Medea, which is the same name as the betrayal witch Medea in Greek mythology.

In fact, she was dominated by the idea of ​​the long door that Medea used as a template.

Yes, Nagato's idea is more than a man.

Also includes women!

After all, what Nagato really needs is spiritual experience and perception, but there is still a slight difference between men ’s spiritual experience and women ’s spiritual experience.

Under such circumstances, Nagato will not be obsessed with the gender of the idea.

In his eyes anyway, these are just the products of the transition.

"Will not care about Liu Liucheng's shadow!"

The woman who responded was Koshiro Sasaki who was also sitting in the house and tasting tea leisurely.

To be honest, Sasaki was also deeply moved by the unpredictability of fate. When his subjective consciousness differentiated them from these thoughts and avatars, he was just preparing to use them as a fulcrum for the expansion of the infinite kingdom of God, and to experience the practice of this world.

At that time, just for convenience, the subjective consciousness used many heroes of the Xingyue World as the basic template for idea avatar.

As a result, this unintentional move seemed to inadvertently touch something, and dawn dawned on the luck of the last humane era.

Sasaki, who is extremely high in life, can clearly feel that as the conclusions drawn by similar evils spread in the empire and even around the world, the luck of these idea avatars becomes more and more high.

The humanistic luck that is vaguely belonging to the real earth is divided into two parts. The last era belongs to the dawn organization.

As for this era, there is currently a lot of luck in the monarchy.

Of course, this is just the current situation!

That is, Junxie still has a role, otherwise, Sasaki and they have long secretly teamed up to deprive him of all his luck. After all, such things as luck are never too much. ..

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